

School uniform scheme: help save the planet, help save your purse

Argyll and Bute Council has been working with its schools and third sector partners to roll out a new, innovative scheme that will see school uniforms that children have outgrown, either reused or recycled - saving peoples’ purse and the planet.

16 February 2023
New school transport contract for Helensburgh and Lomond

Council sets wheels in motion on active travel plans

An increase in people cycling, walking and wheeling to school and improved links between local communities – these are just some of the benefits behind a proposed new active travel route between Lochgilphead’s Front Green and the Crinan Canal.

2 February 2023
New school transport contract for Helensburgh and Lomond

Cost of living support for island communities

Funding of £197,000 will help provide vital cost of living support to island residents in Argyll and Bute. As costs continue to rise, the funding will help residents access essential supplies including food and fuel.

30 January 2023
Save our services

Council leaders appeal for more council funding

Scotland’s council leaders are seeking a meeting with the Scottish Government to discuss their concerns about the impact on communities of this year’s council budget settlement.

24 January 2023
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