Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee - Wednesday, 17 August 2005 10:30 am

Venue: Scottish Natural Heritage Offices, Kilmory Industrial Estate, Lochgilphead

No. Item




Andrew Campbell welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Bill Dundas who was attending for the first time.




Hughie Donaldson gave a short presentation outlining part of the history, ethos and where we are with Initiative at the Edge (IatE).


It was noted that in every area IatE go into, Housing was the main issue together with the problems related to land ownership and access.  Hughie stated that the best results for capacity building were obtained by focusing resources over a short period of time.


In respect of Argyll and Bute, the islands of Jura and Coll were just at the beginning of the process, while Colonsay was almost at the end.  It was noted that Coll was struggling to produce a development plan and that the Community Council had collapsed.  James McLellan suggested it may be helpful to seek support from Ken Abernethy of AIE.


James McLellan suggested that when the development plans were completed for Jura and Coll they should be signed off by the CPP Management Committee as it would help give the projects a reality check.  The local steering group would be charged with delivery.


IatE would provide copies of the steering group minutes to form part of the agenda at future Management Committee meetings.


It was agreed that it would be useful for the Committee to receive feedback on the IatE Annual Conference being held in Caithness in September 2005.  It was also noted that IatE would be an agenda item at the Highland and Islands Convention being held in Inveraray in November 2005.


Admin Note: It was agreed that IatE should be a standing item (every second meeting).




(a)   The minutes of the meeting held on 15 June 2005 were accepted as an accurate record, subject to the following amendment – delete penultimate para on page 4 “Social Enterprise would be involved with Islay, Coll, Gigha………addressed by Pat Logan’s group”.


(b)   The following points were noted:


Page 4, Construction Training College: A bid would be made for European Funding over the next two/three years.


Page 1, Item 2.1 – Presentation by John Scott from ODS Consultants on Evaluation of Better Neighbourhood Services Fund: David Dowie reported that we now had a way forward.  ODS would give a presentation on the Care and Repair Report at the next Health and Wellbeing Theme Group on 22 August 2005.


Page 1 Item 2.2 – Communities Scotland’s Contribution to CPP: The meeting welcomed the news that Pat Flynn of Communities Scotland had agreed to contribute additional funding to CPP, which was expected to be in the region of £10K.  Brian Barker to check if any conditions apply to this funding.


Page 6 Item 6 – Argyll County Mapping Proposal: Peter Minshall reported that to ensure connectivity it had been decided to wait until the mapping project being carried out by Argyll Local Social Economy Partnership (LESP) was completed before taking forward the Argyll Country Mapping Proposal.




(a)   The minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2005 were noted.


(b)   The Committee asked that the following points be noted regarding the attendee list: Ken Mactaggart is a consultant and not from Argyll and the Isles Enterprise; Peter Minshall is from CVS and not CVS Argyll and Bute Council.




(a)   Regional Transport: James McLellan reported that the Council was seeking approval to form its own Regional Transport Partnership when they become statutory bodies under the proposed new Transport Bill.  It was noted that Dumfries and Galloway had been given approval to set up a Single Authority Partnership and there was therefore a case for Argyll and Bute to do the same as they had a more complex transport system.


It was noted that under the current proposals Argyll and Bute would be the only local authority to be split between two partnerships i.e. Westrans and Hitrans.


CPP endorsed the view that there should be a single transportation strategy for Argyll and Bute and it was agreed that Andrew Campbell would prepare a response to Scottish Executive stressing CPP’s support for a single authority.  Partners were also encouraged to write to the Scottish Executive on an individual basis.


(b)   Dissolution of NHS Argyll and Clyde: Under the current proposals Argyll and Bute is the only authority being covered by the option proposed.  James McLellan reported that the Council’s Policy Development Group would be meeting shortly to consider their response to the consultation, but he was looking at putting a case forward for a single Health Board.  His view is that it would become more complex and not accord with the government’s public sector reform agenda.


It was agreed that this issue should be an agenda item for the next Management Committee Meeting and a presentation arranged.  A copy of the Policy Development Group minutes to be included in the papers for the next meeting.  Any decisions agreed at the next Management Committee would go forward to the Community Planning Partnership Meeting on 11 November 2005 for endorsement.


It was noted that the deadline for responses to the public consultation was 4 November 2005 and that partners should encourage local communities to take an active part in the consultation process.




CPP Biennial Conference Report pdf icon PDF 68 KB


The Committee thanked Brian Barker for the very helpful report on the CPP Biennial Conference.


Capacity Building Budget pdf icon PDF 103 KB


Brian Barker reported that a total of 14 applications were received.  It was noted that the applications were generally of a much lower quality than expected and some did not meet the criteria for the fund.


