Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee - Friday, 30 September 2016 10:30 am

Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions

Contact: Samantha Somers 01546 604464 

No. Item


Welcome and apologies - Grant Manders


Apologies were received from:


David Boag, Gaelic Board

Andrew Campbell, Scottish Natural Heritage

Fraser Durie, Argyll College

Brian Fleming, Department for Work and Pensions

Elaine Garman, NHS Highland

Stuart Green, Argyll and Bute Council

Glenn Heritage, Third Sector Interface

Jim Hymas, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Louise Long, Argyll and Bute Council

Donald MacVicar, Argyll and Bute Council

Councillor Ellen Morton, Argyll and Bute Council

Cleland Sneddon, Argyll and Bute Council

Councillor Dick Walsh, Argyll and Bute Council

Christina West, Health and Social Care Partnership


Grant welcomed everyone to the meeting in Gaelic and advised that Becky would be filming parts of the Management Committee meeting and that the film clip would be in the public domain once finalised.



Minute and Highlights of CPP Management Committee meeting on the 9th June 2016 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes and highlights of the meeting of the CPP Management Committee of the 9th June 2016 were approved as a correct record.


It was clarified that the film clip would go alongside the Highlight Report for now but that the intention would be to stop producing Highlights if the film clips is successful.



Action Tracker pdf icon PDF 37 KB


The Action Tracker was updated and approved as an accurate reflection of current actions.


In relation to action 76 regarding locality groups, it was noted that a recent informal discussion with members of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group had concluded that the Locality Manager for the Health and Social Care Partnership should be invited to attend ACPGs with the Locality Planning Group being treated as any other partner.


Action 78 – it was agreed to mark this as complete and have as a standing item on the agenda.



Community Planning


Area Community Planning Update, Shirley MacLeod pdf icon PDF 118 KB


Shirley MacLeod presented the information from the August meetings of the Area Community Planning Groups.


As per the recommendations, the Management Committee agreed to:

  • Note the change in the Helensburgh and Lomond Chair and write a letter from Grant Manders to Cllr Gary Mulvaney thanking him for his time as Chair and write a letter to Stuart McLean, congratulating him on his new positon
  • Note the community development work underway in Kirkmichael, Tiree, Lismore, Luing, Easdale, Kerrera
  • Note the predicted increase in population on Jura and inform Lorna Elliott if their organisation wished to attend the next meeting regarding this
  • Agreed that the Chairs of the Area Community Planning Groups should be invited to sit on the Management Committee and that a meeting will be arranged to develop a process around this
  • Agreed to feedback to the Economic Forum asking them to promote Area Community Planning Groups to private businesses
  • Agreed to discuss Locality Plans further at a meeting of the Chief Officers Group


Action: Rona to write a letter from Grant Manders to Cllr Mulvaney thanking him for his time as Chair of Helensburgh and Lomond ACPG and to Stuart McLean congratulating him on his appointment.

Action: All to inform Lorna Elliott if a representative from your organisation should attend the next meeting looking at the predicted population increase on Jura

Action: Rona to organise meeting between Grant, Shirley, Lorna and Rona to develop a process on ACPG Chairs sitting on the Management Committee


National Community Planning update, Gordon Wales


Gordon advised that there was no new information arising from the National Community Planning Group however advised on other areas of interest to the Management Committee.


A series of recommendations following responses to the consultation on the Community Planning aspect of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act were in the process of being presented to ministers and it was likely that this would be implemented around December 2016/January 2017.


Gordon also advised of a new CPP support portal – for information and guidance and that there were plans to extend it further to look at best practice and shared learning.


Gordon also updated the Management Committee on topics including an education governance review currently underway, with consideration thereafter of the funding arrangements for schools, the new Islands Strategic Group and EU funding implications.



Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Annual Report 2015-16, John Owens, Chair of the ADP pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Additional documents:


John Owens and Craig McNally presented the Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships’ Annual Report for 2015-16 to the Management Committee.


John informed the Management Committee that there was an ongoing review of Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships across the country and that they were wanting to make the best use of existing partnerships across Argyll and Bute. Highlights of the past year included reviewing the structures of the partnership, strengthening the core team and shared agendas and great buy-in from service users and communities on the Recovery Orientated System of Care (ROSC) model. John also advised that plans were in place to form a drug-related death group to tackle this issue.


Grant said that he was delighted with the direction of travel for the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership and that substantial progress had been made over the last year.


It was agreed to sign off the Annual Report.



2016/17 Delivery Plan Update


Action tracker and performance measures for Outcome 2: We have infrastructure to support sustainable growth, Pippa Milne pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


Pippa went through the action tracker for the actions within the Outcome 2 delivery plan providing an update on each one.


It was agreed that Malcolm McFadyen be replaced with Stuart Green on the action regarding Rural Regeneration because of Stuart’s role with the Smarterplaces initiative.


Grant Manders asked for partners to receive an update on delivering high speed broadband. Pippa confirmed there had been a recent meeting between Council and BT to address issues. It was confirmed by HIE and the Council that there had been progress and that an update position would be made available for circulation prior to the Full Partnership meeting on 2 November.


Pippa emphasised importance for all partners to consider how they can assist with making positive messaging for Argyll and Bute, for example highlighting its close proximity to central belt and the beauty of the area.


