Venue: Town Hall, Main Street, Campbeltown
Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies for absence were intimated by:- Maggie Maguire CalMac Jamie McGrigor MSP Stewart Clark – Argyll and Bute Council Alistair Somerville – Transport Scotland Dhonna McCallum – Argyll College Darlene Russell - Argyll College Ian Wardrop – MACC Mayranne Stewart – AVA Alan Reid MP Tracy Grant – SKDT |
The Minutes of the meeting held on 28 June, 2013. Minutes: The Minute of the previous meeting held on 28 June, 2013 was approved as a true record, subject to the following amendment:- Page 5 – CHORD The Chair detailed the background to the CHORD
project and advised the group of the recent award from the Campbeltown CHORD
Project Board of £300,000 towards the Town Hall project in Campbeltown. |
Matters Arising Minutes: There were no Matters Arising. |
FUTURE INITIATIVES Minutes: The Chair asked the group to give consideration
that this item - Future Initiatives - becomes a standing item on future
Agendas. Furthermore, he asked for a closer working relationship with
the South Kintyre Development Trust (SKDT) as a vehicle for taking forward
new initiatives. Discussion continued in regards other bodies and
organisations that could also be included. These included local Tourism
Bodies and also the need to include stakeholders. The issue of a new running track was raised and the
feasibility of SKDT taking forward and assisting with this initiative.
Councillor Semple advised of a positive discussion held on the recent
Ministerial visit to Campbeltown in regards a new running track in
Campbeltown. Councillor Semple highlighted the large numbers
of buildings in Campbeltown Town Centre which were in need of significant
maintenance. The group gave further discussion to the
planning applications for further wind farms in the Kintyre area and the need
for collective discussion on how to best utilise the money which would be
generated. Other possible initiatives included:- Car Rally at MACC Pipe Band Competiton Air Show Councillor Currie highlighted the economic
decline in the Carradale area and welcomed advice on any initiatives on how to
address this. The Chair put forward the possibility of the SKDT
making contact to assist and agred he would forward a copy of the SKDT East Kintyre
Action Plan to Councillor Currie . Councillor Semple advised that the
Economic Development team at Argyll and Bute council were currently involved
in re-generation of local areas and could perhaps link in and assist with
the issues in Carradale. The group agreed that Future Initiatives would
remain as a standing item on future KIWG
Agendas with input and suggestions from group members. |
Ferry - update Minutes: Stuart Green updated the group on the passenger
figures to date for usage on the new Ferry route between Campbeltown
and South Ayrshire. These were 975 cars and 6000 passengers.
However, there was no detail on actual passenger background. It was hoped
that the new Ferry Users Group would be able to address this. He detailed
the 'peaks' in passenger use and explained that Fridays were a popular day for
ferry travel on the route. Discussion continued in the possibility of additional
passenger use and an amended timetable. |
Sub-group for Ferry Services Minutes: Councillor Semple advised that the Ferry Sub
group were meeting later in the day and the initial ethos and rationale of the
group would be to discuss the possibility of maximising the existing timetable
and also endeavour to increase marketing and linkages. The Ferry Sub-group
would provide updates to KIWG. |
Campbeltown Airport Minutes: John Lamont advised the group that figures for
the evening flight service were extremely good and that the new ferry service
had not impacted on usage. Passenger figures were +3.1% - although
overall they were down by -3% on last year’s figures. Flight movements were +77.6% and this equated
to 190 flight movements in July, as opposed to 176 last year. He
reported on the continuation of 'out of hours' flight movements. |
Road Issues Minutes: Reports updating the group on both the Roads
Reconstruction Capital Programme in Kintyre and Transport Discussion continued in regards Argyll and Bute Council
undertaking remedial work on the A83 to bring it up to the required standard
before transfer to Trunk road status. Negotiations were ongoing and
this issue would be considered at the full Council meeting in
September. The issue of possible savings by Argyll and
Bute Council after the transfer was queried. Councillor Semple replied
that there would not be any savings made; as grants received from the
Scottish Government were based on linear metreage on local roads and it would
still be necessary to ensure that the Scottish Government undertook their
legislative commitments on these roads. Concerns were highlighted on the following road
issues: 1. Moss
Road – cars speeding around a bad corner. 2. 3. Parking
in Tayinloan - releasing of ACHA land 4. Possibility
of segregation on A83 Trunk Road to accommodate cyclists and walkers. Decision The group agreed: 1.
That the Roads Performance Manager would be requested to undertake
a technical appraisal of issues 1 and 2 above
and be requested to attend the next KIWG meeting in October with
updates. 2.
That a letter would be
drafted to ACHA in regards the car parking issue in Tayinloan with a request to
release land to alleviate the parking problem. 3.
