Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions
Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from:
Councillor Alison Hay Councillor Anne Horn Councillor Donald Kelly Councillor John McAlpine Yvonne Litster, ACHA Stewart Farmer, Federation of Small Businesses Stuart Irvine, East Kintyre Community Council Robert Colburn, Red Cross Elizabeth Ball, West Kintyre Community Council Bob Millar, Lochgilphead Community Council Peter Kastelein, Lochgilphead Community Council |
Minutes of the previous meetings held on 11 January 2012 and 1 February 2012 PDF 72 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meetings, 11 January 2012 and 1 February 2012, were approved as a true and correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest. |
Minutes of Meetings An update by Charles Reppke, Head of Governance and Law. Minutes: Charles Reppke advised the group that he
was aware of concerns which had been raised in regards the style of Minutes and
recent omissions. He continued that staff had endeavoured to modify the
Minute process; however none of his staff were trained in shorthand and it had
proved somewhat difficult to fully minute the meeting ad verbatim. The issue which had been raised in regards, Diageo, had been rectified in the Minute of
the meeting held on 11 January 2012. He stated that, in practice, a
Minute is not approved until the subsequent meeting. It is at this
point, it is approved or members are able to make suitable alterations,
additions or deletions to the said Minute. Charles Reppke continued on the issue
raised by Hamish Campbell (Islay Jura Community Voluntary Service), he stated
that both the Leader and the Chief Executive had extended their apologies for
their unavoidable late arrival at the November LACPG. Mr Reppke was
keen to ensure that all Minutes were suitable for purpose. He continued that the January LACPG
and the special LACPG held in February, where he was present at both, were
extremely positive. Mr Reppke stated that the local Community had come
together, engaged and the meetings had been very effective. He hoped that
the LACPG would agree their priorities and continue forward in the same
positive manner. Mr Reppke stated that his department would
always be open to being corrected and endeavour to do their best for the local
community. Councillor Semple stated that the group needed
to be in receipt of strong and relevant information. The reports
contained within the Agenda pack were not, in his opinion, substantive.
He continued that there was a need to share information and be in receipt of
written reports, not verbal updates. These reports should be
disseminanted prior to the meeting to enable group members to be fully
up-to-date and well versed on relevant issues. |
Updates from Partners |
NHS Highland - Getting it Right for Community Care in Argyll & Bute / Reshaping Older Peoples Services A presentation by Christina West, Locality Manager – Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay. Minutes: Christina West gave a presentation to the group
detailing proposals for the new Reshaping Older Peoples Services. After the presentation. Christina West invited
questions from the group. Hamish Campbell stated that, in his view, the
policy changes were driven ultimately by cost. As a service user, he felt
that to reduce quality care resulted in a saving cost. If services were
provided by the private sector, he felt this resulted in an inferior
service. Christina West replied that the detrimental
impact of the ailing Scottish economy was endemic across the country.
This was a demographic problem and the policy changes directed by the Scottish
Government were driven by economy. The new service was being tailored to peoples
choices, which had indicated independent care, and not within large institutional centres. She continued that the Partnership, which was in
place, would monitor the process and any
concerns in regards private providers would be tackled timely and effectively.
She stated the need to guard against any sweeping statements made in regards to
the private sector. Lesley Anderson replied that the Scottish
Government were well aware of the problems in coping with an ageing
population. The problem had been
apparent from as long as 20 years ago
and there was a need to be more proactive as opposed to being reactive.
Christina West agreed the need for incremental steps to ensure significant
changes. Councillor Colville voiced his concerns in
regards the service delivery locally, which constituted a wide
geographical area. He highlighted delivery of services undertaken by
local organisation, such as AVA/ABSEN, as examples of flexible, community
working. Christina West replied that Glenn Heritage, CEO,
Argyll Voluntary Agency (AVA) was on the Partnership board and was a key
partner in the delivery of local services. Jeanette Laughton raised
concerns in regards the lack of respite care which would be available to
local carers. She stated the need for the provision of more help as
opposed to reductions being undertaken.
