Agenda and minutes

Kintyre Initiative Partnership - Friday, 28 June 2013 10:00 am

Venue: Town Hall, Campbeltown

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were intimated by:-


Donnie Cameron (NHS Highland)

Matthew Willis (MACC)

Jane Mayo Campbeltown Community Business Ltd)

David Roger (HIE)

Jamie McGrigor MSP

John Bakes

Tracy Grant (SKDT)

Maryanne Stewart (AVA)

Alan Reid MP

Michael Russell MSP






MINUTES pdf icon PDF 81 KB

The Minutes of the meeting held on 26, April 2013.


The Minute of the previous meeting held on 26 April, 2013 was approved as a true  record.


Matters Arising


There were no Matters Arising.


Exploring Community Renewable Energy Opportunities in Kintyre

A presentation by Iona McDonald, Community Energy Scotland.


The group heard a presentation from Iona McDonald, Community Energy Scotland.  The Chair thanked Iona for her detailed and informative presentation and opened questions from the group and public in attendance.


Discussion followed in regards:-


Impact on local toursim

Benefits to the local community

Concerns in relation to potential detriment to the local landscape


Stuart Green, Senior Development Officer updated the group on the recent contract which had been awarded to EON by the Forestry Commission.  The Forestry Commission had taken an ethical approach when preparing the tender.  Stuart advised on the various options which could be considered by local communities in Kintyre. 


These options included:-


That local communities could undertake a trade for shares

They could also buy into schemes.


He reitereated that opportunities were available for communities to fully engage with companies, with the assurance that Argyll and Bute Council would ensure that these companies conformed to their agreements.


Richard Kerr, Head of Planning reported on the growing demand for Windfarm turbines, which were considerably larger than ones which had been previously approved.  He advised that planning consent for these ultimately reduced the landscape capacity and informed the group of the bullish approach undertaken by some companies in  negotiations with landowners.  A member of the public questioned the height of anemometers in comparison to the actual height of turbines. Richard Kerr confirmed that the anemometers height was the actual height of the turbine hubs.



Councillor Semple enquired on the accumulative impact of smaller turbines.  Richard Kerr replied that smaller turbines were not so problematic and highlighted instances on Orkney and Aberdeen whereby larger turbines were proving detrimental to local areas.


The Chair invited questions from members of the public in attendance.


Discussion continued in regards the safer monetary return for communities collaborating with  larger companies.  Richard Kerr reported that work was currently underway in the development of a sub-station with an underwater cable to Hunterston. 


Debate continued and the feeling intimated by some members of the public was to leave the Kintyre landscape untouched.  However, others were of the opinion that local communities could benefit from the potential funding  generated from Windfarms.


The group agreed the need for further research and discussion, with representation and input from local Community Councils.  Iona McDonald agreed to assist with the monitoring of this issue and her contact details are detailed below:-


Iona McDonald,  Development Officer for Argyll

Community Energy Scotland


01631 563 239






Ferry - update


The Chair confirmed that the Ferry Service  from Campbeltown to Ayrshire was fully operational. 



Sub-group for Ferry Services pdf icon PDF 47 KB


Discussion was held in regards the formation of the Sub-group for the new Ferry Service.  Councillor Semple stated that it would be necessary for the group to ensure that they addressed any issues arising from both existing ferry routes and any future ferry routes planned for the local area.


The Chair invited nominations from the KIWG and the following group members were nominated:-


Councillor Anne Horn, Councillor John Semple and Jim Martin.  It was agreed that contact would be made with local Community Councils and Hoteliers in the area with a view to representation from these groups also sitting on the Sub-group.


The group agreed that the Terms of Reference and objectives would be agreed at the Sub-group's initial meeting in conjunction with Argyll and Bute Council.




Update - TransServ - Councillor Semple


Councillor Semple advised that a Business Case was being prepared in regards work proposals for the trunking of the A83.  A report would be brought to the Council meeting in August for consideration.



Campbeltown Airport


John Lamont reported that the new Sunday service had commenced 2 weeks ago and would continue until the end of September.  Initial passenger numbers were steady, but somewhat low and it was hoped as the service was imbedded numbers would increase.   He advised on an increase in private and charter flights.  In addition, the usage of the airport for 'out of hours' flying for smaller aircraft was proving popular.    Figures for May were slightly down, but overall there was a 9.3% increase from last year.

Councillor Semple, Chair of HIAL, informed the group of a consultation study which was being undertaken on the new Twin-Otters service for Islands routes.  He advised that there would perhaps be potential for a service between Campbeltown and Oban providing there was  market capacity.



Road Issues pdf icon PDF 73 KB


The Chair advised the group that the Roads Performance Manager had been unable to attend the meeting.  However a report was tabled updating the group on the Roads Capital Budget.


Discussion followed in regards recent road closures on the A83 and both  the Chair and Councillor Semple advised that negotiations had been undertaken with the contractor to ensure that the road remained open as much as possible.


The Chair informed the group that BEAR had been invited to the next MAKI Area Committee in August.  He requested that any issues on the A83 be forwarded to himself or Theresa McLetchie.  A report was being compiled which would be forwarded to BEAR prior to the Area Committee.


