Community asked for views on Islay bus service

Islay residents, businesses and visitors are being asked for their view on their current and potential use of school and public transport on the island.

The current contract for the provision of School and Public Transport on Islay (Service No. 450 & 451) is due to end in October 2020. 

Before re-tendering for this contract, Argyll and Bute Council is asking people living and working on, as well as visiting, Islay and Jura how they use the service and how they would like to see it used in the future.

Councillor Robin Currie, Policy Lead for Housing, Roads and Infrastructure Services, said: “This is your chance to tell us about your journeys, what works well and what you would like improved. Your feedback can help the council to improve the scheduling and coverage of school and public transport services on Islay.

“I would urge you to go online and fill in the form, or get in touch with the council if you would prefer to fill in a paper copy. If you use the transport, or it affects your business, we really need to hear from you.”

The short survey opens on Friday 10 January and will run for four weeks until Friday 7 February.  All responses are voluntary and anonymous and we encourage participation from anyone of school age and above.
You can take part in our survey at:  Paper copies are available on request by emailing or calling us at 01546 604239.

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