Council service updates

We will keep this page updated with all the latest changes to our services. Information on power cuts can be found at Power Track (

Commercial glass collections - Cowal

Due to an issue with our refuse vehilce we are unable to collect commercial glass bins today in Cowal. These collections will now take place on Monday 31st March. We apologise for any inconvenience 

Commercial glass - Oban

Due to an issue with our refuse vehicle the Commercial glass collections that were missed yesterday 25th March in Oban will now be collected on the 1st April. We apologies for the inconvenience

Limited access vehicle - Isle of Jura

We are unable to collect bin serviced by the limited access vehicle due today, 25th March, on Jura. 

We expect to be able to uplift these bins tomorrow, however please check our website as we will update if this changes. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Household glass collections - Cove, Kilcreggan and Rosneath 24/03/25

Due to an issue with our refuse vehicle the household glass collections due to be collected today have been delayed. Please leave your bin out for collection for crews to attend

Kilennan bridge, Islay

U024 Kilennan Bridge, Islay. Kilennan Bridge on the U024 Avenvogie Road is closed to traffic following severe scour of the structure's abutments and piers during a weather event in December 2024.

Repair works, due to be carried out in January and February, were unfortunately delayed due to Storm Eowyn. They are now expected to be carried out in May 2025 and completed by July 2025.


  • No vehicles are permitted to cross the bridge until repairs are complete and the bridge is re-opened.
  • Local access is maintained along the U024 up to around 10m either side of the bridge.
  • Diversions are via B8016/A846/C012/U024 and vice versa.

Key dates

  • The bridge was closed on 13/12/24
  • Repairs are expected to take a number of weeks and the bridge will remain fully closed until repairs are complete.


Moleigh recycling centre

Due to planned essential resurfacing works by site operator Biffa, Moleigh Household Waste and Recycling Centre (by Oban), will be closed to the public from Tuesday 25th to Thursday 27th March and will re-open on Friday 28th March. We apologise for any inconvenience.

EV Charging Network - Faults - 19.03.25

Electric Vehicle Charger Faults:
We have some faults across our network of 37 EV chargers at the moment. We are working with our maintenance contractors to have these repaired as soon as possible.

The faults and some details are listed below. You can see the full range of publicly available chargers in Argyll and Bute (not just those operated by the Council) on the Charge Place Scotland website.

  • 53517 Tiree Ferry Terminal – Charger has come to the end of its lifespan and it is not economical to continue to try to maintain it, we are looking at the best route to replace it with new unit.  Unfortunately, there are no other Council chargers at this site, but all public chargers can be found via the Charge Place Scotland website using the link above.
  • 53518 Community Centre, Coll - Charger has come to the end of its lifespan and it is not economical to continue to try to maintain it, we are looking at the best route to replace it with new unit. Unfortunately, there are no other Council chargers at this site, but all public chargers can be found via the Charge Place Scotland website using the link above.
  • 52897 Lochgilphead - Charger has come to the end of its lifespan and it is not economical to continue to try to maintain it, we are looking at the best route to replace it with new unit. There is an alternative unit at this location
  • 60104 Ledaig Car Park - there is a communication error with this EVCs, and we are awaiting a date for the engineer to attend.  There is not an alternative unit at this location but all public chargers can be found via the Charge Place Scotland website using the link above.
  • 61720 Dunoon - there is a communication error with this EVCs, engineer is scheduled to attend 20.03.25.  There is an alternative EVC at this location
  • 51140 Lorne Street, Lochgilphead - there is a communication error with this EVCs, and we are awaiting a date for the engineer to attend.  There is an alternative EVC at this location
  • 51139 Campbeltown - there is a transmission error with this charger, awaiting parts and an engineer to be scheduled. There is not an alternative unit at this location but all public chargers can be found via the Charge Place Scotland website using the link above.
  • 51138 Dunoon - DC Cable error, engineer scheduled to attend 20.03.25.  There are alternative chargers at this location
  • 51143 Fionnphort - there is a communication error with this EVCs, and we are awaiting a date for the engineer to attend.  There is not an alternative unit at this location but all public chargers can be found via the Charge Place Scotland website using the link above.

Domestic glass collections - West Helensburgh & Glade Estate 12/03/25

Household glass collection has been delayed and will now take place the day after the originally scheduled date.

Streetlighting - Church Avenue - Cardross 07/01/25

We are aware of a power supply fault on Church Avenue, Cardross that is affecting a number of streetlights on both Church Avenue and Reay Avenue. Scottish Power are aware of the fault and we are awaiting their attendance.

Traffic lights - Sinclair street junction, Helensburgh

We are aware of the traffic light faults at the junction with Sinclair Street and East and West Clyde Street, Helensburgh. This has been reported to our external contractor that manage traffic signals on our behalf and they will be in attendance today (21/02/25)

Road closures due to fallen trees or other storm-related damage


  • Montague Street

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