Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee - Friday, 18 December 2015 9:30 am

Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions

Contact: Samantha Quarton 01546 604 464 

No. Item


Welcome and apologies (Chair) - Grant Manders


Apologies were received from

Councillor Dick Walsh, Argyll and Bute Council

Christina West, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership

Cleland Sneddon, Argyll and Bute Council

Douglas Cowan, HIE

Gail McClymont, Police Scotland

Neil Francis, Scottish Enterprise

Jane Jarvie, Argyll and Bute Council


Minute of the CPP Management Committee meeting on the 30th September 2015 pdf icon PDF 96 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the CPP Management Committee of the 30th September 2015 were approved as a correct record.



Action Tracker pdf icon PDF 39 KB


The Action Tracker was updated and approved as an accurate reflection of current actions.



Papers for noting


Review of SOA delivery plans - update pdf icon PDF 87 KB


Rona Gold updated the Management Committee on the progress to date in reviewing the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) delivery plans. The Management Committee agreed to note current progress on the review.



Internal Audit of CPP pdf icon PDF 117 KB


Rona updated the Management Committee on the actions required of the Community Planning team that arose from the recent report by Internal Audit into the monitoring of the SOA delivery plans.


The Management Committee agreed to

1)    Note that the Internal Audit review took place earlier in 2015

2)    Note the content of the report

3)    Note that a procedural document about roles and responsibilities will not be provided until the delivery plans have been re-issued.



Community Empowerment Act: Membership of CPP pdf icon PDF 95 KB


The report outlined which public sector organisations were required to participate in Community Planning through the forthcoming Community Empowerment Act.


The Management Committee were advised that the Scottish Sports Council was Sport Scotland and should be referred to as such.


It was unanimously agreed that Historic Environment Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Sport Scotland and Visit Scotland would be part of the Full Partnership.


The attendance and input of Scottish Water at Area Community Planning Groups was also discussed and it was agreed that a letter would be sent to them from the Chair of the Management Committee.


Action: Send letter to Scottish Water from Grant Manders regarding attendance and input to Area Community Planning Groups. Rona to draft.



Items for discussion


Area Community Planning Groups, paper, Shirley MacLeod pdf icon PDF 107 KB


Shirley MacLeod introduced Margaret Adams, Chair of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group, who was attending the Management Committee meeting today and advised that it was this group that had asked whether the Management Committee was a public meeting.


Shirley provided a positive update on the Area Community Planning Groups and it was noted that three of the groups are now chaired by members of the community.


Discussion was held on appropriate responses to the points raised in 4.2 of the report. The decisions of the Management Committee are :

a)    In relation to coordinating consultation responses, it was noted that consultations are currently included in the CPP fortnightly bulletin which goes to the Area Community Planning Groups. It was agreed that this topic be included in the discussion with Jane Jarvie and concern over the plethora of consultations was noted.


b)    Following discussion on ensuring a consistent approach to including items within the SOA:Locals and the Community Led Initiatives Appendices, it was agreed that the process needed to be reviewed with the role of the Outcome Lead in this process to be clear. Shirley to review and bring back to next Management Committee meeting. There was also discussion on managing the potential number of local groups who may wish to be included and ensuring the process covered our equalities obligations. It was agreed that Rona, Shirley and Lorna Elliott would discuss this further.


c)    The Management Committee were advised that approximately 20 young people attended the November meeting of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Community Planning Group and feedback was positive. It was agreed that the possibility of routine inclusion of young people and agenda items relating to issues for them be extended to all the area community planning groups. 


d)    The Management Committee were advised that the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islands Community Planning Group wanted the Single Outcome Agreement to recognise the difficulties that islanders face and to ensure that islanders have parity of service. Rona advised that the review of the delivery plans included a sense check on vulnerabilities looking at who is impacted and that vulnerability and isolation were a recurrent theme across the outcomes.


e)    The criteria for Integrated Care Funding was discussed and it was noted that this was set by the Scottish Government and outwith the control of the Management Committee.


f)     This was covered under 4c with a letter to be sent to Scottish Water



Shirley MacLeod to review process to ensure consistency of approach to including items within the SOA:Locals  and the Community Led Initiatives Appendices and to make clear the role of the Outcome Lead in this process.


