Agenda item


Report by Chief Internal Auditor.


The Committee considered a report which provided executive summaries and details on seven audits that had been undertaken by Internal Audit and the recommendations that had been identified as a result of these audits.


During discussion on the Land and Asset Disposal Audit Summary report, the Chief Executive informed the Committee that the Director of Customer Services would be inviting SOLACE Enterprises to provide a “health check” on all procedures and processes relating to the review of Council assets and their marketing.


The Committee was advised of the distinction between valuations as part of the disposals process and for the asset register for inclusion in accounts in compliance with professional guidance. It was recognised that there was a requirement to ensure that reports kept Members clearly informed on asset management and to differentiate between operational assets, surplus assets and investment property.


It was noted that an Elected Members Seminar was due to be held early in 2015 on Asset Management Strategy.




The Committee noted the contents of the report and detail within each individual report in respect of the following audits;


  • Airports
  • Customer Service Centre
  • Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG)
  • Income Maximisation – Direct Payments
  • Land and Asset Disposal
  • Pyramid Performance Management System


(Reference:  Report by Chief Internal Auditor dated 5 December 2014, submitted)

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