Issue - decisions


04/10/2021 - Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report 2020/21

The Council considered a report which presented the Argyll and Bute Chief Social Work Officer report for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 which provided an oversight and accountability within the local authority for all social work and social care services delegated to the Integrated Joint Board.




The Council –


  1. Noted and approved the contents of the Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report for 2020 to 2021.
  2. Acknowledged the efforts of social work and social care staff across all sectors, as well as unpaid carers in continuing to support the people of Argyll and Bute, particularly as we continue to work within a Pandemic situation.
  3. Approved the publication of the report.
  4. Noted that once approved, the report will be forwarded to the Scottish Government.


(Ref: Report by Chief Social Work Officer dated 30 September 2021, submitted)