LDP2 Newsletter April 2022

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(PLDP2) Examination

Proposed Local Development Plan 2

An Examination is how the issues raised during the consultation on PLDP2 are assessed. This is an independent process run by a Scottish Government appointed Reporter. Argyll and Bute Council submitted the plan for Examination at the end of January. The administrative checks have now been completed. Mr Alasdair Edwards MA (Hons) MRTPI has been appointed as the lead Reporter. All documentation and updates can be viewed on the Scottish Government Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA) web site. The case reference is LDP-130-2.

Development Plan Scheme

The Development Plan Scheme tells you about the preparation process for the Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan 2.  It includes a timetable and information about the key stages of plan preparation. The Development Plan Scheme for PLDP2 has been updated and is available online and in public libraries. It provides details on the current Examination stage and the future stages related to Adoption of the Plan.

Changes to Planning

The “Planning (Scotland) Act 2019” was passed by the Scottish Parliament in June 2019. This is bringing about a series of changes aimed at modernising the planning system. Argyll and Bute Council has played a role in influencing these changes. Some of the recent actions related to planning policy are:

Facilitating Kintyre Way Leaflets

The Access Officer has worked with the Kintyre Way and the Public Transport Team to produce a new suite of 7 leaflets promoting this long distance route. The leaflets give details of public transport links along the Kintyre Way. It is hoped that the leaflets will encourage people to walk sections of the route and then take a bus back home or back to their holiday accommodation.

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Any questions please email: ldp@argyll-bute.gov.uk

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