Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee - Wednesday, 4 December 2013 10:30 am

Venue: Town Hall, Main Street, Campbeltown

Contact: Theresa McLetchie Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item





Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of the following:-


Alison Hunter




There were no Declarations of Interest.





Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee 2 October 2013 pdf icon PDF 76 KB


The Minute of the previous meeting held on 2 October 2013 was approved as a true and correct record subject to the following amendment:-


Matters Arising


To note that it was Councillor Kelly who enquired on the status of Kilkerran Park.  The Chair replied that the Streetscene Manager would schedule a site visit for Ward 1 Members.


Councillor Kelly requested an update on the Scottish Water issue in Saddell Street, Campbeltown. Charles Reppke advised Members that he would liaise with the Roads Performance Manager in regards the Scottish Water issue and request an update.


Councillor Currie stated that he had in fact requested that a Business Case be presented to the Area Committee in regards King Street, Portnahaven and it was agreed to note that correction.


Councillor Horn enquired when there would be BEAR representation at an Area Committee and requested an update from ACHA in relation to maintenance issues at ACHA properties. 




Agreed that  a request would be made to Community Services and ACHA to attend the MAKI Business Day in January, 2014 to respond to Members maintenance issues. 



Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Special Area Committee - 6 November 2013 pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The Minute of the previous meeting held on 6 November, 2013 was approved as a true and correct record




The Chair invited questions from Members and the public in attendance.


Councillor Kelly enquired if there would be any staffing implications when the A83 was trunked and requested that Members be updated in advance of this. Charles Reppke advised that the Area Committee was in public session and, as such, there could not be a debate on staffing issues in case it identified individual staff.

Councillor Kelly requested that a report come to a future Area Committee when appropriate.

Councillor Kelly further enquired on the length of time the building renovation work would take on Main St/Cross St and detailed the inconvenience to local businesses. 

The Chair replied that he did not have timescales for completion.  Charles Reppke advised that a report would come to a future Area Committee providing this detail.

Councillor Currie requested that a report in regards to Broadband issues come to the January Business Day.  The Chair advised that this issue would be given consideration at the February Area Committee meeting.  Charles Reppke advised that both Audrey Martin and Stuart Green could provide Members with updates.

Councillor McAlpine voiced his concerns on the heavy, vehicular traffic being used by SSE on the Carradale/Skipness Road and enquired if there was a agreement in place to safeguard the road. He advised that a letter had been sent out to local Community Councils advising that vehicles being utilised would not exceed 7 tonnes.

The Head of Roads replied that members of his team were working with the developers and he advised that a survey had been undertaken.  Any damage undertaken by the developers, which is over and above any estimated fair usage, would be the responsibility of the relevant company. He was not aware of a letter being disseminated to local Community Councils.


It was agreed that the Head of Roads would circulate the Traffic Management plan to Members and clarify that a survey had been undertaken.           



Islay High School Annual Achievement Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report by Head Teacher


The Committee heard a presentation and considered a report by the Head Teacher, Islay High School.




Agreed to note the presentation and report.


(Reference: Report by Head Teacher dated 4 December, 2013, submitted)


Carradale Harbour pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report by Marine Operations Manager.


The Committee gave consideration to a report which detailed the proposals for the creation of a new slipway in Carradale harbour by Network Carradale Ltd.


Discussion followed and Councillor Horn and Councillor McAlpine raised issues in regards fly tipping and enforcement of the regulations by the Council.  The Marine Operations manager asked that  Members email him with the specifics of these issues and he would review them  and provide an update.




Agreed to note the report  


(Reference: Report by Acting Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services, dated 19 November 2013, submitted)



Transport Scotland

Update from Graham Edmonds, Head of Network Maintenance, Transport Scotland.


The Committee heard an update by Graham Edmonds, Head of Network Maintenance Transport Scotland.


Discussion followed in regards a number of matters relating to signage, landslide issues at the Rest and Be Thankful, the proposed trunking of the A83 and the Speed Limit Review, as well as operational concerns for a depot for Winter Maintenance.


Graham Edmonds also agreed to undertake an early review on the issue of pedestrian crossings on the A83 at both Ardrishaig and Tarbert and also affirmed that there would be public consultation prior to any changes to speed limits being implemented




Members agreed:


1.                  To note the update and the agreement to an early review of the pedestrians’ crossings referred to.



Machrihanish Airbase Community Company Update

Update by the MACC Manager.


The Committee heard an update by Malcolm MacMillan, Machrihanish Airbase Community Company (MACC) Manager on the progress made to date at the Machrihanish Defence site.  These included the completion of new water supply, new central administrative offices, potential for new events in 2014, 2 new tenants and a visit by Creative Scotland.

He also informed Members of a forthcoming event being held by Kintyre Agriculture Society in December.  He anticipated the completion of a further 5 new leases in 2014.  He detailed that MACC would be implementing a new marketing strategy and thanked both Argyll and Bute Council and HIE for help and support received to date.




1.                  Agreed to note the update and that a further report be submitted in six months

2.                  To ascertain if the MACC venue could be used for a future Area Committee meeting.  



Older Peoples Care at Home Update pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report by Area Manager – Adult Care.


The Committee were advised that the Area Manager – MAKI was unable to attend the meeting due to illness.


She had asked that if Members had any urgent issues, they should email her the detail and she would respond to them directly.




Agreed to continue consideration to the February Area Committee meeting.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director Community Services, dated 4 December 2013, submitted)   





The Committee considered 2 reports providing updates on outstanding road-related issues in the MAKI area.


(Reference: Reports by Roads Performance Manager, submitted).




















