Recycling on Coll

Find out what you can recycle in your household bins, and what other recycling facilities are available in your area.

Bin dates lookup

Reducing the amount of rubbish that goes to landfill is at the heart of what we do, so we encourage people to do what they can to use all the recycling options in their area:

Recycling centre

Your local household recycling centre is Cliad recycling centre, where you can take many types of items that can't be recycled in your household bins - including your garden waste, textiles, small and large electrical items and batteries.

Local recycling facilities

You can recycle a wide range of items at the village compound. You can also take glass bottles and jars to the shed by the Fire Station

Household recycling collections

To check the dates for all your household recycling collections, you can find your calendar using our postcode lookup - Coll bin collections

Your recycling bags for mixed recycling of paper, card and cardboard; plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays; and cartons. When you need more recycling bags, please contact the island's waste and recycling representative

Find out what can go in your recycling bags here


Garden waste and food waste recycling

Green garden waste and food waste

We encourage residents wherever possible to recycle their food and garden wastes. One option is to compost at home which supports the environment and saves money by providing free compost for next year’s gardening.

Alternatively, you can take your garden waste to your local recycling centre where it will be sent for composting or recovery.

The Love Food Hate Waste website has lots of tips on how to reduce your food waste.

Example of food waste

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