Agenda and minutes

Oban Lorn & The Isles Area Committee - Wednesday, 12 June 2024 10:00 am

Venue: Hybrid Basis on Micro Soft Teams and McCaig Suite, Corran Halls, Oban

Contact: Karen Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant - 01631 567855 

Note No. Item




There were no apologies intimated.





There were no declarations of interest intimated.




Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee - 6 March 2024 pdf icon PDF 147 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee, held on 6 March 2024 was approved as a correct record


Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group - 8 May 2024 pdf icon PDF 177 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group held on 8 May 2024 was noted.



Oban Common Good Fund - 20 May 2024 pdf icon PDF 56 KB


The minute of the Oban Common Good Fund meeting held on 20 May 2024 was noted.




Question 1 – Frank Roberts


The Council secured Government funding to add to its own contribution of £3m for Campbeltown's flood protection scheme, which was neither the Council's first priority, nor the one causing the greatest loss and damage to local businesses and residents according to a December 2019 consultant's very detailed report. What steps are being taken to secure funding for the Oban Flood Prevention scheme, as outlined in the 2019 consultant's report and in the current Flood Risk Management Plan?


Secondly, the consultant's report specifically highlights (at 8.3.2 of that report) the Council's responsibilities for the proper maintenance of the Black Lynn (Knot Weed removal etc) and effective maintenance of the pumps in the Lochavulin Car Park. What is the Council's ongoing maintenance programme in regard to these?


The following response was received by Jim Smith prior to the meeting and read out by the Governance Manager:-


The Campbeltown Flood Scheme received funding through Scottish Government/SEPA’s flood prevention scheme which enabled these works to be progressed. The Campbeltown scheme having been prioritised as part of a Scottish wide flood prevention programme.


Some work will be carried out to clear the burn however this on its own will not create sufficient capacity to cope with a significant flood event.


Work is underway to modify the pumps at Lochavullin car park to make them more resilient, however, it should be noted that the pumps can only deal with minor flood events due to the surrounding levels. When flood waters reach a certain height there is nowhere for the water to be pumped to.


A report is due at the June meeting of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee setting out the detail and future options for Oban.


Question 2


At item 10 on the Agenda today, Councillors will be considering the proposals for an active travel plan for George Street. Four approaches, each being more complex than the previous one have been considered, and Approach 2 selected for further development.


Approach 1 includes the proposal, inter alia, to “retain the formal parking throughout and remove the provision for informal yellow line parking”.


Approach 2 builds on Approach 1 with additional infrastructure, but additionally requires ”a localised reduction of parking and a new loading strategy”.


The Chair noted that this item would be fully discussed later in the agenda and it would not be appropriate for a response to be given at this time.  Mr Roberts noted this and agreed to stay in the meeting until the item was taken.


Question 3 and 4 – Duncan Martin


At the previous Area Committee Meeting flooding at Lochavullin was discussed, in particular the business premises of Mr Strathern who had sewage backing up into his property – as the Council is the Landlord of these sites what is done as an emergency to sort this out, as Mr Strathern is still suffering this problem?


The Chair advised it would be remiss of the Area Committee to discuss individual businesses without their consent or being in attendance.


Question 4


The Black Lynn burn is full of Japanese Knotweed, the Council could remove it over the next 2 years, however, it would come back as it is well established further upstream.  Is there a provision for the Council to serve a Statutory Notice on the landlord in Soroba to remove the Japanese Knotweed at their end?


I am not suggesting the localised reduction in parking at this time, but might it not be possible to implement those provisions relating to parking on the West side of George Street, and developing a new loading strategy now, with a view to reducing congestion on George Street, and so at least in part, address the problem of congestion throughout the centre of town?  To take this approach now would not, I believe, require any capital input.


The Governance Manager agreed to seek a response from the relevant department.


Question 5 – Mr Strathern


What is the progress of the flooding mitigation?  The businesses that have been affected in Lochavullin are now uninsurable and any further flood damage will put these businesses out of business as they will be unable to bear the cost themselves.


As Mr Strathern had not been in attendance at the beginning of the meeting when the first question was asked, the Governance Manager read out the response from Jim Smith again.  Councillor McKenzie advised Mr Stathern to engage with his ward Councillors to ensure he gets a response.  Councillor Martin advised that she had received quite a comprehensive response to her query over the flooding at Lochavullin and Black Lynn area and will forward it on to Mr Strathern.  Councillor Hampsey advised that she had invited Mr Strathern to contact her after the last Area Committee but he had not got in touch, and she is still happy to assist him going forward.