King Street, Portnahaven pdf icon PDF 166 KB

Report by Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure


The Committee gave consideration to a report providing the estimated cost for bringing King Street in Portnahaven on Islay up to a standard which the Council would be able to adopt and accept future maintenance liability for.


The Head of Governance and Law advised Members that there was no legal responsibility for Argyll and Bute Council to adopt the road.




That the Area Committee recommend that no action be undertaken to adopt the road.


Moved by Councillor Colville,  seconded by Councillor Semple




To continue this item for further discussion  and to ascertain if the frontagers would wish to make a contribution towards the cost of upgrading the road to an adoptable standard.


Councillor Robin Currie, seconded by Councillor Anne Horn.


The Amendment was carried by 5 votes to 4 and the Committee resolved accordingly.




Agreed to continue this item for further discussion  and to ascertain if the frontagers would wish to make a contribution towards the cost of upgrading the road to an adoptable standard.


 (Reference: Report by Head of Roads & Amenity Services, dated 8 November 2013





Un-adopted footpath - Lochgilphead pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Report by Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure


The Committee gave consideration to a report which provided the details of an un-adopted section of footway adjacent to the old ambulance depot, Lochgilphead. The report also provides an estimated cost of treatment to bring the footpath up to a standard which the Council would find acceptable for adoption purposes.







1.                  To note the report  

2.                  To recommend to Council for approval to implement upgrading works to enable the footpath to reach a standard acceptable for adoption purposes, with funding being taken from the allocation for Mid Argyll Maintenance Budget.  


(Reference: Report by Head of Roads & Amenity Services, dated 8 November 2013





Roads Revenue Budget Financial Quarter Two Update pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report by Executive Director, Development and Infrastructure


Members agreed that consideration of this report which details the current level of expenditure of the Roads Operations Revenue Budget be carried forward to the January Business Day..




Agreed to review the detail of the report at the MAKI Business Day on 8 January, 2014.  


(Reference: Report by Head of Roads & Amenity Services, dated 8 November 2013





Area Scorecards pdf icon PDF 276 KB

Report by IOD Programme Manager


The Committee gave consideration to the Area Scorecard detailing exceptional performance for Financial Quarter 2  2013-14 (July-September, 2013).




Agreed to note the report  


(Reference: Report by Improvement and Organisational Development Programme

Manager, dated 4 December 2013, submitted)





Port Ellen Playpark pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Report by Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure


The Committee gave consideration to a report which provided the detail of the planned implementation of Argyll and Bute Council/Community Partnership Development of Play Area Policy at Port Ellen, Islay.




Agreed to note the report  


(Reference: Report by Head of Roads and Amenity Services, dated 4 December

2013, submitted)



SOA Progress Report

Verbal Update by Head of Improvement and HR


The Committee gave consideration to an update by the Head of Improvement and H.R.


Discussion followed and the Head of Improvement and H.R. advised members of the timescales for submission to the Scottish Government which would be February, 2014.     




Members agreed:


1.                  To note the update.

2.                  That therre would be an opportunity to review the draft report prior to submission.


(Update: Verbal update by Head of Improvement and H.R.)





Amenity Service Savings (previously known as Streetscene Service Review Implementation) pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report by Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure


Members agreed that consideration of this item which provided detail of the service delivery model for 2014/15 is given further consideration at the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands special Area Committee on 13 December, 2013.




Agreed to continue for consideration to 13 December, 2013, and to adjourn the meeting at the conclusion of other business and to reconvene at 1.00p.m. on the agreed date.  


(Reference: Report by  Head of Roads & Amenity Services, dated 8 November 2013






OSCR - Trusts

Report by Head of Strategic Finance


The Committee gave consideration to a report which detailed the annual accounts

for each of the 21 Charities currently administered for the year ended 31 March, 2013

and their filing with OSCR.




Agreed to note the report  


(Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Finance dated 7th November 2013, submitted)






Campbeltown Grammar School Annual Achievement Report pdf icon PDF 178 KB

Report by Head Teacher.


The Committee gave consideration to a report by the Head Teacher, Campbeltown Grammar School.




Agreed to note the report.


(Reference: Report by Head Teacher dated 4 December, 2013, submitted)



The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.


New Campbeltown Grammar School - Project Update

Report by Executive Director of Community Services


The Committee gave consideration to a report updating them on the progress of the development, the project brief and project timescale for the redevelopment of Campbeltown Grammar through the Scottish Schools for the Future programme.





Agreed to note the report.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director - Community Services dated 4 December, 2013, submitted)


The Chair then adjourned the meeting until 13 December, 2013 at 1.00p.m.


The meeting reconvened on 13 December.




Councillor Rory Colville (Chair)




Councillor Robin Currie

Councillor Anne Horn



Councillor Donald Kelly

Councillor John McAlpine



Councillor Donald MacMillan

Councillor John Semple











Charles Reppke

Head of Governance and Law



Tom Murphy

Streetscene Manager





Apologies were intimated from Councillor Douglas Philand and Councillor Sandy Taylor.




Amenity Service Savings (previously known as Streetscene Service Review Implementation)




Members gave consideration to a report which detailed the proposed service delivery model for 2014/15 Amenity Services Budget savings which had been developed following a Member workshop.


Further discussion ensued and Members discussed the impact on local services. These issues included prioritisation of cemeteries amenity grass cutting, signage to public convenience at Tayinloan, public convenience provision at Crinan and the ACHA  grass cutting contract on Islay.  Councillor MacMillan highlighted an inconsistency in the written reportat the verbal advice in respect of one of the savings.






1.                  That the service delivery model would be taken to Council for approval

2.                  That Council officers would maintain close contact with local Ward Members to review the Amenity Savings implementation and be prepared to amend the amenity services within the existing Savings Task model.


Councillor John McAlpine left the meeting at 2.00p.m.