Issue - decisions



The Committee gave consideration to a report which advised of a bid to the Big Lottery Fund for the delivery of financial inclusion services in partnership with 8 other local bodies.  The tender had closed on 7 November 2016 and would be awarded in January 2017.  The contract would be worth up to £3.77m for Argyll and Bute.




The Committee –


1.    Noted that a bid has been lodged with the Big Lottery Fund for financial inclusion services and that if successful the contract would be awarded early January 2016.


2.    Noted that the financial exposure to the Council is limited to the value of the support services delivered by the Council’s Adult Learning and Literacy Team circa £45,000, in addition to a small portion of the operational costs in meeting the criteria for acceptance of the final version of the final report.


3.    Noted that arrangements would be put in place for back to back contracts to be created and signed by subcontracts should the bid be successful and that this would transfer the financial risks on delivering the outcomes onto the subcontractors, with the exception of the small amount of services that will be delivered by Adult Learning and Literacy.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director – Customer Services and Head of Strategic Finance dated 9 December 2016, submitted)