Christina West stated that the Scottish Government had decreed that 20%
of the budget be spent on carers. She continued that work streams would
be implemented to ensure that this was adhered to and address carers
needs. In addition, training would be given to enable carers to look
after themselves effectively. Councillor Semple submitted further questions to
Christina West: These included: 1. Would the roll out include elected Members 2. The Model of Change - would this take account of any learning
process from Bute 3. How would Housing be involved in the process Christina West replied that 1. Members would be included on joint
groups 2. In regards any learning from Bute they
had closed beds and resources saved had been invested into the local community 3. It had been a struggle to scheduled
meetings between the Housing Associations - who were a key route to housing
adaptation. After several requests, ACHA had agreed to join the
group. Councillor Semple replied that in regards to
question 2, beds were needed. He could not see the correlation in bed
reduction and investment into the community. Christina West stated that beds were dependent
on patient’s length of stay, when acute and complex care was required.
Community nurses could administer antibiotics at home and this was the
preferred option for many patients. Whereby, they could receive care in
their own homes. Councillor Semple reiterated the need to get the
Housing Associations round a meeting table to address housing issues.
Provision of a GP - Bowmore and Jura/ suitable premises An update by Christina West, Locality Manager – Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay. Minutes: Christina West advised that adverts for the
provision of a GP in Bowmore and on Jura had been placed in the British Medical
Journal on 18 February and the closing date for receipt of applications was 10
March. The Islay Community Council sub-group were engaging
with the Press and an open letter had been compiled, detailing the benefits of
living and working on Islay. Links had been made available to enable
interested parties who were interested in the post to view the Bowmore and Jura
websites. She envisaged that interviews would be conducted around April
and some provisional dates had been scheduled. There
were intermittent technical problems with the VC equipment and both Islay and
Campbeltown lost visual and audio power for periods during the meeting. Discussion followed in regards parking
difficulties encountered by some patients visiting the GP surgery within the
hospital. Councillor Currie stressed the need for NHS Highland to liaise
with the local community to ascertain and gauge local views. He enquired
if NHS Highland were looking at alternative property to house the GP
surgery. Christina West could not give any assurance that
this would be undertaken. Councillor Currie urged that this issue be
addressed, as in his view, the hospital
site was not convenient. Christina West replied that some patients
reported that the GP surgery was convenient; however others did
not agree. At this point in the
meeting, the VC connection was lost between Islay and Campbeltown.
Members attending from the Servicepoint in Bowmore left the meeting. |
Social Work issues An update by Rod Clayton, Area Manager – MAKI. Minutes: Alison Hunter gave a brief review of the Older Peoples Review and the process of transferring elements of work. She detailed the number of voluntary redundancies within the service and the new management structure for Adult Care. Overall, the MAKI area was doing better than the global figure. The Chair thanked Alison for her attendance at the meeting. |
Red Cross - update by Robert Colburn. Minutes: Robert Colburn had forwarded his apologies to the meeting, and Murdina Clark had agreed to attend the meeting in his place. She reported that they had received further funding for a 3 year period. Councillor Philand asked the group for agreement for representation to be made to the forthcoming meeting of the Executive of Argyll and Bute Council by the Mid Argyll and the Islands Local Area Community Planning Group to support the maintenance and continuation of the Rural Transport Grant which is made to the Red Cross, which they are dependent on to contune their valuable work in transporting patients in the MAKI Area. Action: The group agreed to the request made by Councillor Philand that representation be made to the Executive meeting of the Council in this regards. |
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Service - Home Fire Safety visits Minutes: Andy Maclure, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue informed the group on the procedure for initiating a visit. The visit would be by a minimum of 2 officers who would carry out a risk assessment of the house and provide general fire safety advice or risk specific advice if required. Smoke detectors will be supplied and fitted if required and the service was free. He detailed the risk of fires to ageing populations and related the groups which Strathclyde Fire and Rescue aimed to target. Andy Maclure continued that it was usually the case that these groups were receiving help and input from other partners. The Chair thanked Andy for his attendance at the LACPG. |
Area Community Scorecards Minutes: Shirley MacLeod advised that she was awaiting the completion of a draft Scorecard and hoped that this would come to the next LACPG meeting for the group to agree.
