Venue: Conference Room, Dalriada House, Lochgilphead with a VC facility to Islay Service Point, Bowmore
Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Introduction Minutes: Councillor Horn (Vice-Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited introductions around the table. She formally congratulated Chief Inspector Baillie on her recent temporary promotion.
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were intimated by:- Andrew Hill Verina Litster June Graham Kay McGhee Carol Muir Kathleen Munro Iain McKinnon Manager – Dochas Centre |
Minutes of the previous Meeting held on 7 February 2012 PDF 82 KB Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 February 2012 were approved as a true and correct record. Matters Arising: Patrick Mackie would not longer be attending CSF meetings. The representative from Environmental Health would be – Iain McKinnon. Iain had been unable to attend the meeting and had sent his apologies. |
Community Safety Forum - Membership changes and Governance PDF 52 KB Minutes: Stephen Doogan reported to the Forum that a general attempt to rationalise and avoid duplication at Community Safety meetings was underway to endeavour a fit into the Community Planning process. He presented the report regarding Membership changes and governance. Decision: The forum discussed the issues raised and agreed upon the following recommendations:- 2.1 Noted the nomination MAKI Area Committee which resulted in the re-appointment of Councillor Horn and the appointment of Councillor Taylor to the CSF.. 2.2 The appointment of a chair and a vice-chair 2.3 To defer the nominarion of a chair and a vice-chair until the next meeting to allow time for Superintendent Baillie’s successor to be appointed. Councillor Horn to continue as acting chair in the interim period. 2.4 That Community Planning is a key strategic issue for the CSF and that the community planning group for the area will be a key strategic partner. 2.5 To provide highlight exception reports to the community planning group for the area as appropriate. |
Progress of Actions (Update on actions identified at previous meetings)
Budget and Funding Applications |
Community Safety/Problem Solving Grants - Budget available The budget remains at £1872.00 Minutes: There were no applications and the budget still amounted to £1872.00. Discussion ensued in regards the provison of advisory water signage at Tayinloan and it was agreed that Peter Howland would liaise with Robert Westeman to design suitable signage and leaflets with the new CSF logo, this would then be costed and the information sent to Theresa for circulation. The group agreed in principle that the signage could be purchased from the above budget, but to await costing. Action: A draft of the signage would be emailed to Theresa McLetchie who would forward to group members for their approval.
Violent Crime, Disorder and Anti Social Behaviour |
Vandalism in Tayinloan Minutes: Robert Westerman advised that 3 juveniles had been apprehended for vandalism in Tayinloan. They had been charged at the Sheriff Court in Campbeltown. Councillor Horn reported that a new community committee had been formed in Tayinloan. One of their tasks was to devise activities for the young people living in the local community and it was hoped that this would address the recent spate of disorder issues. |
Campbeltown Town Centre Manager's Report Mary Dott (new Town Centre manager) reported that there had been in the past, occasional issues with close doors being damaged on refurbished buildings. However, there were no issues at the moment and therefore nothing to report. Minutes: Mary Dott, new Town Centre manager, had reported that there were no current issues which gave cause for concern. |
Race/Homophobic Crime Minutes: There were no statistics provided. |
Environmental Services Report Minutes: There were no statistics provided. |
CCTV Update and BIDS for Camera usage Minutes: There were no statistics provided. |
Vulnerable Persons Minutes: There were no statistics provided. |
Domestic Abuse Minutes: There were no statistics provided. |
Child Protection/Youth Projects Minutes: There were no statistics provided. |
Elderly Persons Minutes: There were no statistics provided. |
Home Safety Minutes: The issue of safety on local caravan and camping sites was raised and it was agreed to provide safety advice which would be distributed to the sites. Update following on from meeting: SFR will be leading on an initiative throughout the summer to address safety on campsites , both static caravans and tourers. as well as tents. Members have been invited to the launch on Wed 28th June. The council will support this initiative by publicising it on the website and disseminating information to relevant groups such as CCs and licensed campsites. |
Health Minutes: There were no statistics provided. |
Environmental Safety Minutes:
Road Safety Minutes: There were no statistics provided. |
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Service Minutes: Verina Litster was unable
to attend the meeting and David Millward would represent
her at the meeting. She provided an update
on the following:- Young Drivers – A 10 week long Young Drivers Project
started in Rothesay and is being run by A&B
Council. All emergency services will attend a ‘Real Time Crash Scenario’ on
Thursday 28th June at the Joint Campus. This item has been on Stratclyde Fire and Rescue action plan for a while and there was a suggestion
to remove it as there are no planned RTC events for Young Drivers in the MAKI
area at present. Bikers Breakfast – The annual Bikers Breakfast was
taking place on Sunday 17 June at Inveraray Fire
Station. Bikers were encouraged to drop-in for a roll, a cuppa and a chat. The
Bikers would be informed of the dangers and hotspots on A&B’s
roads and have the opportunity to test-drive remote controlled cars wearing
beer goggles; learn how to remove a helmet safely and have the opportunity to
win 1 of 2 advanced driving programmes from the Institute of Advance Motoring. Nurseries – All nurseries in A&B will receive an
Early Level Fire Safety Resource pack, containing a bag, a yellow firefighters helmet, a fire suit (age 3-5yrs) and an
interactive CD. The outfit would allow children to dress as a fire fighter
while learning through their interactive screen the dangers of fire.
Water Safety Minutes: Peter Howland reported that boats which would be moored for longer than 28 days on the Crinan Canal would be subject to an inspection prior to a licence being permitted. The inspection included checks on fire and carbon monoxide safety. This was under the auspices of the ‘Boat Safety Scheme’ |
Emerging Trends Minutes: There were no updates provided. |
Forthcoming Key Events Diary (List of events to be submitted by all partners where there may be an impact upon another service/organisation)
Minutes: It was agreed to provide Theresa McLetchie with the details of forthcoming events in the local area. She would notify the group accordingly. |
New Actions Minutes: Action:
The Forum agreed that Jolyon Gritten
would be invited to the next CSF meeting. Action:
Theresa McLetchie would advise Robert Westerman of Anne McDougall’s contact details. Action: It was agreed
that Peter Howland and Robert Westerman would liaise in
the design of water safety signs and leaflets for group approval. Action: It was agreed that signs would be designed by Robert Westerman advising on safety at caravan parks. |
Any other business Minutes: Councillor Horn reported on 2 issues which had been raised at the Mid Argyll Partnership (MAP) meeting:- a. Police to notify local communities of their police liaison/community officer. b. The lack of police intervention in the search for a missing person in Furnace, due to lack of ‘search training experience’. In relation to a) it was agreed that the police would
provide updated community team membership via
the police websites, and that the URLs would be supplied to the Area
Governance officer, for distribution to the Community Councils David McGeachy replied that this had not been the case and reported that police personnel could and do take part in search procedures. George Leitch, who had also been present, reiterated that the police had been fully involved and given advice throughout the incident. However it was:- 1) recognised
that the coordination and control function of a search can to the untrained eye
look like inactivity, when this is far from the reality 2) recognised
that this particular incident had specific challenges, Councillor Taylor raised the issue of the ‘First Responders scheme’ and questioned the impact on this due to the lack of mobile phone signal in certain areas. It was agreed to highlight these concerns to the CSP at its next meeting. Danny McGeachy reported on the new mobile police office and detailed the problems in parking the vehicle in Lochgilphead. Subsequently, due to the difficulties in parking such a large vehicle, it is now based in Campbeltown.
Date of next meeting Minutes: The next Forum meeting would be held on:- 4 September – 2.00p.m. in the Burnet Building, Campbeltown. |