Pippa's Podcasts


Argyll and Bute Council is full of great people and here I take the opportunity to promote some of the incredible activity that goes on and to make visible some of the efforts that can go unnoticed. 

Thank you to everyone who participated and for the difference you are making for Argyll and Bute.

Pippa Milne
Chief Executive

If you have any ideas about subjects we can cover on any future podcasts please get in touch with us at workingtogether@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Pippa chats with the Council’s Settlement Project Support Officer, Milly Leggett, along with graduates Nathan, Beccy, Kris, Ian, Lyall and Sanata.

Pippa chats with members of the Community Planning Partnership.

Pippa speaks to Professor Nick Owens, Chief Executive of the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) near Oban.

Pippa in conversation with Douglas Whyte and Kelly Ferns about our Local Housing Strategy

Pippa in conversation with Christine Boyle.

Pippa chats with Helen Butler from our Web Team about her own personal experience of epilepsy.

Pippa chats with Michelle Mundie, Chief Executive of Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA)

Pippa explores the key role that the Council is playing to decarbonise our footprint in an engaging conversation with Ross McLaughlin.

Pippa in conversation with Julie Tait, Rothesay Pavilion’s Executive Director, along with the Council’s Fergus Murray (Head of Development and Economic Growth) and Ross McLaughlin (Head of Commercial Services).

Pippa speaks with Callum Robertson about the preparation for winter and the logistics of Winter Maintenance.

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