Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee - Wednesday, 15 June 2005 10:30 am


Contact: Grace Leitch Tel: 01546 604489 

No. Item




James McLellan, Acting Chair, welcomed those present at the meeting and, having informed them of Lolita Lavery, Community Planning Manager’s current illness, the Management Committee joined him in wishing Lolita best wishes for a speedy recovery.




The Minute of the meeting held on 20 April 2005 were accepted as an accurate record and the following points were noted:


1.         Item 1 – Presentation by John Scott from ODS Consultants on Evaluation of Better Neighbourhood Services Fund


            It was noted that Josephine Stojak, Brian Barker and David Dowie had yet to meet.  ODS Consultants report to look at duplication and a report due at the end of June – use this in the remit.  Donald MacVicar agreed to check the criteria for which users require to look.


2.         Item 2.1 – the minutes of the previous meeting of 20th April


            Lolita has still to meet Patrick Flynn with regard to Communities Scotland contribution to Community Planning.


3.         Item 5(c) – Results of 8th Questionnaire to Citizen’s Panel


            Looking at former SIP area linked to stock transfer – evolve joint partnership round this.  David and Marlene agreed that this would be a major opportunity – not only with housing.


            Admin Note:  JMcL – this to be a standing item.


4.         Item 5(e) – Update by Theme Group Leaders on Progress with CPP Priorities - DRIVESAFE


            A funding package is in place for the remainder of 2005 of:-

·         £3,000 from Argyll and Bute Council;

·         £3,000 from the Fire Service; and

·         Balance of £4,000 from NHS or Health Improvement Fund.


Brian Barker suggested a 3 year plan for the DriveSafe budget to help the process to identify funding.  It was agreed to continue discussions.


5.         Item 6(a) – Update on Rural Policy Advisory Group/Closing the Opportunity Gap Targets


            The process had started and a request had been submitted to the Scottish Executive for the research to include Islay, Colonsay and Jura as an additional area in Argyll and Bute.  A decision on this is expected at the beginning of July.




CPP Biennial Conference


The Management Committee discussed the feedback on the conference held on Friday, 10 June 2005.


James McLellan advised the Management Committee that he had received a very positive feedback on the conference, including the workshops, and invited feedback from other Committee members.


Everyone contributed to the discussion, the main points being that the conference had gone well and was well represented, the format was good and well organised, that the partnership would benefit from conversations which took place.  Action points would be firmed up by August and bullet points of priorities would be pursued.


Partnership Capital Development


With reference to the Management Committee minutes of the meeting held on 9th February 2005 under the item on Sharing of Partnership Resources, the Partners discussed the development by the Bute and Cowal Project of a similar initiative to that of the partnership of Strathclyde Police, the local Council and the NHS in the renewal and rationalisation of various facilities.


Argyll and Bute Council are also looking at accommodation in Campbeltown and would share the draft report.  Area by area being looked at and in particular the water front and the town centre.  Freeing up of property, initially keeping awareness ongoing.


It was agreed that this should be a standing item, every second meeting, to enable the sharing of information and to build a structure round this.


Admin note:  standing item (every second meeting)


Capacity Building Budget


Brian Barker outlined the possible aims in order to make best use of the limited funds of approximately £20,000 for capacity building:


·         To develop skills and experience of individuals rather than knowledge;

·         To promote joint working and networking between individuals employed by different partners


and also outlined the possible criteria for bids which should be submitted to the Community Planning Manager by 12 August 2005.


James McLellan confirmed he would be happy with this approach though the turnaround of 17th August was tight for a decision on the allocation of funds by the CPP Management Committee at its meeting on 17 August 2005.


Discussed the need to give longer for application thereafter though quality rather than quantity of submissions required.  It was agreed to limit the length of submissions to aid decision making and so keep to August timeframe.


In answer to request for examples of submissions sought, Brian Barker suggested facilitation skills, training on the process in fund application, to keep general and develop people.


SIP Annual Report Letter 2004-2005


Donald MacVicar produced a summary report by Muriel Kupris in response to the Social Inclusion Partnership Annual Report for 2004-2005 for consideration by the Management Committee and, after discussion, it was agreed that the final version be submitted on 30th June 2005 setting out the main areas outlined in the report:-


(i)                 To provide accountability for the SIP Fund in 2004-5;

(ii)                To highlight lessons learned in terms of individual projects and the SIP integration process;

(iii)              To feed into the development and delivery of the relevant Regeneration Outcome Agreement


Update by Theme Group Leaders on Progress with CPP Priorities pdf icon PDF 72 KB

  • Theme Group 1 (Gavin Brown)
  • Argyll and the Islands Local Economic Forum (Alan Milstead)
  • Scottish Enterprise Dunbartonshire (Aileen Edwards) – next meeting of LEF to be held on 28 June 2005 after a workshop session which will report back on what the LEF partners have achieved in terms of the Strategy over 2004-2005
  • Theme Group 3 (Donald MacVicar) – Group next meet on 23 June 2005 which was arranged to go over feedback from 10 June 2005 conference


Health and Wellbeing Theme Group 1


Gavin Brown spoke of the last meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Theme Group on 23rd May as being most positive and outlined his report which was previously circulated to the Management Committee.


The Group was considering how to monitor the Joint Health Improvement Plan and representatives from four of the seven Local Networks attended the Group meeting on 23rd May to report encouraging progress on a range of issues.  The Group will invite the Networks to attend every second meeting to enable the Theme Group to monitor the Local Action Plans.


The Management Committee were informed of the work in hand to ensure implementation and monitoring of the current Health Improvement Plan and that the Theme Group would take responsibility for section 1 – the Strategic section of the JHIP.


A decision on making an allocation from the Health Improvement Fund will be made by the Group at the next meeting on 27th June.


