Issue - decisions


14/08/2020 - BUDGET PLANNING 2021-22 AND BEYOND

The Committee considered a report which provided information on the proposed approach to the revenue budget process and identification of savings to balance the budget for 2021-22.




The Committee:-


1.     Agreed to the overall budget approach for 2021-22 and the themed reviews as identified in paragraph 4.11 of the submitted report.


2.     Agreed to the establishment of a cross party budget working group comprising Councillors Currie, Findlay, Good, Green, Hardie, Lynch, Mulvaney (Chair), Robertson and Taylor being 6 Members from the administration and 3 Members from the opposition, in addition to 2 Trade Union representatives.


3.     Approved the draft budget timetable as outlined in Appendix 5 of the report.


(Ref: Report by the Section 95 Officer dated 21 July 2020, submitted)