Flood advice

If flooding is an emergency or causing danger to life, please contact the emergency services for immediate help by phoning 999

Reporting flooding

Report flooding on or around council roads using our online form

Report flooding on or around Trunk Roads online (eg A82, A83, A85, A828) or call Bear Scotland on 0800 028 1414

Report general flooding issues to Floodline (a national service provided by SEPA)

Sign up for flooding alerts (provided by Floodline)

If flooding is an emergency or causing danger to life, please contact the emergency services for immediate help by phoning 999

Flood Risk Management

Find out about our current flood studies 

The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 (FRM Act) provides that the Scottish Ministers, SEPA and responsible authorities (Local Authorities & Scottish Water) must exercise their flood risk related functions with a view to working together to reduce overall flood risk in Scotland and places certain duties and responsibilities upon them.

Flood Risk Management Plans  (previously known as Flood Risk Management Strategies) and Local Flood Risk Management Plans are developed on a six yearly cycle. Cycle One was from 2016-2022 and Cycle 2 will be from 2022-2028.

SEPA are responsible for the development of the Flood Risk Management Plans and certain Lead Local Authorities are responsible for the development of Local Flood Risk Management Plans.

Argyll and Bute communities are in either:

  • The Highland and Argyll Local Plan District Area (LPD01) where The Highland Council is the lead Local Authority.
  • The Clyde and Loch Lomond Local Plan District Area (LPD11) where Glasgow City Council is the lead Local Authority. 

Each Local Plan District has a Flood Risk Management Plan and a Local Flood Risk Management Plan.

Flood Risk Management Plans coordinate efforts to tackle flooding in Scotland. They set the national direction of future flood risk management, helping to target investment and coordinate actions across public bodies. The plan explain what causes flooding in high risk areas as well as the impacts when flooding does occur. Within the plans objectives for tackling flooding in high risk areas are set along with actions aimed to work towards those objectives.

Local Flood Risk Management Plans include the actions recommended in the Flood Risk Management Plan and adds further details such as:

  • Funding arrangements for each action
  • Which organisation will be responsible for the delivery of the action.
  • The timescale for delivery.
  • Details of any coordination between authorities.

Local Flood Risk Management Plans Cycle One (2016-2022)

Final reports have been produced summarising the outcomes of the Cycle One Local Flood Risk Management Plans.

Local Flood Risk Management Plans Cycle Two (2022-2028)

The Local Flood Risk Management Plans can be viewed by clicking the following

If you have any queries, contact our Infrastructure Design Team for advice.


A brief summary of the duties and responsibilities created by the FRM Act can be found in the PDF document below. There are also responsibilities placed on individuals and landowners under Scots Law in regard to flood issues.  The Council recognise that flooding is a matter of concern for many people and have therefore prepared this document to advise individuals of the role and responsibilities of various parties in regard to Flood Risk and Flooding Emergencies.

Emergency Services Including Coastguard

Have a duty to save lives in the event of serious flooding. This means rescuing people trapped or likely to become trapped by water and protecting them from serious harm.

Should you require to contact the emergency services, telephone 999.

Property Owners

The Scottish Government makes it clear that individual property owners have primary responsibility for the prevention of flooding to their property and are;

  • Responsible for being aware of potential flood risks to their property
  • Responsible for maintaining private drainage within the curtilage of their property
  • Responsible for taking action to prepare for flooding eg. Having a flood plan (SEPA Website  Be flood prepared ) and keeping sandbags to block doorways or air bricks during a flooding incident.  Please note there is no statutory duty for the council to provide sandbags and property owners.
  • Responsible for acquiring contents and building insurance with adequate flood cover.


  • Individuals with a watercourse within the boundary of their property, including piped watercourses, have what is termed ‘riparian’ responsibilities under common law. Riparian owners must allow the unrestricted flow of water through their property and must maintain and keep watercourses clear of obstructions that are liable to pose a risk of flooding

Landowners are responsible for the provision and maintenance of private flood defence and drainage systems on their land.

Scottish Water

  • Scottish Water is required to respond to flooding incidents caused from their sewerage system. Scottish Water can be contacted at their 24 Hour Customer Centre on 0845 601 8855 or through their website

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)

  • SEPA Provides a Floodline warning service for Scotland. You can sign up to this service and have free flood messages sent direct to your mobile phone or landline when problems are predicted in local areas.  Messages are sent out three to six hours before potential flooding and it is considered that this service will allow crucial time to prepare you and your home for flooding. For further information go to  SEPA's Floodline service  or Telephone: 0345 988 1188 or 0845 988 1188 which may be cheaper depending on service provider. or go to http://www.floodlinescotland.org.uk/
  • For further information on SEPA and the FRM Act go to;  http://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/water/flooding/

The Scottish Government

  • Set national policies on flooding management
  • Set Scottish Planning Policy
  • Provides resources enabling authorities to address flooding issues
  • Supports the Scottish Flood Forum which provides help and advice to those affected by flooding

For further information go to - Action to manage flooding risk in Scotland

Scottish Flood Forum

The Scottish Flood Forum (SFF) is a Scottish based organisation that provides support for and represents those who are affected by or are at risk of flooding and is funded by the Scottish Government.

