Image shows a stack of coins in rows

Council discusses Argyll and Bute's circumstances with Deputy First Minister

The Deputy First Minister and the Leader and Deputy Leader of Argyll and Bute Council held positive discussions to discuss Argyll and Bute’s particular circumstances. This follows confirmation of £62.7 million that was previously contingent on the outcome of the Spring Budget. Discussions will continue with the focus on resolving any outstanding issues.

8 March 2024
Image shows young people from Achievement Bute enjoying history outdoor activities

Community groups urged not to miss out on funding

Argyll and Bute Council is urging community groups not to miss up to £2,500 funding for eligible projects, as the deadline to apply to the Supporting Communities Fund closes on Monday 18 March 2024.

7 March 2024

Walking, wheeling and cycling in Oban Town Centre

Argyll and Bute Council is seeking your views on a new design for Oban Town Centre North intended to make the area a more attractive, friendly space for walking, wheeling and cycling.

6 March 2024
Rothesay THI

Celebrating Rothesay’s regeneration

Argyll and Bute Council is inviting members of the public, shopkeepers and tenement owners along to a series of events next week to mark the completion of 13 years of successful town centre regeneration in Rothesay.

28 February 2024

New initiative to tackle accommodation crisis

A new initiative between Argyll and Bute Council and key community partners will deliver vital accommodation for key workers on Coll, Tiree, Mull and in the Lorn area.

22 February 2024
Budget 2024

Budget set to save council services

Argyll and Bute Council today set a budget to address a £10 million+ gap in the council’s revenue budget for running services, and a nearly £30 million gap in its capital budget for infrastructure such as roads reconstruction programmes, harbour investment, regeneration projects, bridge maintenance, maintaining social care, education and Live Argyll properties, and weather recovery work.

22 February 2024

Council prepares to set its budget

“Councils can only spend what we can fund. We have to make choices that deliver the most benefit possible from the limited funding we have. Setting the council’s budget will be as simple and as complex as that.”

16 February 2024
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