The Call for Sites for the Local Development Plan (LDP) is out. Partners encouraged to input where relevant to this.


It was noted that the cost of developing houses still remains a challenge.


Action: Samantha to replace Malcolm McFadyen with Stuart Green on the action regarding rural regeneration

Action: Pippa and Jennifer to provide update on Broadband for distribution to partners via CPP news bulletin ahead of Full Partnership on 2 November.

Action: All to consider how their organisation can positively promote Argyll and Bute through messaging.

Action: Information on the Local Development Plan to be brought to a future meeting.



Action tracker and performance measures for Outcome 6: People live in safer and stronger communities, Gail McClymont pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Gail went through the action tracker for the actions within the Outcome 2 delivery plan providing an update on each one.


It was noted that the Youth Engagement Officers for Oban and Helensburgh were starting their role on the 3rd October 2016. Gail provided an explanation for the actions that were not on track with the main reason for this being that an appropriate lead required to be identified for these activities. It was noted that work was still happening in relation to these activities despite not having an identified lead.


Further to the activity update on patient transport a group of partners met on 16 September 2016 to discuss this. It is acknowledged that this is a difficult issue.


Gail also advised that there was more up-to-date data available and requested that Samantha contact her to ensure the latest figures are showing in the report.


Action: Samantha contact Gail to receive latest Police Scotland figures for reporting.



Exception reporting from all delivery plans pdf icon PDF 60 KB


Samantha went through the exceptions for each of the outcomes. It was noted that almost all of them were requiring authorisation of a lead officer/other key people from senior staff and that the Community Planning team were just waiting to hear back from these staff members.


Grant requested that it be flagged to him where identification of leads taking too long.


Action: Outcome Leads to flag to Grant instances where identifying an activity lead is taking too long.



Joint Health Improvement Plan review, focus group - Antonia Baird pdf icon PDF 117 KB


Alison McGrory gave Management Committee members background information into the Joint Health Improvement Plan. Management Committee members were initially asked to prioritise existing strategic priorities and then emerging themes. Antonia confirmed that the feedback from the Management Committee would be fed into the review.


The Management Committee flagged up the following areas as priorities under existing strategic priorities:

·         Mental Health

·         Early Years

·         Alcohol and Drugs

·         Older people


And the following areas of new themes:

  • Prevention
  • Self-Management
  • Person Centred Care
  • Social Prescribing


Alison and Antonia confirmed that the new strategy was due to be launched in January 2017.



CPP Annual Report 2015-16, agreement prior to publishing, Rona Gold pdf icon PDF 595 KB


Rona took the Management Committee through the draft Annual Report and thanked everyone for their contributions towards it. Partners will be encouraged to circulate it once published and that hard copies plus the weblink will be provided to Management Committee members.


The content of the Annual Report was agreed with the proviso that any further comments must be provided to Rona/Samantha by the 7th October and that a reminder would go out to those not present at the meeting today.


Action: Any further amendments/comments on the Annual Report to be with Rona/Samantha by the 7th October 2016.



Care Leavers Covenant - seeking signatory for this


Rona explained what the Care Leavers Covenant was to the Management Committee and advised that the CPP could sign up as a collective in addition to individual partners signing up themselves. It was agreed that signing up would be supportive of our Corporate Parenting duties.


It was agreed that Rona would sign up the CPP to the Care Leavers Covenant.


Action: Rona to sign the CPP up to the Care Leavers Covenant.



Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy - role for CPP. Rona Gold pdf icon PDF 121 KB


Rona advised that the Scottish Government’s new Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People strategy tasked the CPP to have an accountable person for this strategy. It was agreed that Rona would speak to Louise Long to identify a suitable person for this role.


Action: Rona to speak to Louise Long regarding identifying an accountable person for this strategy




·         Attending Area Community Planning Groups

·         Full Partnership meeting






Grant encouraged all Management Committee members to attend at least one of the Area Community Planning Group meetings if possible to build strong links between the two levels.






Rona advised that this was taking place on the 2nd November in Oban at the same time as the Enterprise Week to allow delegates the opportunity to attend the Trade Fair after the Full Partnership meeting. Rona confirmed that this year was a board-style meeting in café style, with presentations, Q&A sessions and networking opportunities. Invitations would be sent out next week.






Katrina advised that the TSI had taken on the responsibility for the running of the Third Sector and Communities Group and that they were hoping to encourage additional community groups to attend the meeting on the 11th October.


Katrina also advised that the report from the Transport Conference was now available and requested that this go on the agenda for the next Management Committee meeting. It was agreed to circulate this to Management Committee members in advance.




Dates of future meetings

Full Partnership – Wednesday 2nd November

Management Committee – Tuesday 20th December


Area Community Planning Groups:

Tuesday 8th November – Bute and Cowal (evening meeting)

Wednesday 9th November – Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands

Tuesday 15th November – Helensburgh and Lomond

Thursday 17th November – Oban, Lorn and the Isles (evening meeting)


Full Partnership – Wednesday 2nd November

Management Committee – Tuesday 20th December


Area Community Planning Groups:

Tuesday 8th November – Bute and Cowal (evening meeting)

Wednesday 9th November – Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands

Tuesday 15th November – Helensburgh and Lomond

Thursday 17th November – Oban, Lorn and the Isles (evening meeting)