Pat Logan raised concerns regarding the lack of objectivity in the assessment process.  It was agreed that this would be taken into account in any future bids and that the following funding applications would be supported.


  • Fundraising skills in the community - £5,000
  • Funding Road Show - £3,400


It was also agreed that the Youth Participation Conference be partially supported with the suggestion they approach AIE for discussion about additional support.


It was noted that approximately half the Capacity Building Fund of £20,000 remained unallocated and it was agreed that this process should be repeated later in the year to allocate the remaining funds.


Brian Barker would provide feedback to the unsuccessful applicants.


Themes for next Citizens Panel Survey pdf icon PDF 57 KB


The next Citizens Panel Survey would take place in September 2005.  After discussion, it was agreed that this survey should contain questions on the following themes:

  • Transportation Strategy
  • The forthcoming Health Board consultation
  • Single Public Service Authority
  • Living Landmarks (questions to test out the concept)


CPP - International Links pdf icon PDF 67 KB


Following the CPP meeting on 8 July 2005, contact had been made with various community planning partnerships and other organisations to determine the nature of international links they have developed (with a particular focus on Africa).


The overwhelming response from community planning partnerships in Scotland, England and Wales was that no links had been developed.  The international links that do exist tend to be direct from the local authorities rather than the CPPs, with the focus on twinning links or responses to crises.


It was agreed that partners should be encouraged to bring forward appropriate international links to CPP for consideration.


Hughie Donaldson would provide Brian Barker with the application form of the European Small Island Network: Inter-Island Exchange Project for circulation purposes.


Update by Theme Group Leaders on Progress with CPP Priorities pdf icon PDF 41 KB

·                     Health and Wellbeing Theme Group (Verbal Report - Gavin Brown)

·                     Argyll and the Islands Local Economic Forum (Alan Milstead - paper to follow)

·                     Scottish Enterprise Dubartonshire (Verbal Report - Aileen Edwards)

·                     Sustaining and Developing our Communities, Culture and Environment Theme Group (No progress to report since last paper to CPP on 8 July.  Next Meeting: 24 August 2005)


Health and Wellbeing Theme Group 1: It was noted that there had been no meeting of this Theme Group since the last report to CPP on 8 July 2005.


Gavin Brown reported that the Group would be considering applications submitted to Health Improvement Fund at its next meeting on 22 August 2005.


A meeting would be held on 18 August 2005 to discuss the holding of an event later in the year or early next year relating to the impact of alcohol and how Partners could make a difference.  An update on progress with this event would be provided at the next meeting.


Argyll and the Islands Local Economic Forum: Aileen Edwards reported that a new chairman, Andrew McAlister, had been appointed and that the LEF was refocusing and simplifying its strategic direction and would become more dynamic.   The new draft strategy would be tabled at the Board meeting on 6 October 2005.  Once agreed, the strategy would go to the sub groups and be re-launched in December 2005.


It was noted that the new chairman was keen that the private sector takes a lead, with each sub group now consisting of more than 50% private sector.


A further update will be provided at the next meeting.


Sustaining & Developing our Communities, Culture & Environment Theme Group 3: Donald MacVicar, who was unable to attend the Management Committee meeting, had previously indicated that there was no progress to report since the last paper to CPP on 8 July 2005.  The next meeting of Theme Group 3 will be held on 24 August 2005.




Update on Rural Service Priority Areas


Brian Barker reported a successful research focus group in Lochgoilhead.  Arrangements had still to be put in place to carry out research on the islands to identify their priorities.


Hughie Donaldson stated that IatE was very concerned regarding this Scottish Executive Initiative as it lacked sustainability and people were being excluded from the consultation process.  They felt it would be quite damaging to some of the other initiatives already on the ground.


Response to the Scottish Parliament Rural Development Inquiry pdf icon PDF 484 KB


The Management Committee noted Argyll and Bute Council’s response to the Scottish Parliament Rural Development Inquiry and the recommendations put forward.  The Council awaited a response from the Scottish Executive.




(a)   Scottish Council Foundation: The meeting agreed to support the research project on Financial Inclusion by the Scottish Council Foundation and approved the release of £6k from the CPP budget to part fund this project.


(b)   ROA: Muriel Kupris reported that the Council’s final ROA document would be submitted to the Scottish Executive by 19 August 2005.



12 October 2005


In an effort to avoid school holidays, it was agreed that the next meeting should be brought forward by one week to Wednesday 5 October 2005 at 10.30 am in the Scottish Natural Heritage Offices, Kilmory Industrial Estate.