Revised Single Outcome Agreement/Community plan Minutes: Eileen Wilson reported that a draft would come to the next LACPG at the same time as the Scorecard. It had been a challenge to reach agreeance on the final list of scussess measures. The next step would be to have the draft signed off by the Leader, Chief Executive and Derek Leslie, General Manager Argyll and Bute CHP, NHS Highland. |
Rationalisation/ Partnership links to Local Area Community Planning Group PDF 319 KB Minutes: Shirley MacLeod reported on endeavours to try and determine the linkages between local groups and the LACPG and then build upon these. She hoped to detail this information at the next meeting and provide the governance arrangements for groups. Jeanette Laughton stated that, in her view, the last few LACPG meetings had been positive. However, a lot of the Community Council representatives who had previously attended would not be returning to future meetings. Councillor Semple felt that the LACPG structure was academic and it was not undertaking what it had been set out to do. Councillor Philand stated that of the 18 Community Councils in the MAKI area, there was only attendance from 2 of them at this meeting. Shirley MacLeod replied that the Self-Assessment exercise would indicate the structure which partners wanted and which would ultimately work. The outcome of the Self-Assessment should come to the next meeting and would give a clear indication of the way forward. Maryanne Stewart reported on changes which she would notate to Theresa McLetchie in regards amending Third Sector group details.
Consultation Diary - Argyll and Bute Council, Improvement and Strategic HR PDF 261 KB Minutes: Eileen Wilson reminded the group that the Consultation Diary was there to be used. She detailed the 29 consultations on the diary. However, none were currently active. Councillor Semple informed the group of 2 important consultations in force:- The Ferry Review Referendum |
Self-Assessment outcome - Jane Fowler Minutes: Eileen Wilson reported that issues in each area had been identified and would come to the Management Committee scheduled for 21 March. The clarifying of success measures was an ongoing process. Overall the plan was moving forward. However it would be for the LACPG to make their own changes. She continued that within MAKI there were structures (– Mid Argyll Partnership and the Kintyre Initiative Working Group) which carried out effective local community planning, and it was appropriate for the LACPG to recognise this NOW and work within these structures. In regards the Islands, an overview would be needed to determine an effective forum which would work there. |
Updates from Thematic Groups Minutes: Shirley MacLeod informed the group that the 3 papers which had been tabled were reports from the Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership meeting held on 15 February. These were updates to advise the group of strategic issues arising and to help across the framework. Councillor Semple raised his concerns that the papers had only been received that day and this afforded little time to review them effectively prior to the meeting. Shirley replied that she would ensure that reports were disseminated 1 week in advance of the meeting to allow for review. |
Dates for rescheduled May LACPG Minutes: Shirley MacLeod opened the discussion in regards scheduling a date for the next meeting. Discussion followed in regards the need to bring representation from both the Mid Argyll Partnership (MAP) and the Kintyre Initiative Working Group (KIWG) to the next meeting. Councillor Colville urged that the issue of an island forum be addressed. The group agreed that Shirley MacLeod would identify a date in June for the next meeting and advise the group accordingly, and that MAP, KIWG and effective representation from the island communities would be asked to send representation to the meeting, but there would not be a need fro community groups who attend these forums also to attend the LACPG. The LACPG would, however, remain the meeting which was attended by Core Partners and organisations across the MAKI area. Shirley MacLeod would endeavour to co-ordinate a date which suited MAP, KIWG and Island attendees. The Chair thanked the group for attending the meeting. |