That the Head of Economic Development and Strategic Transportation
would be asked to look at what opportunities there are for cyclists and report back
to the Group with this information. |
CHORD Minutes: Stuart Green advised the group that work on the
Berthing Facility was being progressed to Full Business Case and that a meeting
of the Campbeltown CHORD Project Board was being
planned for September. Councillor Semple
reported on the opening of the flats on Kinloch Road and the positive and
congratulatory comments which had been received on the joint working which
had been undertaken between ACHA and Argyll and Bute Council in achieving this. The Chair reported that the Traffic Survey currently being implemented would be made over a period of 2/3 days |
Broadband and Mobile phone issues - Briefing note PDF 87 KB Minutes: The group noted the update in regards Broadband
and mobile phones. Stuart Green informed the group of continuing
investments being made in regards Next Generation Broadband (NGN)
improvementsp. However, some
communities outwith larger settlements may encounter problems encouraged community
councils to check the map of coverage. If
there area was not covered he advised that they should make contact with:- Who would be able to explain alternative options
which may be available. The Chair advised that local Community Councils could review the extent of improvements in the area by clicking on the link - Maps within the update. |
Minutes: The Chair referred to the letter which had been received from Linda Rosborough, Director of Marine Scotland. Discussion continued in regards the need to
maintain and support local fishermen. Decision The group noted the letter from Marine Scotland and agreed that a letter would be drafted to local representatives of the Clyde Fishermens Association requesting feedback as to whether the response was helpful. |
Clyde Fishermens Association Minutes: No update was received from the Association. |
Highland and Islands Enterprise (HIE) PDF 63 KB Minutes: The Chair advised the group that this would be
David Rogers last attendance at a KIWG meeting as he was be undertaking work
within the Rothesay and Dunoon
area. He thanked David for the help, advice and input he had provided to KIWG meetings over the past few years. David thanked the Chair and advised that David
Roberts would provide future representation from HIE.
Minutes: Donald Melville reported on a new business
portal from SSE: This was a portal providing tendering
opportunities for local businesses. Donald advised on a new Business
Growth Grant which is part ERDF funded. It will provide support for local
businesses wishing to grow. The funding would equate to 50% of eligible
costs up to a maximum of £3,000. The criteria for the funding are: Existing businesses that are
actively trading with a turnover above £70,000 and be projecting an increase in
turnover within the next 3 years linked to a specific growth initiative. New-start businesses can apply
where they have been trading for at least 3 months and are able to demonstrate
clear potential to achieve an annual turnover of £70,000 with their first 18
months of trading, with further grow beyond. He reported that a colleague had undertaken
training on 'World Host' and would provide in-house training to other Business
Gateway staff. If there was sufficient interest from local businesses,
then this training would be provided in the local area. Discussion continued in regards the provision
of a breakdown of figures by geographical area and details of the
SSE portal. Decision The group agreed: That Donald Melville would provide a
geographical breakdown of figures and would also forward on the Business Gateway electronic
magazine to local Members. |
Argyll College Minutes: The group noted the report from Argyll College which was tabled at the meeting. |
Explore Campbeltown Minutes: The Chair introduced Ewen McDonald and Neil
Clapperton from Explore Campbeltown. Ewen informed the group of their new tourist
initiative, detailing the success of the initial meeting and the brand launch
of 'Explore Campbeltown' which had been opened at Seafield Hotel by Michael
Russell MSP this week. He updated the group on the meeting with Alex
Salmond and his invitation to host a reception at Bute House to further promote
Explore Campbeltown. Neil Clapperton advised he and his colleagues
involved with Explore Campbeltown had devised a different approach in
advertising the brand. Their ethos was to maintain a simplistic and
realistic approach and, so far, this was proving successful and paying
dividends. The Chair congratulated both Ewen and Neil on
the success of Explore Campbeltown and wished them continuing success. He
asked that the Group be kept informed of any topical issues Explore Campbeltown
wished to raise and that the KIWG would continue
to circulate their Agenda and Minutes to Ewen. |
Machrihanish Community Facility Minutes: Jim Martin informed the group of the recent
appointment of Malcolm McMillan as MACC manager. He would commence as
manager on 23 September. Jim reported that there were 9 new tenants at
the base with the possibility of a community shop and allotments. Local
sports clubs were in the progress of taking over some of the sports facilities
at MACC. The Chair thanked Jim for his update and
welcomed Malcolm McMillan's attendance at future KIWG meetings. |
Kintyre Way Minutes: Andy Holby reported that the first apprentice
had commenced his personalised training programme. He advised of the
ongoing extension work on the Kintyre Way which he hoped would be completed and
in place by Spring 2014. In regards the access to Machrihanish Beach at
Westport, Andy informed the group that 3 options had been identified and
negotiations were in progress to advance these. Andy reported that an application to Landscape
Heritage Trust was in progress. He advised of a meeting being held on 4
October, 2013 in Templars Hall, Tarbert to look at a Landscape Partnership Bid. |
South Kintyre Development - update Minutes: SKDT - The Chair (in his capacity as Director)
informed the group of the SKDT application to Growing Community Assets was also
being considered at the same time. In addition, the Sherriff was in the
process of making a decision of the transfer of ownership to SKDT.
Providing on the success of the ownership transfer and the funding application,
then the work on the Town Hall would commence. |
MAKI Community Planning Group - Meeting date The date of the MAKI Community Planning Group meeting is:- 4, September 2013 – 2.00p.m. Venue is - Town Hall, Campbeltown Minutes: The next MAKI CPG meeting was scheduled for:- 4 September, 2013 – 2.00p.m. The venue for the meeting would be the Town Hall, Campbeltown. |
A.O.B. Minutes: AVA Pat Dean updated the group of the
appointment of a new AVA staff member - Ian McVicar. Wee Picture House - Jane Mayo informed the
group that the Big Food Trip programme which would be featuring local produce
was scheduled for 30 September. The application to Heritage Lottery fund was
being considered by the committee on 10 September. Jane thanked HIE for
all their help and advice in completing the application. |
Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair Minutes: This item would continue and be considered as
part of the emerging Political Management arrangements with the Group being updated
in due course. |
Date of next meeting The next meeting is scheduled for:- Friday, 25th October, 2013. Minutes: The date of the next meeting was scheduled for:- Friday, 25
October, 2013 10.00a.m. – Town
Hall, Campbeltown. The Chair thanked everyone for attending and thanked the group for the informative updates received. |