The Management Committee noted the intention of the Health and Wellbeing Group to hold an event in the autumn relating to the impact of alcohol and how Partners could make a difference.


Argyll and the Islands Local Economic Forum


Reference the LEF’s decision at the meeting held on 11th May 2005 that Quarterly Reports from Argyll and the Islands LEF would be provided to the Management Committee, Ken Abernethy gave a presentation, beginning on an annual basis to give an overall picture to the Management Committee so that the most appropriate sections can be taken forward to the next meeting.


Four main points outlined were:-

·         New Dunstaffnage Science Park

·         Development of Air Services

·         North Argyll Development Plan

·         Initiative at the Edge


Discussion followed the presentation on matters such as The Construction Training College, employment in the construction related industries and the shortage of skills, Fyne Homes Training Centre, housing growth; support in tender/business stock transfer; funding to support Housing Stock Transfer Fund.  Future Bidders bid had been turned down, and Ken Abernethy given contact for more information to help improve the bid.


Social Enterprise would be involved, with Islay, Coll, Gigha already included and a number of others being a high priority.  Specific strategy to identify problems through community organisations would be addressed by pat Logan’s group.


It was confirmed that a document was to be drawn up with 3 groups, including a few environmental businesses in the area.


Scottish Enterprise Dumbartonshire Local Economic Forum            


Aileen Edwards, who was unable to attend the Management Committee meeting, had previously indicated that the next meeting of the local Economic Forum would be held on 28 June 2005 after a workshop session which would report back on what the LEF partners have achieved in terms of the Strategy over 2004-2005.


Sustaining & Developing our Communities, Culture & Environmental Theme Group 3


Donald MacVicar advised that there was no progress to report to the Management Committee as Theme Group 3 had not met since the last update to the Committee.  The next Group meeting, to be held on 23rd June 2005, had been arranged to go over the feedback from the CPP Biennial Conference held on 10th June.


Bute and Cowal Partnership Project pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Specifically –

  • Waiting Times for GP Appointments
  • Men’s Health
  • Smoking Cessation


David Dowie reported that the partnership had identified two capital projects to progress.


Citizen's Panel Report


In Josephine Stojak’s absence from the meeting, the Management Committee noted the contents of the briefing paper previously circulated to the Committee which specifically dealt with Smoking Cessation; and Men’s Health.


It was noted that limited smoking cessation services were currently provided in Rothesay, Islay, Campbeltown, Oban, Mid Argyll, Dunoon and Tiree on one day per week, co-ordinated and supported by Jill Denton.  Gaps in service provision are on Mull, Inveraray, Tighnabruaich and Lochgoilhead.


The undernoted work will be supported by a new Heart Health post to be funded through Managed Clinical Network – and additional Scottish Executive funding allocation of £355,000 to NHS A&C in 2005/6 to support smoking cessation work –


·         Support provision of sessional work in the localities by designated trained smoking cessation individuals

·         Maintain current services

·         Focus on areas where incidence of smoking is above the Scottish average

·         Develop services in gap areas of Mull, Mid Argyll, Colonsay, Coll and Jura


The Management Committee also noted the NHS A&C’s successful bid for funding from the Scottish Executive to develop services to improve men’s health.


The focus of this work in Argyll and Bute is to be outreached and awareness, raising work building and expanding on the activities of Healthy Living Centres, involving awareness raising, information and MOT checks being offered at agricultural shows, highland games and local festivals, with more detailed assessments for those in need being provided through local primary care centres.


Information will be gathered as part of this pilot to identify gaps in current service provision and enable men to influence future developments.



Parliamentary Report – Inquiry into Economic Development in Accessible Rural Areas – Letter and Report to Chief Executive (Brian Barker)

Additional documents:


There was submitted letter from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities to local authority Chief Executives, enclosing the Scottish Parliament’s Environment and Rural Development Committee news release in regard to the Inquiry into Economic Development in ‘Accessible Rural Areas’, copies of which had previously been circulated.


Brian Barker clarified that the classification of “accessible rural area” was the area within a 30 minute drive time from a population centre of more than 10,000.  The area around Helensburgh was the only area in Argyll and Bute.  Oban and Dunoon are close to this.


Ken Abernethy commented that the department at the Scottish Executive did not have a funding department.


It was agreed that Brian Barker would email a draft response to Partners for comment.  If there was consensus, the submission would be from the Community Planning Partnership.  If not it would be from the Council alone.



Items for Discussion


The Management Committee noted that agenda items for the next meeting of the Community Planning Partnership to be held on Friday 8th July 2005 were to be submitted by 28th June and this would be issued, when finalised, on 1st July.




Peter Minshall presented a briefing paper, copies having been previously circulated, setting out the basis for discussion on a possible solution to improve services throughout Argyll and Bute by engaging the community effectively to introduce economies of scale, having identified duplication of effort by the use of electronic communication/interactivity.


Peter Minshall suggested that a sub-group be formed to map the Argyll and Bute area to discuss which types of groups would be included to investigate whether or not groups/individuals see the potential benefit of, and are ready for, digital communication, compiling a database of citizens and various organisations.


It was agreed that a small group, comprising Peter Minshall, Ken Abernethy, Brian Barker and Gavin Brown, with Peter leading the group, would consult widely with community groups and with potential users, bringing a report back Management Committee.    




1.         Brian Barker -


·         Council’s Operational Services – researching a Waste Prevention Action Plan to identify wastage and potential savings

·         Douglas Grierson would contact some Partners to progress this work

·         Ken Abernethy asked for Douglas to contact the AIE



17 August 2005


Wednesday 17 August at 10.30 am in the Scottish Natural Heritage Offices, Kilmory Industrial Estate.