Shirley MacLeod, Rona Gold and Lorna Elliott to discuss how best to manage the potential number of local community groups who wish to be included in the SOA:Local Community Led Appendix and how to ensure equalities obligations are covered.


Shirley MacLeod to extend the possibility of routine inclusion of young people and agenda items relating to issues for them, to all the area community planning groups. 



National Community Planning Group, verbal, Gordon Wales



Gordon Wales provided a verbal update on the National Community Planning Group.



Economic Forum, verbal, Stuart Green



Stuart Green provided a verbal update on the Economic Forum. It was noted that Nick Ferguson would be remaining as Chair and that a report was due in early 2016 looking at key sectors and recommendations.


Stuart advised that he had invited Nick Ferguson to present the report to the March meeting of the CPP Management Committee.



Community Justice Transition Plan, report, Rona Gold pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:



Rona updated the Management Committee on the local plans to transfer responsibility for the strategic planning and delivery of community justice from the North Strathclyde Community Justice Authority to the Community Planning Partnership. It was noted that the Argyll, Bute and Dunbartonshire’s Criminal Justice Partnership were working closely together on this and that a coordinator would be employed to take this further.


Cleland Sneddon advised that he would prefer responsibilities within the plan to be a named person rather than a named group. Rona will feed this back.


The Management Committee agreed to :

1)    Note the current situation with regard to community justice redesign and

2)    Approve the Transition Plan for 2016-2017 which requires to be presented to the Scottish Government in January 2016.


Action: Rona to feedback Cleland’s comments on having a named person rather than a named group under the Responsible Officer column within the Transition Plan.



SOA Performance and Scrutiny


Shoreline Project, Bowmore - Richard Heggie, Urban Animation



Richard Heggie from Urban Animation and Willie Inglis from Islay Estates gave a presentation to the Management Committee on the Shoreline Project. This aims to provide a mixed use development site in Bowmore providing housing, office space and small manufacturing sites. The first 20 homes were opened in August 2015 and are managed by ACHA with funding from Argyll and Bute Council and the Scottish Government.


Richard and Willie advised that they were keen to work proactively with partners to ensure the appropriate infrastructure is planned for.


Discussion was held on community support of the project, potential opportunities for upskilling students in modern apprentices and the Health and Social Care Strategic Plan.


Councillor Morton suggested that the same presentation be made to the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee, Area Community Planning Group and/or the Economic Forum and to the Policy Lead for Economic Development.


Pippa praised the project, calling it a quality development and a microcosm of what all partners are trying to do – attract population growth in Argyll and Bute.


It was noted that Urban Animation are also working with Argyll Estates, Inveraray on a similar project.


Action: Rona to circulate Richard Heggie and Willie Inglis’ details to the Management Committee 




Outcome 2 - We have infrastructure that supports sustainable growth, Pippa Milne pdf icon PDF 70 KB


Group discussion was held on the current performance and challenges of Outcome 2. Suggestions that arose from the conversation were:

1)    Make clear to partners what the key sites are in the key sites action plan

2)    Make clear to communities what actions have happened locally rather than just providing overall numbers

3)    Focus on key infrastructure or key sites which will have the biggest impact

4)    Align activity and prioritisation across partners so that a whole package is available

5)    Develop a joint message and approach to promotion of Argyll and Bute across all partners

6)    Challenge the current performance monitoring approach to measure target areas rather than generic growth



Outcome 6 - People live in safer and stronger communities, Gail McClymont pdf icon PDF 67 KB


Group discussion on performance and challenges of Outcome 6, highlighted the following:


1)    Domestic abuse needs to be a priority, in particular prevention of this through changing attitudes and perceptions of women with young people.