Secondary Schools Annual Report


Oban High School pdf icon PDF 447 KB

Report by Head Teacher, Oban High School


The Committee heard from Mrs Jackson, Deputy Head Teacher of Oban High School, who picked out some highlights from the school report which had been provided to Members. The report included information in relation to S3 attainment of Curriculum for Excellence levels in literacy and numeracy and Gaelic; the pass rates of National qualifications and the Insight data. Information in relation to wider achievement qualifications; equity and attainment and Pupil Equity Funding was also provided.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report and information provided.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education, dated 12 June 2024, submitted)



Tiree High School pdf icon PDF 369 KB

Report by Head Teacher, Tiree High School


The Committee heard from Mrs Jackson, Deputy Head Teacher of Oban High School, who picked out some highlights from the school report which had been provided to Members. The report included information in relation to S3 attainment of Curriculum for Excellence levels in literacy and numeracy and Gaelic; the pass rates of National qualifications and the Insight data. Information in relation to wider achievement qualifications; equity and attainment and Pupil Equity Funding was also provided. Working in partnership with Oban High the School continues to thrive, with a number of Tiree pupils attending Oban High School to complete their S6 studies.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report and information provided.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education, dated 12 June 2024, submitted)



Tobermory High School pdf icon PDF 586 KB

Report by Head Teacher, Tobermory High School


The Committee heard from Mrs Carmichael, Head Teacher of Tobermory High School, who picked out some highlights from the school report which had been provided to Members. The report included information in relation to S3 attainment of Curriculum for Excellence levels in literacy and numeracy and Gaelic; the pass rates of National qualifications and the Insight data. Information in relation to wider achievement qualifications; equity and attainment and Pupil Equity Funding was also provided.  Tobermory High has added subjects to the Nat 5 Curriculum and will continue to increase year on year to give the pupils more opportunities.  They are focused on gaining accreditation for a SQA in piping and drumming; level 6 journalism and television and television production.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report and information provided.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education, dated 12 June 2024, submitted)



AREA SCORECARD FQ4 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 543 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services


Consideration was given to the Area Performance Report for financial quarter 4 of 2023/24 (January to March 2024) which illustrated the agreed performance measures for this period.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee:-


1.    noted and considered the performance and supporting commentary as presented.



(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services, dated 12 June 2024, submitted)



Argyll and Bute Health & Social Care Partnership - Bi-Annual Report pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Report by Chief Officer, Argyll & Bute Social Care and Health Partnership

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Health and Social Care Partnership Performance Reports for financial quarter 3 and 4 of 2023/24.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee considered and noted the Performance Reports for financial quarter 3 and 4 of 2023/24.


(Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted)





Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services


The Committee gave consideration to a report which provided links to the recent activities of Roads and Infrastructure Services relevant to the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services, dated 12 June 2024, submitted)



Tobermory Play Park Update pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services


The Committee gave consideration to the updated position of Tobermory Playpark .




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee agreed to:-


·       note the engagement process and supportive work from local residents in the Tobermory Area;


·       note the suggestion that local residents will continue with a constituted group with the option to take on the play park replacement works locally and


·       note the Community Benefit work which has agreed a further £24k can be added to the funding for the play park.


(Reference. Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure, submitted)


Oban Town Centre, North Active Travel Report pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Report by Executive Director with Responsibility for Development and Economic Growth



The Committee gave consideration to a report providing an update to Members on the progress made to date on the Oban Town Centre North Active Travel Project, highlights the next steps and seeks support for the continuation of the project to complete the design process from Members.  The recommendations of the report were for the Area Committee to


·       acknowledge the progress made to date and


·       support the continuation of the project and the submission of a new PFE funding application for design stages 3 (Developed Design) to complete the design work required.




To replace the officer recommendations with:-


  1. Note the work to date;
  2. Note the loss of parking spaces in an area that is known to have high demand for parking spaces;
  3. Note the divergence of public support for the proposal; and
  4. Agree that members are unable to support the Project in its current form.


This was moved by Councillor McKenzie and seconded by Councillor Kain, and was unanimously agreed by the Committee.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee agreed to:-


1.    Note the work to date;

2.    Note the loss of parking spaces in an area that is known to have high demand for parking spaces;

3.    Note the divergence of public support for the proposal; and

4.    Agree that members are unable to support the Project in its current form.


(Reference: Report by Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, submitted)




Supporting Communities Fund - Applications pdf icon PDF 301 KB

Report by Chief Executive’s Unit


Consideration was given to a report which detailed recommendations for the award of the Council’s Supporting Communities Fund (SCF) for the 2024/25 round of funding that had been made available for distribution by Council to organisations in the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area.




That Members agree the awards as per the officer recommendations.


