Agenda item


Report by Internal Audit Manager


A report setting out the results from a review performed by Internal Audit for recommendations due to be implemented by 31 March 2005 was considered.


The Audit Committee at their meeting of 4 March 2005 requested that the Chief Executive provide reasons for the delay encountered with the Ferry Services Review and a report setting out the reasons for the delay was also considered.




1.      To note the contents of the report and request this be followed up by Internal Audit.


2.      To note the reasons for the slippage in the Ferry Services Review.


3.      To request that a report be brought to the next Audit Committee detailing the monitoring arrangements which have been put in place to ensure the operators of the Jura and Lismore are adhering to the terms of their contracts.


4.      To request that a report be brought to the next Audit Committee on the process being followed for the production of the Asset Register.


(Reference: Report by Internal Audit Manager dated 13 May 2005, submitted)

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