Employee Recognition Nominations

External nominations received – October - December 2024

AB Recognition

AB Recognition, our new approach to employee recognition, launched externally in June and since then members of the public have nominated employees and teams for providing excellent customer service. 

Members of the public can make a nomination using the short on-line form on our website. 

Argyll and Bute Employee Recognition Programme | Argyll and Bute Council (argyll-bute.gov.uk)



Customer Support Services

Melanie MacLean - Marriage Officer

For her empathy and dedication, providing outstanding, caring and professional support.


Development and Economic Growth

Stuart McGregor - Buildings Standards Surveyor

For providing excellent customer service with a positive attitude and great problem-solving skills.

Jacqueline Westerman - Home Energy Efficiency Project Officer – Campbeltown

For providing a friendly professional service, guidance and support through the Home Energy process.



Lisa Ann McKenna - Clerical Assistant - Tiree High School

For being efficient, helpful, having a professional manner and going above and beyond.

Susan Forrest - Music Teacher - Oban High School

For the dedication, support and hard work preparing the Gaelic choir for the National Mod.

Morven Gage - ASN Teacher - Oban High School

For her dedication, support and hard work preparing the Aon Ghuth/One Voice Gaelic Makaton choir for the National Mod concert in Oban.

Ewan Smith - Depute Headteacher - Lochgilphead Joint Campus

For the swift and professional handling of a bullying incident, preventing further bullying and supporting the student and their family.



David Hartshorn - Senior care worker - Kintyre Care Home

For exceptional knowledge and being a great mentor to new employees.


Legal and Regulatory Support

Melissa Stewart - Democratic Services Manager

For the hard work and providing exceptional and prompt service.


Roads and Infrastructure Services

Andrew Appleton – Gardener - Lochgilphead

For going above and beyond when providing gardening services.


Philip Harries - School Crossing Patroller - Colgrain PS Helensburgh

For the commitment, kindness, care, ensuring safe road crossings daily and going above and beyond.


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