

Report gives updates on large scale transformation projects

A report detailing the progress of a number of large scale projects across Argyll and Bute has been presented to Councillors. The Council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee was this week (June 7) updated on major projects in Campbeltown, Helensburgh, Rothesay, Inveraray, Tarbert and Dunoon.

7 June 2018

Buidheann gnothachais ùir a chuireas ri eaconamaidh na sgìre

Thèid buidheann-obrach ùr a stèidheachadh ann an Earra-Ghàidheal is Bòd airson a bhith ag obair gu dlùth còmhla ri luchd-gnothaich na sgìre leis an amas eaconamaidh làidir a thogail thar ùine fhada. Dh’aontaich Comhairlichean air Comataidh na h-Eaconamaidh, Leasachaidh is Bun-structair an-diugh (Diardaoin, 7 Ògmhios) ri moladh gus Buidheann Gnothachais Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid a chur air bhonn, buidheann a bhios a’ brosnachadh obair chom-pàirteach is fàs san eaconamaidh.

7 June 2018

Hollywood blockbuster filmed in Argyll and Bute

Hollywood blockbuster Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom will premier at cinemas across the UK today (Wednesday) but did you know that part of the movie was filmed in Argyll and Bute?   Eagle-eyed fans of the movie will spot Glen Mallan Jetty at Loch Long, near Arrochar, when they go to see the film at the cinema over the coming weeks.  

6 June 2018
Rural growth deal

Back Argyll and Bute - respond to rural growth deal consultation

If you care about the future of Argyll and Bute, please take just a couple of minutes to help bring millions of pounds of investment to the area by answering this short consultation. Argyll and Bute Council, along with public, private and voluntary sector partners, is putting together a bid designed to attract UK and Scottish Government investment, through a rural growth deal.

4 June 2018

Council achieves highest level of cyber security

Argyll and Bute Council has been awarded the UK’s highest level of cyber security accreditation after independent assessors carried out thorough tests on computer systems. The Council has been given its Cyber Essentials Plus certificate, which confirms its commitment to protecting data against the most common internet-based threats to cyber security. These include hacking, phishing and password guessing.

31 May 2018

Helensburgh schools team up with Children's University

Schools across Helensburgh and Lomond are teaming up with the Children’s University Scotland to try and encourage young people to take part in exciting learning activities outside school hours.   The scheme provides children with a ‘passport’ which enables them to collect credits and gain certificates while they learn.  

31 May 2018

Algae bloom warning at Loch Awe

Enjoy the sun and the stunning scenery we have to offer in Argyll and Bute, but please avoid contact with the water at Loch Awe at the moment due to a current algal bloom. An algal bloom occurs when the algae gathers and forms into green 'mats', usually at the water’s edge, and can be harmful to people and animals.

30 May 2018

Apprentice mechanic is excelling in her career

A young woman from Campbeltown is excelling in her career as an apprentice mechanic with Argyll and Bute Council, having just passed her Cat C HGV driving test.   Ashleigh Conner, aged 19, has always had a keen interest in cars and fixing things, and was quick to apply when she saw the Council’s apprentice vacancy advertised on the My Job Scotland website.  

29 May 2018
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