Motorhome parking

Argyll and Bute Council car parks where motorhome parking is permitted.

Please note that residential use of parking areas, including sleeping in vehicles is not permitted.

Bute and Cowal

  • Glenmorag Car Park, Dunoon
  • Chapelhill Car Park, Rothesay
  • Lochgoilhead Car Park

Helensburgh and Lomond

  • Whistlefield Car Park, Garelochhead
  • Kidston Park Car Park, Helensburgh

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands

  • Inveraray - The Avenue Car Park
  • Peninver Car Park
  • Tayinloan Car Park
  • Keils Car Park (near Southend, Kintyre)
  • Highbank Park Car Park, Lochgilphead
  • Lorne Street Coach Park, Lochgilphead
  • Tarbert Car Park

Oban, Lorn and the Isles

  • Lochavuillin Coach and Lorry Park, Oban
  • Corran Halls Car Park No 1, Oban
  • Ganavan Sands Car Park, Oban
  • Ledaig Car Park, Tobermory, Isle of Mull
  • Columba Car Park, Fionnphort, Isle of Mull
  • Bunessan Car Park, Isle of Mull
  • Easdale Car Park, Isle of Easdale
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