Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 7 February 2018 10:00 am

Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead with VC links to the Burnet Building, Campbeltown and the Customer Service Point, Bowmore, Islay

Contact: Danielle Finlay, Senior Committee Assistant - 01436 657646 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. 


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:-


Alison McGrory, Health Improvement Principal, NHS Highland

Campbell Cameron, Community Broadband Scotland

Jean Mary Knowles, Islay and Jura Transport Forum


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest intimated. 




Minute of the previous meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Community Planning Group held on 4th October 2017 pdf icon PDF 106 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group, held on 4th October 2017 was approved as a correct record, subject to the amendment on page 8, item 8, which should read “Having given consideration to the plan, some of those present at the meeting expressed dissatisfaction and concern as the plan did not contain issues known to them from particular communities within Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands, and advised that they were not in a position to agree to the current version of the Plan”.


Minute of Short Term Working Group held on 23rd October 2017 pdf icon PDF 59 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Short Term Working Group, held on 23rd October 2017 was approved as a correct record.


Minute of the Mid Argyll Partnership held on 20th November 2017 pdf icon PDF 107 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Mid Argyll Partnership, held on 20th November 2017 was noted. 



Report by Area Committee Manager


The Group considered a report providing information relating to the appointment of a Vice-Chair for the MAKI Area Community Planning Group, outlining the expected time commitment and giving information on the role.




The Group agreed to re-consider this appointment at the next meeting of the Mid Argyll Kintyre and the Islands Community Planning Group on 2nd May 2018.


(Ref:  Report by Area Committee Manager dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Management Committee and Full Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 389 KB

Report by Community Planning Manager


The Group gave consideration to a briefing note outlining the highlights from the Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership (CPP) meeting held on 5th December 2017.




The Group noted the contents of the briefing note.


(Ref:  Briefing Note by Community Planning Manager, dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Area Community Planning Action Plan


Consideration and sign off of MAKI Area Community Planning Action Plan pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Additional documents:


The Group gave consideration to the proposed Area Community Action Plan for MAKI.  At the last MAKI Community Planning Group meeting on 4th October 2017, the Group did not agree the actions within the draft Community Planning Action Plan and agreed to form a Short Term Working Group to look at the plan.  The Group met on 23rd October 2017 and agreed an amended plan which was presented for consideration at an informal meeting of the CPP Management Committee held on 5th December 2017.  The Management Committee agreed to approve the plan in principle to be formally agreed at the next Management Committee meeting scheduled in March 2018.




The Group agreed the MAKI Area Community Planning Action Plan for 2018/19.


(Ref:  Report by Community Planning Manager dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Area of Interest: Tourism

Presentation by Argyll and the Isles Tourism Cooperative Ltd (AITC)


The Group gave consideration to a presentation and video from Carron Tobin of Argyll and the Isles Tourism Cooperative (AITC).


Discussion took place around the ‘Wild about Argyll’ campaign and Ms Tobin agreed to circulate the online and video links.




The Group noted the information provided and thanked Ms Tobin for a very interesting presentation.


(Ref:  Presentation by Carron Tobin dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Community Focus

Fred Bruce, West Loch Fyne Community Council will provide an update on their community led action plan


Fred Bruce, Convener of West Lochfyne Community Council was in attendance to provide an update on their Community Action Plan.  He provided information on issues affecting the West Lochfyne area including the possible closure of the shop in Minard, the difficulties in terms of the condition of the A83, the difficulties with broadband in the area and the falling roll of the local primary school.


He also provided information on the initiatives being supported through the windfarm trust money including the refurbishment of Minard Hall.


Discussion took place on the condition of the A83, particularly in relation to the layby’s, lack of litter bins, potholes and the difficulties caused by frequent road closures.




The Group noted the information provided and agreed to include information on the A83 issues raised in the highlight report which goes to the next CPP Management Committee.


