Traffic Regulation Orders Privacy Notice - Privacy Statement

A new data protection law was introduced on 25th May 2018. As a result, we've updated our Privacy Notice to make it easier for you to find out how we use, process and protect your information.

Your Personal Data

What information do we need?

Argyll and Bute Council will act as the ‘Data Controller’ for the personal data you provide to us.  The Data Protection Officer, who is responsible for ensuring personal data is managed in accordance with data protection legislation, can be contacted as follows:

Address: Data Protection Officer, Argyll and Bute Council, Legal and Regulatory Support, Kilmory, Lochgilphead PA31 8RT. 

Email:  Telephone: 01546 605522

The information we collect from you is your name, address, e-mail address, ‘phone contact numbers.   

Why we need this information?

You are giving us your personal information to allow us to consider your objection(s) to Traffic Regulation Orders in-line with the statutory processes, including public consultation and comment(s).

We need to know this information in order to:

  • To consider your objection as valid;
  • To engage with you regarding your objection(s)/comment(s);
  • To verify your identity where required;
  • To contact you by post, email or telephone; and
  • To maintain our records.

If you do not provide this information then we will be unable to consider your submissions as valid objection(s) or comment(s).  We will not collect any personal data from you that isn’t needed for delivery of those services.

Our legal basis for processing your personal information is:

  • Article 6(1)(c) Legal obligation – processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation under
    • Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984;
    • The Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999; and
    • Article 6(1)(e) Public task – in relation to actions in the public interest under our statutory powers under these acts i.e. hearings, public meetings.

What we will do with your information?

In processing a traffic regulation order, comments and objections are stored locally by hardcopy files and/or electronically on internal servers. Where objections are maintained; there may be a need to publish a list of objectors within committee reports, on the website or at public hearings.

When you make a comment(s) or objection(s) on traffic regulation order (TRO) these are recorded against that TRO and may be made publically available with your name and address as supplied.  Personal phone numbers, email addresses and signatures will not be displayed.

In-line with the statutory processes and the Councils Scheme of Delegation; your information may be shared with the following:

  • The appropriate Area Committee;
  • The Policy & Resources Committee or full Council;
  • Other Council committees as required;
  • In the case of hearings, the Reporter; and
  • Scottish Ministers or those acting on their behalf, where their consent is required.

 UK or International Data Processing

All of the information we collect from you will be processed by staff in the United Kingdom.  You should be aware however that your data will be stored on servers located in within the United Kingdom; the data will not be processed outside the European Union.  We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is kept securely and more information on how we do this can be provided by the Data Protection Officer if required.

How long will we keep your information?

We will keep your information indefinitely in line with the terms of our retention schedules.  More information on our retention schedule can be provided by the Data Protection Officer if required.

Automated Decision Making

There are no Automated Decision Making systems used for any of the purposes identified above.

Your Rights

When you provide information to the Council, you will have the following rights:

  • to withdraw consent at any time, where the lawful basis specified above is consent
  • to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office – see below for details
  • to request access to your personal data – please contact the Data Protection Officer if you wish to submit a request.
  • to data portability, where the Legal basis specified above is i) consent or ii) performance of a contract
  • to request rectification or erasure of your personal data, as far as the legislation permits – please contact the Data Protection Officer and provide details of what data you wish to be rectified or erased.

You can find out more about your rights in relation to data protection here: or from the Data Protection Officer by telephone or in writing, as detailed above.

Information Commissioner’s Office

The ICO is the UK’s independent body set up to uphold information rights. 

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 Email: 


The Information Commissioner’s Office – Scotland

45 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7HL

Telephone: 0303 123 1115 Email:

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