Agenda item


Report by Chief Internal Auditor


Members of the Audit Committee considered a report providing detail in respect of the below nine audits;


·         Procurement and Commissioning -  Professional Electronic Commerce Online System (PECOS);

·         Procurement and Commissioning -  Off Contract Purchasing;

·         TOTAL Roads Costing System;

·         Debt Recovery and Write Off;

·         Children’s Units;

·         Tax Incremental Financing;

·         ICT;

·         Property Maintenance; and

·         All Weather Pitch Facilities.


The Chairman received the support of the Committee in noting the work of the Commissioning and Procurement Team in recognition of the high levels of assurance provided in the audits of PECOS and Off Contract Purchasing.




1.    To note the content of the summary report and detail within each individual report; and


2.    To bring the audit report on Tax Incremental Funding to the attention of the Performance Review and Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by the Chair, seconded by the Vice Chair.




1.    To note the content of the summary report and detail within each individual report with the exception of the audit report on Tax Incremental Funding;


2.    To address the concerns of the elected members at the current status of the Lorn Arc TIF, this amendment proposes the following actions:


i)              No agreement should be reached on the report by the Chief Internal Auditor on today’s agenda and the report should be remitted to special meeting as per point 2 below.


ii)             A special joint meeting should be called of both Audit and PRS committees prior to end January 2017 to enable full debate and scrutiny of this important project.  This meeting should be held in Oban in a suitable public venue to allow public attendance.  As at area committee meetings, the agenda should be structured in a manner that allows the public to ask questions.


iii)            Prior to this meeting, members of the Oban & Lorn area committee will be invited to submit written comment on the Lorn Arc project.


iv)           Prior to this meeting, officers will be asked to prepare a summary of each element of the Lorn Arc identifying strengths and weaknesses and rating the chances of full success of each element.  This should include elements already abandoned as well as current and proposed.


v)            The papers for the special meeting will comprise:


a)    The Chief Internal Auditor’s report for today’s meeting.

b)    The written submissions of the Oban & Lorn Area Committee members.

c)    The summary of each element of the project as per 4 above.


vi)           Members of the Oban & Lorn area committee will be invited to attend the special meeting proposed at 1 above so they can fully participate in the debate but with voting reserved to the members of Audit and PRS committees.


vii)          The recommendations coming from this meeting should be reported directly to the next meeting of the full council.


Moved by Councillor Michael Breslin, seconded by Councillor Iain S MacLean




On a show of hands vote, the Amendment received 2 votes and the Motion received 4 votes and the Committee resolved accordingly.


(Reference: Report by Chief Internal Auditor dated 2 December 2016, submitted)

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