Our children, their mental health

Basic information about mental health and wellbeing in children and young people.

The aim of this guidance is to provide some basic information about mental health and wellbeing in children and young people, to inform decision-making about strategies and programmes to try in school and how and when to make onward referrals, and to provide signposting to more detailed information for those who are interested.

This guidance is designed primarily for the use of staff working within education, although it may be helpful for staff working more widely within children’s services or for third sector organisations who may work closely in conjunction with statutory services.

Our children, their mental health and wellbeing - read the guidance here

Alongside the main document, links to resources relating to mental health have been compiled. These are listed under relevant sub-headings and may be of interest to schools, other professionals, families and to young people themselves. The list will be updated regularly; we would invite any suggestions for additions to our resource list to be sent to chulainn.ledsom2@argyll-bute.gov.uk. You will also find available to download the current Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) referral guidance and an up-to-date referral form.

Completed CAMHS referral forms should be emailed to your local CAMHS team, please see the referral form (above) for contact details.

If you have concerns about a child or young person’s wellbeing relating to self-harm or suicidal ideas or behaviour, please see Argyll and Bute’s inter-agency guidance

Talking to children and young people about war and world news

There is daily coverage in the media about the events in Ukraine which it will be almost impossible for our children to avoid.  The coverage and language used is likely to be frightening for some, especially after the last two years of uncertainty, change and increased anxiety.  It is important that as adults in children’s lives, we find the best way to talk about these issues and worries, without raising anxiety further, even when we may feel anxious ourselves.

We have pulled together a number of helpful resources to support us all in having these important conversations with children and young people.  These resources are consistent with our work in Argyll and Bute to understand and respond sensitively to the impact of trauma as well as with the nurturing approaches we are developing across our schools.

The wider Resource Hub above, linked to Our Children Their Mental Health, includes many more resources to support good mental health and enhance wellbeing.

Our Educational Psychology Team have put together some information to help talk to children about the war in Ukraine and other world news.

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