Moved by Councillor McKenzie and seconded by Councillor Kain.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee agree to make amendments to the awards as follows:-


Tiree Development Trust – reduce the total awarded to £2500

Mull and Iona Trust – reduce the total awarded to £2500

Pennyghael Community Hall – raise the award to £2500

An Iodhlann – Tiree’s Historical Centre – raise the award to £2500

Hynish Trust – Award £1882.10


Moved by Councillor Green and seconded by Councillor Martin.


As the meeting was being held on a hybrid basis, the vote required to be taken by calling the Roll and Members voted as follows:-


Motion                                        Amendment


Councillor Kieron Green               Councillor Willie Hume      

Councillor Luna Martin                 Councillor Andrew Kain                                              

Councillor Jim Lynch

Councillor Julie McKenzie

Councillor Andrew Vennard





The Motion was carried by 5 votes to 2 and the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee resolved accordingly that the 15 applications, marked as ‘Award’ and ‘Partial Award’ within Appendix 1 of the report, are awarded funding from the Supporting Communities Fund Budget totalling £32,117.50, as follows:






Recommended Award





Bendoran Watersports CIC


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00

Taynuilt Primary School and ELC Parent Council


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00

Lorn and Oban Healthy Options


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00

Home-Start Lorn


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00

Mull and Iona Community Trust (MICT)


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00

Tiree Community Development Trust 1


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00

Dervaig Community Hall


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00

Tiree Community Development Trust 2


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00

The Victory Hall, Benderloch


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00

Appin Skiff Coastal Rowing Club


 £ 2,122.00

 £ 2,122.00

Tiree Makery CIC


 £ 2,499.00

 £ 2,499.00

Mull and Iona Community Trust (MICT) 2


 £ 2,500.00

 £ 2,500.00 

Live Music Now


 £    614.40

 £ 614.40

Pennyghael Community Hall

Partial award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 941.05

An Iodhlann – Tiree’s Historical Centre

Partial award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 941.05

Hynish Trust (was the Hebridean Trust)

No award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 0.00

Mull and Iona Community Trust (MICT) 3

No award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 0.00

Luing Community Council

No award

 £ 1,800.00

 £ 0.00

Argyll FM

No award

 £    666.66

 £ 0.00

Lismore Historical Society

No award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 0.00

Developing Potential SCIO

No award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 0.00

Hebridean Pursuits Outdoor Learning

No award

 £ 1,400.00

 £ 0.00

Argyll & Bute Citizens Advice Bureau

No award

 £ 2,300.00

 £ 0.00 

Còisir Ghàidhlig Thaigh an Uillt

No award

 £    700.00

 £ 0.00 

37th Argyll (Ardchattan) Scout Group.

No award

 £ 1,960.00

 £ 0.00

Oban FM Community Radio

No award

 £ 2,400.00

 £ 0.00

Tobermory High School Parent Council

No award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 0.00

Argyll Wellbeing Hub

No award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 0.00 

Argyll Talking Newspapers

No award

 £   666.67

 £ 0.00 

Craignure Village Hall and Community Centre

No award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 0.00

Oban Pipe Band

No award

 £ 2,500.00

 £ 0.00 

Comunn Gàidhealach An Òbain (Oban Mod Academy)

No award

 £ 2,000.00

 £ 0.00 

Appin Hall

No award

 £ 1,007.46

 £ 0.00




 £ 32,117.50




(Reference, Report by Chief Executive’s Unit dated 12 June 2024, submitted)




Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support


A report asking the Committee to consider making appointments to a number of local bodies/organisations within the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area was considered.




The Committee agreed that appointments within Appendix 1 would remain as agreed in 2022 and 2023, with the addition of Councillor Luna Martin to Atlantis Leisure.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 13 May 2024, submitted)




Charitable Trusts and Bequest Funds Report pdf icon PDF 150 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to a report providing information on the number of applications that have been received for support from the John of Lorn Bequest, MacKinnon Ledigham Bequest, Archibald Dow Bequest and Coals for the Poor Oban.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee:-


1.    noted and considered the number of awards made from the John of Lorn Bequest  since March 2024;


2.    noted that no applications had been submitted to the MacKinnon Ledigham Bequest;


3.    agreed to award £50 to the two individual applicants who meet the criteria of the Archibald Dow Bequest and


4.    refused the 2 family applicants and 1 individual applicant who do not meet the criteria of the Coals for the Poor Oban fund.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 12 June 2024, submitted)




The Committee gave consideration to the Area Committee workplan for future meetings. 




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the workplan.


(Reference:  Area Committee Workplan, dated 12 June 2024, submitted)


Paragraph 6  Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority).