
Tarbert Harbour

Funding boost for Tarbert

Development of plans to restore historic buildings and bring them back into use are some of the key actions for the first phase of a new Tarbert Heritage Regeneration Scheme.

17 May 2023

Council issues Glenmorag car park warning

Please remove any trailers, caravans, boats or motorhomes in the next fifteen days or risk having them removed - that is the warning from Argyll and Bute Council.

16 May 2023
Gold Glitter Star Image

Going for gold at Kilcreggan

Kilcreggan Primary School has become the fifth school in Argyll and Bute to receive gold accreditation in UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting School programme.

15 May 2023

Council calls for clarity on Deposit Return Scheme

Councillors are calling on the Scottish Government to take urgent action to address concerns across Argyll and Bute communities, regarding the introduction of the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS).

12 May 2023

Funding lifeline for Argyll and Bute events

Large-scale events and festivals across Argyll and Bute contribute significantly to the local economy, attracting people to the area and supporting local businesses.

11 May 2023
2023 to 4 Budget Building Blocks

Communities' views will help set budget priorities

With more multi-million pound savings to make again this year, Argyll and Bute Council is inviting communities to get involved earlier than usual in the budget-setting process by using a budget simulator to set high level priorities.

11 May 2023
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