Oban High is officially opened

Today (Wednesday 5 June)  marked the official opening of Oban’s new £36 million high school.

Although pupils and staff moved into their new school last year, the old school building still had to be demolished and ground works still had to be carried out to create an external social space, a new bus drop off area and additional car parking.

With all works now complete, invited guests went along to the new school for the official opening ceremony and to get a tour of the state of the art facility from pupils.

Argyll and Bute Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “Today is a very special day. It’s wonderful to see that pupils have settled well into their new surroundings and are thriving from the facilities on offer.

“We are fully committed to ensuring that our young people get the best start in life and are ready to succeed - this wonderful new school reinforces that.

“Hi-tech facilities, such as modern gyms, dance studios, fitness rooms, and sensory rooms not only help pupils to thrive in a modern learning environment, but they help to prepare them for positive destinations in life.

“The demonstrations that the young people have put on for us today have been marvellous. From gymnasts and dancers to musicians, bee-keepers and engineers - they have helped to show the variety of talent there is in our schools.

I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved in today’s official opening and I wish the pupils all the very best in their learning.”

Head Teacher at Oban High, Peter Bain said: Our vision for Oban High School is to ensure that we provide the best possible qualifications for all our pupils, whilst ensuring that we nurture and develop their social, emotional and vocational skills and talents.

“Our new school, with its state of the art facilities and resources, allow us to fulfil this vision. It has allowed us to expand and develop the curriculum to ensure that whatever career destination a young person wishes to pursue, we are able to support them by providing a huge range of qualifications and experiences that set them up for life after school.  

“The modern, bright, spacious environment we have been provided with has re-energized our youngsters’ enthusiasm and positivity towards their learning experience and enjoyment of school. Of course our school is also a community school, open to the wider community seven days a week, 50 weeks of the year. I am aware that so many of our local organisations are equally impressed with the new facilities on offer to all. Well done to everyone who helped provide the whole community with such a fabulous resource.”

Andrew Jack, Pre-construction Director for Morrison Construction, said: “Thank you to Oban High School and Argyll and Bute Council for inviting us back for today’s official opening.  It’s great to see the pupils and staff settling in so well to their new surroundings and how the new facilities are already having a beneficial impact on the educational experience.

“Morrison Construction places great importance in giving back to local communities. We are pleased that we could do this in Argyll by using local suppliers and helping to create new jobs and apprenticeship opportunities across the region.”

Michael Padzinski, chief executive of hub North Scotland Ltd agreed: “The positive collaboration by everyone involved in the Oban High School project has not only delivered an inspiring building for the pupils and staff, but has also provided a 21st century facility which the whole community can enjoy.”

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