Venue: Studio Theatre - Corran Halls, Oban. View directions
Contact: Jane Gillies - 01631 567901
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were recorded from Councillor Devon, Audrey Martin, Veronica Kennedy and Daniel Docherty |
Minutes: Minutes of meeting of Oban, Lorn & the Isles Local Area Community Planning Group meeting held on 11 January 2012 were approved as a correct record. |
Minutes of Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Safety Forum meeting held on 9th November 2011 PDF 53 KB For noting Minutes: Minutes of meeting of Oban, Lorn & the Isles Local Area Community Planning Group meeting held on 9 November 2011 were approved as a correct record, subject to noting that Councillor Gordon Chalmers had intimated apologies. |
SAMS UPDATE Minutes: Annuska Miller provided a presentation on SAMS, intimating that the new science park should be completed by September 2012. Over the next few months the Firth of Lorne will be mapped using new technology, and the new Explorer Centre should be achieved soon. Ms Miller promoted the Festival of the Sea which will be held from 18th to 26th May. |
SUSTRANS Minutes: John Lauder, National Director, Sustrans, informed the
meeting of their walk/cycle promotion, which is Scottish Government
funded. Sustrans remit covers 2,000
miles of cycle / walk paths throughout Scotland, “traffic free paths” with
access controls to stop vehicles. Mr
Lauder advised that most paths follow former railway lines and that funding has
been sourced for the next three years; also that Sustrans hope to negotiate
land to complete all the paths, with maintenance agreements being signed by
partners for sections of the paths. |
TIREE ARRAY PROPOSALS PDF 2 MB Additional documents:
Minutes: Agenda Item 8: Sandy MacTaggart, Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure, provided a power point presentation on Tiree Array proposals, showing options being looked at, the vision being “Argyll and Bute will be at the heart of renewable energy development in Scotland by taking full advantage of its unique and significant mix of indigenous renewable resources and maximising the opportunities for sustainable economic growth for the benefit of its communities and Scotland.” Mr MacTaggart spoke on the key facts; the potential for significant investment in Scotland; the possible job opportunities for Argyll over the 25 – 50 years of operation / maintenance; and on the key issues raised at the consultation events. Mr MacTaggart also outlined the project timeline and future steps to be taken including the development of a Community Renewable Opportunity Plan (CROP) |
PHASE 1 OBAN CHORD PROJECTS / LORN ARC PROGRESS PDF 2 MB Minutes: Agenda Items 5 and 6: Fergus Murray provided a power point presentation giving an update on Oban CHORD projects and Lorn Arc progress, summarising that the emerging Local Development Plan (LDP) will act as a broad land use framework to enable the implementation of CHORD; Tax Incremental Funding (TIF), Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), Oban Bay Action Plan (OBAP), Economic Development Action Plan (EDAP), and the Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP). Mr Murray demonstrated the links between the foregoing bodies and stressed the need to recognise the many opportunities even in the current challenging economic circumstances; the highly competitive situation providing a requirement to be business like, work together, (public, private and voluntary sector) and to be realistic with aspirations; Mr Murray highlighted the need to look at delivering short, medium and longer term goals, focussing on delivering Oban and Lorn’s full potential for sustainable economic growth. |
Minutes: John Forteith provided a power point presentation on the progress to date
of BID4Oban, giving a summary definition of a BID as “A geographically defined
area where businesses have voted in a legally binding ballot, to invest
collectively to make local improvements to their trading environment.” The BID4Oban
proposal includes all businesses in Oban within the 30mph speed limit zone;
includes all businesses/ properties with a rateable value of £3000 or above;
and excludes charitable & not-for-profit organisations (with exception of
charitable retailers) Mr Forteith informed the group that improvements are funded with money
collected through a levy paid by businesses located within the BID area, and are
not a replacement for services provided by the local authority or other public
bodies. It is hoped that the BID for
Oban will increase the number of visitors and shoppers to the town, provide an
opportunity to improve the business performance within the town and improve the
ambience of the town. The presentation concluded that BID4Oban Management Board are to deliver
a 5 year business plan by June 2012 with an approximate budget of £150K per
annum, and that a successful BID for Oban will mean:
OUTCOME OF SELF ASSESSMENT EXERCISE - ABC: JANE FOWLER PDF 62 KB Minutes: Agenda item 13: Jane Fowler, Head of Improvement and HR, informed the group
that the community planning partnership is committed to involving local
communities in the review and development of the community planning
partnership. Information gathered from
the self assessment which took place between March and June 2011 has now been
collated and the following actions have been taken.
WINTER FESTIVAL Minutes: Eleanor MacKinnon presented a short update on behalf of the Winter Festival group highlighting the success of the event and the benefits this had brought to the area outwith the holiday season. |
HOME SAFETY VISITS Minutes: David Millward, Strathclyde Fire & Rescue, informed the group that Strathclyde Fire & Rescue provide a free service of carrying out checks on properties when installation of smoke alarms, where required; will be carried out. Advice on home safety will also be provided. Requests for information or home safety checks should be made by calling the freephone number – 0800 0731 999, or by calling the local fire station. |
LORN AND ISLANDS HOSPITAL TASK GROUP UPDATE Minutes: Agenda Item 9: Councillor Robertson updated the group on Lorn & the
Islands District General Hospital as follows:
BETTER COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT RESOURCE PACK UPDATE - ABC Minutes: Agenda Item 11: Laura Macdonald, Community Development Officer, informed the group that the Better Community Engagement resource pack is now available as a hard copy or on DVD. Resources can be seen at the Argyll Voluntary Action office, High Street, Oban. |
Date for rescheduled May LACPG Minutes: To be held in June at a date and time to be arranged |