Agenda item


Report by Chief Internal Auditor


A report detailing final reports, summaries and actions plans (where applicable) from recent audits was considered.




1.        Noted the contents of the reports in respect of the following audits and that these will be followed up by Internal Audit:-


(a)   Customer Services – Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates;

(b)   Community Services – Carefirst;

(c)   Customer Services – Review of Business Continuity;

(d)   Customer Services – Capital Accounting;

(e)   Customer Services – Review of Travel and Subsistence; and

(f)     Development and Infrastructure Services – Review of Planning Applications.


2.        Noted concerns expressed regarding the extended implementation dates in respect of actions 2 and 3 detailed in the report on the Internal Audit Review of Carefirst and agreed to request for the June Audit Committee an interim report on progress from the Head of Customer and Support Services and the Head of Adult Care to ensure there is continued momentum with this issue as well as an indication on whether or not there was potential for the implementation date in respect of these actions to be brought forward.


(Reference: Report by Chief Internal Auditor dated 6 March 2012, submitted)

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