Councillor Currie highlighted the prudence of undertaking grass cutting on single-track road verges, prior to cuts on major roads to avert danger to road users by this obstruction.  Councillor Semple reiterated that if anyone had any issues in this regards, then they should be identified and reported  to Roads Department.   




Clyde Fishermens Association


The Chair welcomed  Richard Johnston, Clyde Fishermens Association, to the meeting.  Richard updated the group on concerns for fishermen in the local area and detailed the record reduction being implemented in the amount of fish they were allowed to catch.  Another cause for concern was the mobilisation of the East Coast fleet fishing into West Coast waters.


Councillor Semple reported on a recent meeting with local fishermen where they had expressed their concerns and he reiterated that local Members would continue to assist as much as they could.


The Chair thanked Richard for attending the meeting, requested regular updates on the afore-mentioned issues and reported that it had been agreed at the Council meeting held on 27 June to write to Marine Scotland suggesting a number of measures which would help minimise the impact of the Cod Recovery Plan (CRP) on the West Coast fishing industry.



CHORD pdf icon PDF 68 KB


The Chair detailed the background to the CHORD project and advised the group of the recent award from the Campbeltown CHORD Project Board of £300,00 towards the Town Hall project in Campbeltown.


Susan Paterson informed the group that the Stage 2 bid had been submitted and a meeting with the assessor was scheduled for 1 July.


Stuart Green reported that a full Business Case was being prepared for the Berthing Facility in Campbeltown.  This would be submitted to the Project Board for consideration and discussion.  Councillor Semple enquired if the plans included public toilets and  Stuart advised that options appraisals would be presented at the next Board meeting.


The Chair informed the group that a Traffic Survey would be undertaken in September.  Councillor Semple stated that he hoped this would address the current layout issues.





Highland and Islands Enterprise (HIE)


A report was tabled from HIE at the meeting.





Business Gateway


A report was tabled at the meeting and Barbara Halliday introduced Donald Melville, new Business Advisor to the group.  Barbara would continue with existing clients and Donald would be tasked with assisting new clients.

Discussion continued in regards the need for Business Gateway to become more prolific in the area and make themselves known to the local community.

The Chair thanked both Barbara and Donald for their attendance.



Argyll College


Fraser Durie informed the group of the key focus areas by the College - which included:-







He advised on the close working partnership between the College and Argyll and Bute’ Council’s Economic Development team.  In addition, he highlighted the ongoing support from Wind Towers Ltd and the importance of the Lochgilphead Engineering Centre.  Darlene Russell reported on the new HNC in Hospitality in conjunction with the LEADER programme.





Campbeltown Community Centre Council


Anna Binnie, Chair of the Community Centre Council updated the group on progress made since her last attendance at the KIWG.  Funding had been raised from the Big Lotter, LEADER, Robertson Trust and the Community Centre Council. 


She introduced Steve Bone, Alan Jones Associates who had been appointed to assist with the Community Council Development planning for a period - April-October.


Steve Bone introduced himself to the group and detailed the background of his Company, which entailed Community Development and Regeneration.  He advised of a forthcoming consultation exercise .the detail of which is below:-


The Chair thanked both Anna and Steve for their attendance and acknowledged the hard work and effort being undertaken by the Community Centre.



Machrihanish Community Facility


There was no update from MACC.  Matthew Willis, Manager, had intimated his apologies.


Kintyre Way


The Chair introduced Andrew Holtby to the group.  Andrew updated the group that he and 2 colleagues were now in place as part of the Coast Community Fund project.  Their remit was to provide training to the unemployed  as part of a new scheme and this would involve extending the Kintyre Way.  He advised that 2 trainees had been taken on for a 6 month period as part of the scheme.


Andrew related some issues of concern on the Kintyre Way, whereby walkers presently needed to use the A83 as part of the route.  He and the team were hoping to address this and they were tasked with various route options to determine a solution.


The Chair thanked Andrew for his attendance and would appreciate regular updates to the group.



South Kintyre Development - update


Susan Paterson had updated the group on this issue under Item 5g.




MAKI Community Planning Group - Meeting date

The date of the MAKI Community Planning Group meeting is:-


 4, Septembet 2013 – 2.00p.m.

 Venue is -  Town Hall, Campbeltown


The next MAKI CPG meeting was scheduled for:-


4 September, 2013 – 2.00p.m.


The venue for the meeting would be the Town Hall, Campbeltown.




Harvard Davis reported on the success of the recent Wee Picture House Centenary celebration on 26 May, 2013. He expressed thanks on behalf of Campbeltown Community Business Ltd to their sponsors and funders, especially HIE. 


He advised the group of the re-application to the Lottery Fund and envisaged that they would receive notification of the outcome in approximately 3 months time.


The Chair thanked Harvard for this update and wished them every success with their application.





Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair


The KIWG agreed to defer the appointment of a new Chair and Vice-Chair until the next meeting.



Date of next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for:-


Friday, 30 August, 2013.


The date of the next meeting was scheduled for:-


Friday, 30 August, 2013

10.00a.m. – Town Hall, Campbeltown.


The Chair thanked everyone for attending and appreciated the informative updates received.