Issue - decisions


28/05/2015 - CORPORATE PLAN 2015-17

The Committee considered a report which presented the draft Corporate Plan 2015-2017 for approval.  The Chief Executive advised that the Plan was based on the Single Outcome Agreement which had been subject to extensive consultation.




That the Committee approve the draft Corporate Plan 2015-2017 for consideration by Council.


Moved Councillor Dick Walsh, seconded Councillor Aileen Morton.




That the Committee notes the draft Corporate Plan, notes that it will be considered by the Council and requests that a process be put in place to allow Members to provide comment before the Council meeting.


Moved Councillor James Robb, seconded Councillor Sandy Taylor.




On a show of hands vote, the Motion was carried by 7 votes to 5 and the Committee resolved accordingly.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director – Customer Services dated May 2015 and Draft Corporate Plan, submitted)