Argyll and Bute Outcome Improvement Plan 2013-2023 - Outcome 1 (The Economy is Diverse and Thriving)


Social Enterprise Update pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Presentation by Inspiralba


The Group gave consideration to a presentation from the Development Manager at Inspiralba.


She provided information on the census of Social Enterprise in Argyll and Bute, the characteristics and the future of Social Enterprise in the area.




The Group noted the presentation.


(Ref:  Presentation by Development Manager, Inspiralba dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Tourism pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Update from Visit Scotland


The Group gave consideration to an information strategy update report from the Regional Director of Visit Scotland.  The report detailed the background to the closures of the Tourist Information Centres across Argyll and Bute and provided figures in relation to those offices earmarked for closure.  It also noted that there would be regional hubs created in Islay, Mull, Oban and Rothesay.




The Group noted the information provided and asked that the Regional Director attend a future Community Planning Group meeting.


(Ref:  Report by Regional Director, Visit Scotland dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Highlands and Islands Enterprise pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Update from David Smart


The Group gave consideration to a progress report from the Head of Special Projects at Highland and Islands Enterprise. 




The Group noted the contents of the progress report. 


The Chair thanked David Smart for his past attendance and input as this was David’s last meeting.


(Ref:  Report by Head of Special Projects, HIE, dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Report by ACT Hubs Project Officer


The Group gave consideration to a report on the Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT) Hubs Project.  ACT was established in April 2014 with a main vision to maintain, enhance and promote the coast and countryside of Argyll so that residents and visitors can enjoy it forever.


Discussion took place on the range of objectives to help fulfil their vision.




The Group noted the information provided.


(Ref:  Report by ACT Hubs Project Officer dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Argyll and Bute Outcome Improvement Plan 2013-2023 - Outcome 2 (We have Infrastructure that supports sustainable growth)


Digital Update pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report by Graduate Digital Liaison Officer, Argyll and Bute Council


The Group gave consideration to a report providing an update on various digital infrastructure projects which are ongoing in the area including Superfast Broadband, other Broadband issues and mobile communications.




The Group noted the report.


(Ref:  Report by Digital Liaison Officer dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Strategic Housing Investment Plan

Update by Team Leader - East


Douglas Whyte, Team Leader – East gave an update to the Group on the Strategic Housing Investment Plan.  He advised that the Strategic Housing Investment plan (SHIP) is the key statement of housing development priorities in the Argyll & Bute area and the plan guides the allocation of government and other funding and forms an essential part of the LHS.

He advised that the SHIP must be agreed with the Scottish Government and is based on a robust and credible housing needs and demands assessment.  He confirmed SHIP is updated and submitted to the Scottish Government on an annual basis and was last submitted in October 2017.


Mr Whyte advised that 36 out of 83 projected completions for Argyll and Bute for 2017/18 (43%) in MAKI which includes 18 units at the West Highland Housing site at Imereval, Port Ellen, 6 units at the Fyne Homes site in Minard and 12 units at the Old High School Fyne Homes site in Lochgilphead.


He further advised that 36 out of 166 projected completions for Argyll and Bute for 2018/19 (22%) in MAKI which includes 20 units at the ACHA site on Bowmore, Islay and 16 units at the Old High School Fyne Homes site in Lochgilphead.


He confirmed there are 43 units planned at Imereval, Port Ellen, Minard, Tarbert, Inveraray, Kellis, Jura and Colonsay.




The Group noted the information provided.


(Ref:  Verbal update by Team Leader – East dated 7th February 2018, submitted).



Presentation by Regional Manager


The Group gave consideration to presentation from the Regional Manager of ACHA.


Ms Angus discussed the key issues which are stock rationalisation, investment and regeneration, ACHA’s Estate Management Action Plan, Community Action Fund; and Argyll Homes for All (AHFA).




The Group noted the presentation.


(Ref:  Presentation by Regional Manager, ACHA, dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Scottish Water

Update by Corporate Affairs Manager


The Group gave consideration to a report from Scottish Water detailing the flooding issue and water resilience project in Tarbert.


