Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee - Wednesday, 11 August 2004 10:00 am

Venue: Scottish Natural Heritage's Offices, Kilmory Industrial Estate

No. Item




The minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2004 were approved as a correct record.  Lolita advised that she would send a reminder to the Members of the Management Committee who had not provided her with their mini C.V’s for the Partnership’s Website.




The minutes of the meeting  of the Community Planning Partnership held on 2 July 2004 were noted.




Citizens' Panel - New Consultants


Lolita advised that a meeting had recently taken place with the Director of IBP Strategy and Research, the newly appointed consultants who would be overseeing the Citizens’ Panel and gave an outline of what they had suggested in their brief.  It was noted that IBP wanted a 45 minute slot at the next meeting of the Management Committee to engage partners in developing a consultation programme for the Citizens’ Panel. Lolita mentioned the possible integration of the Citizens’ Panel and SIP People’s Panel and Muriel said she would raise this at the next SIP Board meeting.  Lolita advised that an e-mail would be sent round for suggestions for themes for the next questionnaire which would be sent out in January 2005.




Update on Implementation of Pilot Scheme


Lolita advised that meetings had been scheduled for mid August to enable all partner agencies and support staff to be clear as to their role/remit in the new structure which would enable the Bute and Cowal Project to get underway.


Update by Patrick Flynn from Communities Scotland on New Guidance for Regeneration Outcome Agreements


Muriel advised the draft guidance from the Scottish Executive had still not been issued but  hopefully she would have this by the end of the week.  She mentioned that Communities Scotland had requested a liaison meeting on 27 August to talk about Regeneration Outcome Agreements, allocation of the Community Regeneration Fund and the integration of Social Inclusion Partnerships into Community Planning.  It was noted that Muriel would report any outcomes to the next Management Committee meeting.




CPP Communications Plan/Information Sharing Protocol


Lolita reminded the Committee that at its last meeting, LyndaSyed had suggested that a half-day workshop be arranged with key partners to take forward the CPP Communication Strategy and that the Management Committee felt that the Communication Strategy should rather be discussed at a Management Committee meeting.  Lolita advised that Lynda had met with the Communications Working Group who felt that a half day facilitated workshop was indeed necessary. A preliminary costing had been obtained which proved excessively expensive. It was agreed that Andrew and Lolita would meet with Lynda to discuss an appropriate way to take the Communication Strategy forward and report progress to the next meeting.


Update by Theme Group Leaders on Progress with New CPP Priorities


Theme Group 1 – Caroline reported on behalf of Gavin Brown that the membership of the Group was still being reviewed and that good progress was being made with regard to the drafting of the joint Health Improvement Plan. The Group would also need to consider how it relates to Community Health Partnerships in the future.


Theme Group 2 – Lolita advised that the amalgamation of Theme Group 2 with the Local Economic For a formed the focus of the recent meeting of the Group where, after a lengthy discussion on the pros and cons of amalgamation, it was felt that there was still value in having the Group in some or other form. It was therefore decided to hold a facilitated workshop on 18 October to agree a structure for a Group that is focused on delivery and that will feed into and be informed by both LEF strategies.


Josephine mentioned that the Group were also considering the possibility of developing a promotional CD?DVD for Argyll and Bute which could be sent out with recruitment packs. A small working group had been formed to discuss the merits of such a CD?DVD and progress would be reported back to the next Management Committee meeting.


Theme Group 3 – Lolita advised that the Group had refined their action plan but due to the poor attendance could not discuss how to take the Deprivation study forward. This would be discussed at the next meeting scheduled for 25 August.


Report of the Community Planning Implementation Group pdf icon PDF 430 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee discussed and noted the contents of the report of the Community Planning Implementation Group which contained recommendations on key challenges for the Implementation Group.  It was agreed that the Scottish Executive should be asked how they will be taking the recommendations forward and that this could form a point of discussion with Dr Andrew Goudie at the next Management Committee meeting.


Draft Community Planning Indicators pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Additional documents:


Audit Scotland’s Draft Community Planning Indicators were briefly discussed. As it was felt that the indicators did not add value to community planning and some of them were inappropriate to rural areas, it was agreed that Andrew and Lolita would draft a suitable response to Audit Scotland on behalf of the Partnership outlining the numerous concerns raised.


Closing the Opportunities Gap: The Rural Objective pdf icon PDF 118 KB


Andrew advised that the meeting of the Advisory Group to address key services in rural areas had been rescheduled and was now being held on the 12 August in Edinburgh. Although the Group had been called at very short notice, the Committee felt it was important to have representation there and it was agreed that Muriel would attend and report back to the next meeting of the Management Committee..


Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority Report: Proposals for Participation in Community Planning pdf icon PDF 103 KB


Lolita gave some background information and advised of SPTA’s proposals for their participation in Community Planning.  The Committee noted the report and Lolita advised that she would contact SPTA with regard to setting up a protocol for their involvement.  It was noted that future,Partnership meetings could be “themed” to include presentations from the likes of SPTA, Scottish Water and the Tourist Board.


Scotland's Transport Future pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Additional documents:


James provided some background to the White Paper on Scotland’s Transport Future and advised that the Councils Strategic Policy Committee were currently considering whether to be involved in one or both of the regional transport partnerships that currently operate across Argyll and Bute. It was agreed to not the report in the meantime and await the outcome of the Councils Strategic Policy Committee.


Preparation for Meeting with Andrew Goudie from the Scottish Executive pdf icon PDF 54 KB


Lolita advised that Dr. Andrew Goudie, acting Head of Finance and Central Services had expressed a keen interest in attending the next Management Committee meeting with regard to supporting the Community Planning process.  The Committee discussed a range of topics and the suggested format for the day.  It was agreed that Lolita would liaise with Dr. Goudie re his visit, arrange a pre-meeting with key partners and prepare a draft agenda to include topics such as:-

  • Proticol/Code of Conduct for the utilisation of the Citizen’s Panel
  • Audit Scotland Indicators
  • How the Scottish Executive plan to take forward the recommendations of the Community Planning Implementation Group forward
  • Efficiency Review
  • Barriers to partnership working such as boundary issues, stringent Scottish Executive timescales, the sustainability of 3 year funding, etc.
  • Transport issues


Approval of Draft Community Learning & Development Strategy pdf icon PDF 66 KB


Andrew advised that prior to the Strategy being finalised it had been agreed that the revised targets would be submitted to the Management Committee for endorsement/amendment. After discussion it was agreed to endorse the targets as outlined within the Strategy.


Strathclyde Police: CPP Contact Centre pdf icon PDF 199 KB


Neil provided information on the promotion of one-stop shops and advised that they had proven to be an excellent example of partnerships working in action and enhanced service provision to the communities that they serve.  He advised that funding had been secured for 5 projects for one-stop shops and within that there may be an area for partnership working.  It was agreed that Inspector Stevie Boyle of the Community Planning Unit with Strathclyde Police be invited to the December meeting of the Management Committee to discuss the subject in more detail.


Strathclyde Fire Brigade: Review Consultation pdf icon PDF 232 KB

Additional documents:


Lolita advised that Strathclyde Fire brigade had sought views from the partnership on their future command structures.  The Committee noted the response as submitted  to the Fire Brigade.




Wednesday 13 October 2004

Wednesday 8 December 2004