Dunoon Primary is officially opened

The official opening of Dunoon Primary School took place today.

The opening comes following a £10.8 million investment by Argyll and Bute Council to transform it into a school fit for the 21st Century, whilst maintaining its building status.

The refurbishment, which included £5.08 million funding from the Scottish Government, saw the school’s capacity rise to 300 pupils and 30 early learning and childcare places, and includes a new family centre, gym hall, library, early learning and childcare centre, and staff development area.

The council carried out the refurbishment in partnership with hub North Scotland, Morrison Construction and Ryder Architecture.

Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “The refurbishment of Dunoon Primary has provided children and young people in the Cowal area with a state-of-the-art facility learning and teaching that will benefit generations for years to come.

“The transformation is quite something, particularly the way in which the original part of the school blends seamlessly with the new extension, and I have no doubt that these surroundings will help pupils to succeed. I would like to wish staff and pupils the very best in their new-look school.”

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