SFF Enquiry line - 0131 563 9392 - this is the number for the SFF information line which is available on weekdays between 9am and 5pm.

Website: https://scottishfloodforum.org/ 

Argyll and Bute Council

Argyll & Bute Council as defined as a responsible authority under the FRM Act and as such certain duties and responsibilities are placed upon as detailed in this document.  

Argyll and Bute Council's flood risk management duties

To address Flood Risk Management the Council will implement measures based on the three objectives AVOID, PROTECT & PREPARE

AVOID flood risk by;

  • implementing the Scottish Planning Policy Flood Risk Framework
  • incorporating legal and Scottish Planning Policy requirements for SUDS into the local development plan
  • encouraging developers to use the  free pre-application service. Contact with the local Planning Officer before an application is submitted allows for an initial view to be formed and any issues, such as flooding or drainage, to be identified as early as possible.  The Council is currently preparing Supplementary Guidance for Flood Risk and Drainage Impact Assessments which will assist developers when submitting a planning application.

PROTECT from flood risk by;

  • Undertaking flood protection works as part of the Local Flood Risk Management Plan for each Potentially Vulnerable Area. The undertaking of the works being dependent   on adequate funding. Such works could include bunds, training walls and drainage pipes.
  • Work with the Emergency Services in response to severe flooding events.   Please note, property owners should be aware of their responsibilities including obtaining and using sandbags.
  • Implementing a schedule of clearance and repair works where the Council considers that the works will result in a substantial reduction of flood risk. Works undertaken by the Council will not relieve Riparian owners of their legal responsibilities.
  • Carrying out maintenance of public roads under The Roads (Scotland) Act 1984.  In particular cleaning of road drainage systems and clearing roads of flooding. If you experience flooding or any blocked road drains near your property please refer to the contact list below.
  • Utilising its powers as Coast Protection Authority, to carry out necessary coast protection work to protect any land in its area against erosion and encroachment by the sea under the Coast Protection Act 1949. The Council does not have a duty to carry out these works, just the powers

PREPARE for flood risk by;

  • Encouraging local residents to use SEPA’s FLOODLINE where available
  • Preparing and implementing emergency procedures to deal with flood events.
  • Raising public awareness of flood risk through the Councils web page.
  • Keep a register of flood protection schemes.
  • Record flood events where they are reported to the council for future reference

Council contacts

To report blocked road drainage on public roads please contact 01546 605514 during normal working hours or use our online reporting form. Out with normal hours please contact 0800 373635. The list of public roads can be found here - Roads and pavements - List of public roads

The Council is required to keep a record of flood events. To report a historic flood event or request further information in regard to the Council’s responsibilities under the FRM Act please email floodingenquiries@argyll-bute.gov.uk (Infrastructure Design Contacts)

To discuss any queries regarding Planning Applications for development that may be subject to flooding please contact 01546 605518 or contact your local planning and building standards office.

Useful links


Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme

Flood studies

Carried out under Cycle 1 of the Local Flood Risk Management Plans, these studies and plans were completed in 2020 

PDF copies of the reports are available from the links below:

Oban Flood Study including Surface Water Management Plan

Lochgilphead Flood Study 

Tarbert Flood Study 

Clachan Flood Study 

Helensburgh Coastal Flood Protection Study (HCFPS)

Kilcreggan Surface Water Management Plan 

Dunoon Surface Water Management Plan

The reports, flood models and recommended protection measures developed from the studies, were submitted for national prioritisation in January 2020. This prioritisation process feeds directly into Scottish Government allocation of funding for the Cycle 2 (2022-2028) Flood Protection Schemes and Actions. Argyll and Bute council is currently (July 2024) awaiting details of Scottish Government funding contributions to develop the various projects.

  • The reports are for public information only and are provided in support of Argyll and Bute Council’s responsibility under the LFRMP Action - Awareness Raising. Any other use of these documents is expressly forbidden without the permission of Argyll and Bute Council. Any enquiries regarding the reports should be submitted to floodingenquiries@argyll-bute.gov.uk
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