Agenda item


A report by Stewart Clark, Contracts Manager.


Stewart Clark distributed a 4-weekly works programme detailing various projects in the Campbeltown area.  He reported that:-


New Quay would be completed in the Autumn

Park Square would be completed mid-July

Muasdale would be completed in August


The transportation of the wind turbines would commence early September.  The Chair enquired if there had been adequate public consultation given to alert communities to this traffic movement.  Stewart confirmed that sufficient information had been disseminated.


Action: Stewart Clark would bring more information on the proposed traffic flow to the next KIWG meeting in August.


Stewart reported that a letter had been sent to all the Community Councils detailing on the grass cutting programme.  However, he advised that the timetable may change as cutting was now necessary on the A83.

The Chair enquired if it was feasible to utilise the residue from the scrub cutting for composting.  He reported on other authorities who undertook this procedure to produce chippings.


Action: Stewart Clark agreed to investigate the viability of this and report back to the next meeting.


Stewart continued to speak to the group on the work programme and detailed the procedure which the local inspector reviewed additional work for inclusion onto the programme.  The programme was liable to change if weather conditions/resources vetoed work streams.  However, it was normal for targets to be achieved.  The Kintyre work force amounted to 8 men in total.  But, if necessary, additional resources could be brought in from Mid-Argyll to ensure targets were met and vice versa.


The Chair enquired on the following:


Verge cutting - previously it had been the case that 6 cuts were performed each year.  However, on the approaches to Campbeltown the verges were unsightly and he queried the current timetable and determination of the boundary.

Stewart replied that this was tasked to Amenity Services and he was unaware of any changes to the programme.   He would investigate where the exact boundary lay but his initial thought was that this would be at the 30mph signs.


Muasdale – The Chair enquired whether this area was scheduled for resurfacing following work currently taking place on the bend.  Stewart understood that the complete road area could be resurfaced but would check the position and report back.


Achnafad - rutting on the road surface 6 inches from the verge.  The road had recently been re-surfaced, but large pot-hole has appeared with ingress of water.

Stewart reported that the area had been patched, but would investigate the issue.


Other issues were reported by group members.  These included:-


Dunaverty Road - repairs were badly required beyond this area.

Clachan - hedges badly in need of cutting

Killean - potholes in need of repair

Moss Road - in need of repair

High Askomil – potholes


The Chair urged the attendees not to wait for the meeting to report these but to contact the Council directly.


Stewart replied that in regards Moss Road, the system which was undertaken to prioritise road works took into account:-


Engineering needs

Road importance


Moss Road featured low on the priority list, but discussion would take place in the formulating of the new Asset Management Plan.  Taking into account the movement of turbines, airport passenger access and golf parties playing on the 2 prominent golf courses, all of which would use Moss Road.

Jim Martin raised the severe lack of car parking in Campbeltown Town Centre.  The Chair reiterated concern on this serious issue which needed be addressed. 


Action: Stewart Clark would relay this to the Design Team.  


Councillor Horn raised the issue of the difficulties experienced by motorists exiting from Carrick Cemetery onto the A83.  She suggested that signage could be erected to highlight the concealed entrance.  She reported that the white lining at Kennacraig causeway had still not been replenished.

Stewart Clark replied that the issue had been raised with both TranServ and Calmac.  Argyll and Bute council had offered to undertake the work if payment was agreed.  Councillor Horn stated that Fay Harris (Calmac) had assured her that this had been sanctioned.

Councillor Horn reported on the bus bay at Harbour Street, Tarbert and queried how to address the problem of cars parking within the bay.  Stewart Clark replied that he had a new location in mind for the bay but that plans would need to be worked up and put out for consultation before this could be moved. 


Alan Reid raised the issue of the threatened landslide on the A83 due to the recent heavy rain and the proposed new 'relief road'.  The change to the previous proposal,  in his view, was detrimental due in part to the steep incline and he felt that in the eventuality of  a landslide, debris would fall directly onto the new relief road.  He suggested that a letter be written on behalf of the KIWG to the Scottish Minister urging him to progress with the development of the forestry track that had been promised and inviting him to attend the next meeting to address the concerns of the community. 


The Chair informed the group of a motion which he had submitted to the Council in which he was urging the establishment of a joint working group to pull together the recommendations from an action plan published 4 years ago which remained outstanding.  In response to this Councillor Horn stated that the reason that this had not been taken was that the Council were involved in ongoing dialogue with the Scottish Government through with the Lead Councillor.  She felt it remiss if the KIWG thought the Scottish Government were not working on a resolution to this serious issue and highlighted that safety must be paramount.


Further discussion ensued amongst the group and it was agreed that a letter be drafted detailing the concerns of the KIWG on the need to implement solution to the closures of the A83.  As the Chair wished to represent the concerns that had been raised both at the meeting and locally as to the general frustrations within the Kintyre community about the lack of resolution, without digressing into politics, it was agreed that the vice-chair would agree the terms of the letter before it was signed by the Chair. 


The Chair informed the group that he would provide the link to the website, detailing the  formula to determine the road priority process.  The link is as follows:-


 Scottish Road Network Landslides Study – Implementation Report (2008) :


Action: A letter to be issued on behalf of the KIWG, the terms of which would be agreed by the Vice-Chair, to the Transport Minister imparting the dissatisfaction of the local community on the delay in reaching a resolution to the closures of the A83, the lack of communication forthcoming about these closures and also inviting him to attend the next meeting.