Here are some of the services the budget currently funds that are partly or completely additional to the council’s duties:
- Business support services
- Catering and cleaning
- Community learning
- Customer communication and support services
- Development management (planning)
- Early years
- Economic growth and regeneration
- Environmental health
- Health and safety;
- ICT (Information technology)
- Parking
- Private sector housing support
- Professional support services such as HR&OD (Human Resources and organisational development) and legal services
- Property management eg building standards, council estate development
- Public toilets
- Roads management
- School crossing patrollers
- Trading standards
- Transport eg airports, ferries, buses, strategic transportation
- Waste and litter collection
As well as some elements of services above, we have a duty to deliver:
- Civil contingencies service
- Education
- Finance and audit services
- Gaelic education
- Housing strategy and homelessness services
- Registrar services
- Social work (this is delivered by the HSCP).