Agenda item


Report by Chief Internal Auditor


A report detailing final reports, summaries and action plans (where applicable) from recent audits was considered.




Noted the contents of the reports in respect of the following audits and that these will be followed up by Internal Audit:-


a)      Customer Services – Review of New Legislation

b)      Community Services – Review of Occupational Health Contract

c)      Customer Services – Review of ICO Follow Up

d)      Chief Executive’s – Review of Community Engagement

e)      Customer Services – Review of Following the Public Pound

f)        Chief Executive’s  – Review of Community Planning Partnerships

g)      Chief Executive’s  – Review of Health and Safety

h)      Strategic Finance – Review of General Ledger Operations

i)        Customer Services – Review of Asset Management

j)        Strategic Finance – Review of Budget Monitoring

k)      Improvement and HR – Review of OD Learning and Development

l)        Strategic Finance – Review of Risk Management

m)   Chief Executive’s - Equality

n)      Strategic Finance – Review of Treasury Management

o)      Community Services – Review of Business Continuity Planning

p)      Chief Executive’s – Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

q)      Customer Services – Review of Printing and Design

r)       Development and Infrastructure Services – Review of Argyll Air Services

s)      Review of Year End Stock

t)        Facility Services – Review of Sustainability

u)      Chief Executive’s - Review of Car Allowances

v)      Community Services - Review of Short Term Contracts



(Reference: Report by Chief Internal Auditor, submitted)

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