Venue: Dalriada House, Lochgilphead with a VC facility to Burnet Bldg, Campbeltown; Islay Servicepoint and Marriage Room Helensburgh
Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were intimated by:- Councillor Sandy Taylor Verina Lister Andrew Hill June Graham Andrew Hemmings |
Minutes of the previous Meeting held on 6 August 2013 PDF 60 KB Minutes: The Minute of the previous meeting held on 6 August, 2013 was approved as a true record. Matters Arising: Free Deaf Alerters Councillor Horn enquired as to whether all partners had received the information from Verina Lister of Scotland Fire and Rescue. Melissa Stewart confirmed that this had been disseminated shortly after the previous meeting.
Progress of Actions Minutes: As there were no actions set at the previous meeting there was no update required. |
Roads and Amenity Issues Arising from Local Events and Festivals Minutes: Councillor Horn advised that during the Tarbert Seafood Festival there had been an issue with overflowing bins, a problem which had been highlighted as there had been no one on street cleaning duty that weekend. James Ross advised that it may be worth looking at bulk bins for future festivals. He confirmed that he would take this matter back to the Streetscene Manager, and provide feedback to Melissa Stewart, who in turn would ensure it was passed to Councillor Horn. James Ross addressed the group with regard to the road closure at Tarbert Seafood Festival. He confirmed that the same procedure had been followed for a number of years, and the appropriate emails/correspondence had been circulated to local members, the Police, Ambulance and Fire Services, with no objections being received from any of the parties. He advise that having discussed the matter with the Police it had become apparent that there had been a breakdown of communications within the Police as the officers on the ground had been unaware of the road closure. Councillor Horn advised that although there had been an issue initially, the Police rallied round on the day and the event had been declared a success. Peter Howland enquired as to whether there was to be a gritting policy adopted on the B842, Clonaig to Carradale Road. He advised that there had been an increase in the volume of domestic vehicular traffic, and although the salt heaps were for public use, he was concerned that should he grit the road and someone skids he would be held accountable. James Ross confirmed that the salt heaps were indeed for public use and that he had never encountered a situation where there had been an accident in such circumstance. He suggested that the driver may be at fault due to not driving appropriately for the road conditions. He advised that he would refer this matter to the Council’s Road Maintenance section and report back to Governance and Law, who in turn would disseminate the information back to Mr Howland. Councillor Horn requested that East Kintyre Community Council be advised of the outcome also. |
Budget and Funding Applications Minutes:
Community Safety/Problem Solving Grants - Budget The budget is now - £1579.00 £293.00 was apportioned to Kintyre Crime Prevention Panel for leaflet printing Minutes: The balance of funding is now £1579, as £293 had previously been provided to Kintyre Crime Prevention Panel towards the cost of leaflet printing. As Andrew Hemmings had submitted his apologies for the meeting, the Chair requested an update on the success of the Fuel Theft Leaflets initiative at the next meeting. There were no further applications for consideration. |
Violent Crime, Disorder and Anti Social Behaviour |
Race/Homophobic Crime Minutes: Sergeant Mark Wilson provided the group with an update in regards to the period of 1st April 2013 to 25th November 2013. He advised that during this period there had only been 3 racial incidents and 1 homophobic crime. He stressed that these figures were low and that the incidents were not considered to be serious and that most incidents were usually as a result of alcohol with shouting and swearing being the biggest issue. |
Regulatory Services Minutes: Kathleen Munro advised the group of the work currently being undertaken by an officer in Dunoon in relation to the Cold Calling Zones. She advised that although these zones could not be criminally enforced there was a need to make people aware of their rights. She advised of the Firework Storage works carried out during the months of October and November and the upcoming Christmas Markets, with the requirement to obtain the relevant licences. |
CCTV Update and BIDS for Camera usage Minutes: Robert Cowper reported on the CCTV camera deployment in Kirk Street, Campbeltown. He advised that the camera would remain in this spot for a period of 12 weeks. He advised that if any member had any thoughts on where to deploy to next, to contact him directly and he would prepare the ground work. An update in regard to the redeployment would be given at the next meeting of the group in February. |
Vulnerable Persons Minutes:
Domestic Abuse Minutes: Sergeant Mark Wilson reported to the group figures in relation to the period of 1st April 2013 to 25th November 2013. He advised that the Mid Argyll area had the highest detection rate, but was hopeful of a decrease at the next meeting, as a family who required a lot of assistance in this regard, had recently moved out of the area. |
Child Protection/Youth Projects Minutes: There was no update. |
Older People Minutes: There was no update. |
Home Safety Minutes: Stuart MacLean of Scotland Fire and Rescue advised the group of the winter campaign in relation to burning candles, open fires, and wood burners, with general advice on maintenance of wood burners and the appropriate types of wood to use etc. He advised that although he didn’t have figures to hand he would ask Verina Lister to forward these to Governance and Law, to be disseminated to members. |
Health Minutes: There was no update. |
Health Activities Minutes: There was no update. |
Environmental Safety |
Police Scotland Minutes: Sergeant Mark Wilson advised the group that the Police were currently working alongside the Council with the winter resilience plans for Community Councils. He spoke of the winter campaigns in relation to the party season and road safety. He advised that they were also re-enforcing the message of home safety following the recent house break-ins in Minard as we approach the festive season. |
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Service Minutes: Stuart MacLean advised the group that they were currently working alongside Police Scotland with the road safety campaign. He advised that Verina Lister would forward the necessary information to Governance and Law who in turn would disseminate to members. |
Road Safety Minutes: This was discussed under items 8 (a) and (b). |
Proposed Referral Partnerships Minutes: There was no update. |
Water Safety Minutes: Peter Howland updated the group in terms of canal safety. He advised that there was no planned drainage of the canal, other than the canal basin which might be partly drained, but would be adequately fenced. |
Emerging Trends Minutes: Peter Howland enquired as to the proposals for Argyll and Bute Council to invest in the Kayaking Trail. He enquired as to the plans and the progress of this matter. He advised that it may lead to an increase in water related incidents. Melissa Stewart agreed to take forward and respond directly to Mr Howland. |
Forthcoming Key Events Diary (List of events to be submitted by all partners where there may be an impact upon another service/organisation)
It was noted that a list providing the dates and times for the switch on of Chirstmas lights throughout Argyll and Bute was available on the Council’s website – |
New Actions Minutes: No new actions were identified. |
Any other business Minutes: Sergeant Mark Wilson requested that for future agendas the sub-heading of Race/Homophobic Crime be altered to Hate Crime. This was agreed by all. The date of the next meeting was agreed as:- Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 2.00pm, in Campbeltown. |