Agenda item


Report by Chief Internal Auditor


The Committee considered a report which provided executive summaries and details on nine audits that had been undertaken by Internal Audit and the recommendations that had been identified as a result of these audits.


Referring to the Audits carried out the Committee praised the work of Adult Learning and the Employability Team; and suggested that Business Support include information on work being carried out to attract inward investment and whether consideration was being given to providing development assistance for larger businesses.


Discussion then focussed on the Audits which had returned a Limited level of reassurance.


Background information to the Learning and Development – HR Training 2015/16 and Review of Roads Maintenance Prioritisation 2015/16 Audits and their findings was given. The Committee reviewed these audits with the relevant Heads of Service and received further assurances in regard to the action plans proposed.


In regard to HR Training, it was further agreed that the HR Board would oversee the creation of a comprehensive training and personal development record for all employees as part of the introduction of Resourcelink 5.


In regard to Road Maintenance Prioritisation it was noted that several sources of data were used to map out the roads maintenance landscape.  It was further proposed that a multi criteria assessment model be created to help deliver a more transparent protocol in deciding road maintenance priorities.


An update on the remaining progress being made to resolve the issues identified was noted.




The Committee noted the content of the summary report and detail within each individual report in respect of the following audits;


·         Adult Learning

·         Business Support

·         Catering

·         Employability

·         Health and Safety

·         HR and Learning and Development

·         Information Communication and Technology

·         Out of Authority Placements; and

·         Road Maintenance Prioritisation


(Reference:  Report by Chief Internal Auditor dated 19 June 2015, submitted)

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