Read Dave's story

Did you know that foster carers can come from a variety of backgrounds. Our criteria covers a wide age range, as long as you are healthy; any gender; any sexual orientation; any relationship status. The most important thing is that young people are matched with people who will give them love and stability.

*Dave is a single foster carer with Argyll and Bute Council. He became involved in fostering because he wanted to help make a difference to a young person’s life.

He said: “I became involved in fostering because I care about people and society in general.  In a way I see fostering as taking on board some of the responsibility. In a practical sense I enjoy being part of a care package which provides help and enjoyment to children and perhaps support to their parents during what is probably a difficult time in their lives.  On the other side of the coin, the benefits to me and my family are enormous.  I have learned so much from my experiences so far and realise that I have yet much to learn.”

*Name has been changed to protect the identity of the children in care.

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