Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee - Wednesday, 16 June 2004 10:00 am

Venue: Scottish Natural Heritage's Offices, Kilmory Industrial Estate, Lochgilphead

Note No. Item

Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised that this would be the last meeting for Sue Nash and John Mungall and thanked them for all their input over the years.


Andrew also intimated that due to the change in a number of members of the Management Committee it would be useful if members could compile a mini c.v. that could be placed on the Partnership’s website.  It was agreed that Lolita would co-ordinate this.


Minutes of Previous Management Committee Meeting Held on 14 April 2004 pdf icon PDF 70 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 14 April 2004 were accepted as an accurate record.


Minutes of Community Planning Partnership Meeting held on 5 March 2004 pdf icon PDF 88 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Community Planning Partnership held on 5 March 2004 were noted.


Matters Arising


Review of Consultant's Contract


Lolita advised that tender documents had been sent out to 12 consultants.  It was noted that the closing date for receipt of these tenders was 22 June 2004 and that interviews would taken place on 1 July 2004.


Community Regeneration Implementation Group


Implementation of Pilot Scheme pdf icon PDF 111 KB


Lolita advised that the Community Regeneration Implementation Group had discussed a report prepared by the Bute and Cowal Area Chair and Strategic Director at their meeting on 20 May 2004 in which Lynn Smillie outlined the Council’s offer of support which entailed the following:


·                     The Council’s Area Corporate Services Manager for Bute and Cowal would cover the Area Co-ordinator’s role through changes in work patterns to free up officer time.


·                     The necessary skills training would be given to the Area Corporate Services Manager to enable him to undertake the tasks required.


It was noted that the Community Regeneration Implementation Group had major concerns with this proposals and agreed to recommend the following to the Management Committee:


1.                  That the post of Area Co-ordinator be a full time post (new or secondment) independent of any Partner organisation and line managed by Fyne Homes or another suitable agency.


2.                  That the person appointed to the post of Area Co-ordinator (new appointment or secondment) must have the necessary skills, expertise and capacity to commit fully to the project.


3.                  That the funding for the post of Area Co-ordinator (approximately £24k - £30k) be secured from all Partners involved in the Pilot (no more than £5k each).


4.                  That if Partners are not prepared to commit financially to the Area Co-ordinator’s post then the Council’s offer of support will need to be accepted.


After discussion and noting the Community Regeneration Implementation Group’s concerns it was agreed to accept the Council’s offer of support as Partners felt they were unable to commit financially to the Area Co-ordinator’s post.  As the proposed Bute & Cowal area structure was a pilot, it was agreed that progress should be monitored and if it was felt that the current arrangement was not satisfactory, then the Area Co-ordinator’s post would be revisited.


Alan Milstead advised that although AIE would be unable to assist with funding the Area Co-ordinator’s post they would be assisting with training for the project.


It was noted that Patrick Flynn would be attending a meeting of interested parties in early July to discuss community engagement and that he would bring a report on this to the next Management Committee meeting.


Update by Patrick Flynn from Communities Scotland on New Guidance for Regeneration Outcome Agreements


Patrick advised the New Guidance for Regeneration Outcome Agreements would not be available for a further 2 weeks and agreed to bring this to the next meeting of the Management Committee.


Approval of Statements of Readiness


Muriel presented the Statement of Readiness prepared by the Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership and the Argyll and Bute Social Inclusion Partnership in response to the guidance published by Communities Scotland for integration of Social Inclusion Partnerships with the Community Planning framework.


After discussion and agreement on some minor changes it was agreed that this report was now ready to be presented to Communities Scotland.


Community Planning Issues


CPP Communications Plan pdf icon PDF 79 KB


Lynda gave a report on the proposed way forward and a timetable for the development of a detailed and costed one year communications strategy for the Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership following the inaugural meeting of the Communications Working Group comprising PR representatives from Argyll and Bute Council, Scottish Natural Heritage, Argyll, the Isles, Loch Lomond, Stirling and Trossachs Tourist Board, NHS, Strathclyde Police, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Communities Scotland.


It was noted that the Communications Working Group had recommended that a half-day workshop be arranged aimed at mapping relationships, identifying target audiences, key message and priorities.


Andrew thanked Lynda for her report and after discussion, it was agreed that rather than set aside a half day workshop that these issues be discussed at the next Management Committee meeting and that Lolita would liase with Lynda regarding this.



CPP Budget - End of Year Report


Draft CPP Agenda pdf icon PDF 72 KB


The draft agenda for the next Community Planning Partnership meeting being held on 2 July 2004 was discussed and it was agreed to add an additional item at 4d – End of Year Budget Spend and Andrew agreed to report on the Citizen’s Panel Results of 7th Questionnaire at item 5c.


