Issue - decisions



The Committee considered a report providing an update on the PRS Committee’s outline scrutiny plan in respect of two of the proposed topic areas; Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) and Health and Social Care Integration (HSCP).  It was noted that in the first instance both these topic areas will be scrutinised via reporting back to the next meeting of the PRS Committee.


Members noted that the quarterly performance reports of the HSCP as submitted to IJB meetings are publicly available and discussion focused on the role that the PRS has in monitoring partnerships and the need to work on a platform for reporting that is not duplicating work for partners but yet meets scrutiny requirements.




Members requested that;


1)    the Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services provides a status report on TIF project progress which includes, amongst other things, detail on both financial viability and projected completion dates.  The report should clearly articulate any risks to deliverability of the TIF initiative.  This report is to be submitted to the next meeting of the PRS Committee; and


2)    the Chief Internal Auditor liaise with Officers from the Health and Social Care Partnership to agree future reporting style for the Scrutiny Committee.


(Reference: Report by Chief Internal Auditor dated 3 March 2017, submitted)