Agenda item


Report by Internal Audit Manager


Internal Audit had prepared an up to date list of all external management reports produced by Audit Scotland in 2002-3.  Details of the results of a review of progress being made by management in implementing the outstanding recommendations were outlined.




1.      To note the contents of this report and request that this be followed up by Internal Audit.


2.      To request confirmation of advertising details for the Planning Officer for Community Care post.


3.      To request a report on adaptations for the next meeting of the Committee.


4.      That in view of the forthcoming consultation on Clinical Strategy for NHS Argyll and Clyde, the action at Number 1 (page 39) may be rendered pointless and the consensus of the Committee is that no action should be taken to progress this matter at present.


(Ref: Report by Internal Audit Manager dated 4 May 2004, submitted).

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