The new figures show that Advanced Higher passes in Argyll and Bute have risen by 1.8% to 85.5% through successful appeals - 2.9% higher than the national average.
Higher passes also increased by 1.4% to 80.9% - 1.6% higher than the national average.
Councillor Yvonne McNeilly
The Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said:
“We are committed to driving forward educational attainment, achievement and outcomes for young people in Argyll and Bute, whether through traditional SQA examinations, or a wider range of achievement awards and accreditations. Congratulations to our young people celebrating this exam success.
"We want all our young people to succeed. We have therefore developed a broad curriculum with a range of different routes for pupils to transition from school to positive destinations. This includes working with our partners in the education and third sectors to create the right environment for all our young people to achieve their ambitions through training, education and the world of work.
"We are developing and delivering an education service that enables young people to build the futures they want.”