Issue - decisions

Budget Consultation

27/10/2017 - Budget Consultation

The Council gave consideration to a report which set out a consultation exercise that will give our communities the opportunity to contribute to transforming the work of the Council together with the recommendations of the Policy & Resources Committee of 19 October 2017.




The Council:


1.     Noted the current estimated budget outlook position for 2018/19 to 2020/21 as outlined in report 3(a).

2.     Endorsed the management and operational savings identified in report 3(b) and that officers will proceed to implement as part of normal business.

3.     Agreed further development of the policy savings identified in report 3(c) for consideration at the council budget in February 2018.

4.     Noted that even if all the savings listed in reports 3(b) and 3(c) were to be accepted, there would still be a revenue funding gap for 2018/19 and subsequent years and that a balanced budget would not be delivered based on current mid-range estimates.

5.     In light of the above and the requirement for the council to deliver a balanced budget, requests that officers explore and bring forward additional savings options.

6.     Agreed to carry out a budget consultation exercise as proposed in report 3(d), which should be updated to reflect comments made by members at the Policy and Resources Committee meeting of 19th October and any further comments from today’s meeting of the council, as appropriate.

(Ref: Report by Head of Strategic Finance dated 5 October 2017, submitted, Report by the Head of Strategic Finance dated 5 October 2017, submitted, Report by Executive Director of Customer Services dated 22 September 2017, submitted, Report by Executive Director of Customer Services dated 22 September 2017, submitted)