Update by Theme Groups Leaders on Progress with New CPP Priorities pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


Theme Group 1 – John gave a report advising on how the Group proposes to evolve and how the membership will change.  The contents of this report were noted an it was agreed that the Group should respond to the Scottish Executive’s document “smoking in Public Places”.  John also mentioned that the NHS “Tobacco Tax” money was being made available to the Health and Well-being Theme Group to support project work.


Theme Group 2 – Alan gave a report on the future of this Group advising that now the Local Economic Strategy had been finalised and endorsed by the Community Planning Partnership it had become apparent that there was significant overlap in economic matters between the CPP and LEF.  It was therefore proposed that the Theme Group 2 should cease to exist and that the composition of the Argyll and Isles Local Economic Forum be modified to include the Community Planning Manager and other public bodies or Council representatives and that this Group report regularly to the Management Committee on key partnership projects, progress against the agreed economic strategy and matters relating to economic development.  After discussion the Committee agreed to endorse the terms of the report as an appropriate way forward.


Theme Group 3 – Donald reported that the May meeting had been well attended and that the content of the action plan had been reduced and now consisted of more meaningful actions which would be taken forward by the Group and discussed at their meeting on 23 June.


Update on NHS Clinical Strategy


John circulated copies of the Clinical Strategy for NHS Argyll and Clyde, which was out for consultation until 17 September 2004.


John highlighted the main points that would affect the Argyll and Bute area, namely;


·                     The new GP Led Hospital being built in Lochgilphead was identified as an example of the way forward.


·                     The Victoria Hospital in Helensburgh would close with services relocated to the Vale of Leven Hospital.


·                     The Argyll and Bute Hospital in Lochgilphead would close in 3 years with elderly and dementia patients transferred to local hospitals.


·                     The future of Oban Hospital would be looked at through a Community Development Programme and the aim was for consultant delivered services.


Donald enquired as to the number of jobs that would be affected by the closure of the Argyll and Bute Hospital.  John advised that he would check this and pass the information to Donald.


Draft Community Learning Strategy pdf icon PDF 133 KB


Lolita advised that the Community Learning Strategy was due to be submitted to the Scottish Executive by 1 September 2004 for approval and asked that Partners email comments to either Lolita or Jim McCrossan on the proposed key priorities for Argyll and bute, geographical targeting and thematic targeting.


Feedback on Meeting with Scottish Executive pdf icon PDF 100 KB


Further to the letter received from the Scottish Executive regarding building closer links with Community Planning Partnerships, Andrew reported that he, Brian and Lolita had met with Dr Andrew Goudie from the Scottish Executive in Inverness on 2 June 2004 and that this meeting was also attended by representatives from Western Isles Council and Highland Council.


It was noted that Dr Goudie was keen to meet with Partners and it was agreed to invite him to attend the next Management Committee on 11 August and that Partners should email Lolita any issues which they wish to be discussed with Dr Goudie.


Feedback on Community Planning Officers Network Meeting


Brian gave an update on a meeting he attended and gave a brief summary on what was discussed.


It was noted that the main topic of discussion in the morning was that Audit Scotland would be carrying out a Best Value Audit, which would involve Community Planning.


It was also noted that Performance Indicators would be developed for Community Planning Partnerships and that a Reference Group was being set up to look into this.  Brian advised that he had volunteered for this Group but had yet to have response on this but confirmed that he would pursue this.


On a positive note Brian advised that Argyll and Bute Dialogue Youth was being used as an example of positively engaging with Youth.




Involvement of Scottish Water in Community Planning pdf icon PDF 43 KB


The content of a letter received from Scottish Water regarding their involvement with Community Planning was noted.


Forestry Commission Scotland - Changes to Perth and Strathclyde Conservancy Boundaries


It was noted that Argyll and Bute would now be part of the Perth and Argyll area within the Forestry Commission Scotland.


Napier Transport Study


Lolita reported that £86,000 had been secured from the Sustainability Action Grants for a period of 3 years to appoint a Development Worker to implement the recommendations from the Transport Study.


Presentation by Jeremy Quinn on the Results of the 7th Questionnaire to the Citizens' Panel


Andrew welcomed Jeremy Quinn from Lowland Market Research who gave a presentation on the results of the 7th Questionnaire to the Citizen’s Panel.  It was noted that the questionnaire revisited the 1st Questionnaire to the Panel (comparable results were shown), and also looked at Housing and Community Safety issues.


After discussion the Committee thanked Jeremy for his presentation.


Date of Next Meeting


Wednesday 11 August 2004