2)    The cyber world is an increasing challenge to safety.

3)    Mental Health, Hate Crime, Addictions are all key areas requiring focussed partnership working.


The following were agreed to be important to new SOA delivery plans:


1)    Focus on individuals’ opportunities to be resilient.

2)    Need a response to the newly emerging cyber hate crime.

3)    Vulnerability needs to be identified.

4)    Need CPP, ADP and Community Justice to thread through one another so links are explicit and understood.

5)    Bring place based focus to this, looking at high risk areas where there are currently no focus or targets.

6)    College and education are important in the education elements of domestic abuse.








Feedback from outcome discussions


Exceptions - update from outcome leads pdf icon PDF 143 KB



Outcome 1: The economy is diverse and thriving

As Douglas Cowan was not present, the explanations within the performance information were noted.


Outcome 2: We have infrastructure that supports sustainable growth

Pippa went through the exceptions for Outcome 2. There was shared disappointment that no sites in Argyll and Bute had benefitted from the Scottish Government’s Mobile Infrastructure Project to reduce the number of “not spots” in the mobile telephone coverage.


Outcome 3: Education, skills and training maximises opportunities for all

The exceptions were noted.


Outcome 4: Children and young people have the best possible start

Elaine Garman, deputising for Louise Long advised that protocols and processes were being put in place to address some of the exceptions. Elaine advised that the % of babies being breastfed had risen and that this data would be published soon.


Outcome 5: People live active, healthier and independent lives

Elaine updated the Management Committee on the challenge of gaining buy-in to Carers’ assessments from families. It was noted that the number of crisis hours intervention support delivered (5.6.7.a) was a success story as the support needed had not been as high as anticipated.


Outcome 6: People live in safer and stronger communities

The exceptions were noted.





Kirkmichael: A Community and Multi-Agency Partnership Approach pdf icon PDF 91 KB




Rona updated the Management Committee on a multi-agency group which had come together with the newly formed Kirkmichael Community Development Group. Rona advised that the next meeting was in January and that partners should contact Rona if they wanted to attend.




Community Empowerment Act


The Management Committee were advised that Argyll and Bute Council were looking at the technical aspects of the Act and it was agreed that a joint approach should be taken for elements such as engaging with communities.



Elaine Garman introduced John Owens to the Management Committee, who is the new Chair of the Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) and presented the 2014-5 Annual Report.


Partners were encouraged to engage with and support the ADP.


It was agreed to approve the Annual Report and to circulate a web link to it following the meeting.


Action: Samantha to circulate Alcohol and Drug Partnership 2014-15 Annual Report to members of the Management Committee




Cleland asked the Management Committee to note the outstanding CPP response to the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme. He advised that the contribution and cooperation by everyone has been immense and has shown Argyll and Bute at its best. To date 10 families have been resettled and a total of 35 people. We are now moving to plan the second tranche of 5 families for Bute early in the new year and 5 more for Kintyre later in the spring. Cleland asked to extend his thanks to everyone involved and give a special mention to Morag Brown who has been inspirational.




Dates of next meetings

TBC – February – Delivery Plan Review, Outcome Leads

Thursday 24th March – Outcomes 3 and 4

Thursday 9th June – Outcomes 1 and 5

Tuesday 2nd August – Full Partnership

Thursday 29th September – Outcomes 2 and 6

Tuesday 20th December – Outcomes 3 and 4



Tuesday 16th February 2016 – Development Day for Management Committee

Thursday 24th March 2016 – Outcomes 3 and 4

Thursday 9th June 2016 – Outcomes 1 and 5

Tuesday 2nd August – Full Partnership

Thursday 29th August – Outcomes 2 and 6

Tuesday 20th December – Outcomes 3 and 4


Informal discussion


It was agreed to hold a Development Day for the Management Committee in February.