The report advised that Scottish Water will be commencing with a 10 to 12 week programme of investment in water network and Corrie Construction will be carrying out the work on behalf of Scottish Water.  The report confirmed that the work will take place in streets surrounding Tarbert Academy and the work will allow customers to continue to enjoy fresh drinking water and reduce the chances of pipes bursting.




The Group noted the briefing report and asked that a representative from Scottish Water be in attendance at the next meeting of the MAKI Community Planning Group in Islay in May to discuss flooding issues on the island.


(Ref:  Report by Scottish Water dated 7th February 2018, submitted).


Partners Update

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners


Inspire Inveraray


The Community Development Officer, Ms Baird advised that inspire Inveraray are completing a Community Action Plan Survey and are holding a community vision day on Saturday 10th March in Inveraray Parish Church.


Councillor Horn


Councillor Anne Horn advised that Tarbert and Skipness Trust are still negotiating with Visit Scotland in taking over the tourist office premises in Tarbert.


Councillor Horn gave an update on the tragic accident of the Nancy Glen which took place on 18th January 2018.  She advised that there have been concerns raised about the lack of a co-ordinated response protocol being in place to deal with incidents of this type.  It was noted that the Coastguard service is based in Belfast and there was a perceived difficulty in terms of accurate information being relayed during the initial rescue phase.  It was noted that the concerns had been discussed at the debrief meeting which took place following the incident.


Police Scotland


Michelle Rudsen of Police Scotland confirmed there will be 3 new probationers joining the force in May/June.  She advised they are preparing for the first music festival of the year in Carradale in April.  She also advised that Police Scotland are carrying out a Live Stock Worrying Campaign.


Ms Rudsen gave an update on the fire at Lochgilphead Joint Campus and confirmed the school is closed until further notice.  She advised the fire was an electrical fault and that there were no injuries.


Scottish Fire and Rescue


Andrew MacLure of Scottish Fire and Rescue gave an update to the Group.  He advised there was is currently a local recruitment campaign ongoing where 13 local people are attending the Oban Fire Station pre-selection day.  He gave an update on the transformation process which will commence next week which has gone through the consultation process.  He confirmed further information on this can be found at


Councillor Robin Currie


Councillor Currie asked a question about the Community Asset Register Project.  Information was provided on the project.


Mary McCallum Sullivan, of Ardrishaig Community Council gave an update on the closure and possible loss of the Post Office in Ardrishaig but advised that it is exciting Scottish Canals are about to begin works and that money has been received from Shell to begin the clean-up of the Gleaner site. 


Councillor Sandy Taylor


Councillor Sandy Taylor gave an update on the road issues in the Mid Argyll area.  He advised there is an upcoming consultation on the future of local governance.


CalMac Ferries


David Cannon from CalMac Ferries advised the Group that CalMac are trying to find a way of engaging with the community more.  He discussed the new Directorate Board which has been set up not just to deal with ferries in particular but to deal with strategic issues affecting their communities.  He advised 12 people have been appointed representing communities from Lewis to Arran.



Dates of Future Meetings 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report by Area Committee Manager


The Group gave consideration to a report on the dates of future meetings of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Community Planning Group.




The Group agreed the dates as follows:-


  • Wednesday 8th August 2018 at 10am in Campbeltown
  • Wednesday 7th November 2018 at 10am in Lochgilphead
  • Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 10am (venue tbc)
  • Wednesday 1st May 2019 at 10am in Islay


Date of Next Meeting - Wednesday 2nd May 2018 10:30am in the Customer Service Point, Bowmore, Islay

Discussion facilitated by the Area Committee Manager on items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting.


Outcomes to be discussed:-


Outcome 3 – Education, skills and training maximises opportunities for all

Outcome 4 – Children and young people have the best possible start


The Group noted that the next meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group would take place at 10.30am on Wednesday 2nd May 2018 in the Customer Service Point, Bowmore, Isle of Islay with VC facilities available in the Burnett Building, Campbeltown and Kilmory, Lochgilphead.