Prevent is one pillar of CONTEST, the UK Government's counter-terrorism strategy.
The Prevent pathway "notice - check - share" aims to Safeguard and Support, in particular to ensure vulnerable people who may be drawn into terrorism are safeguarded and offered appropriate advice and support.
Members of the public and front line staff can play a crucial role in recognising when a vulnerable person is being exploited or radicalised. Early identification is vital to enable the appropriate agencies to divert these individuals away from this radicalisation process.
Prevent Referral Pathway
Each agency has the responsibility of ensuring that their frontline staff are able to notice possible signs of radicalisation and know what to do and who to go to if they have a concern.
If you have a concern but need further advice or guidance you can check;
- Each School has an individual responsible as the safeguarding / Prevent lead. If you work in a school please contact them for further advice and guidance.
- For other concerns please e-mail –
If having discussed these possible signs of radicalisation with a safeguarding lead or champion, it is agreed these concerns could be valid, the frontline staff member and safeguarding lead or champion should share their concerns with Police.
- To do this, please download and complete the SVT National Referral Form (Aug 2024) (Word doc, 121 KB) and return it directly to Police Scotland using email (monitored 24/7)
If there is concurrent adult or child protection concerns they should be made to the Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) via
- Children:
- Adults:
A Social Worker will consider whether a referral is required.
Prevent Mult-Agency Panel (PMAP)
The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2025 legally requires Argyll and Bute Council to have a Prevent Multi-Agency Panel (PMAP) in place with the sole purpose of providing support to those individuals who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.
If on assessment of all information gathered, including the information from the National Prevent Referral Form, Police Scotland may determine a PMAP is appropriate.
Police Scotland's Prevent Delivery Unit West will notify the Council Prevent Single Point of Contact (SPoC), who will organise a PMAP and notify appropriate Panel Members.
When a case is determined to be suitable for management through PMAP the consent of the individual concerned is required.