

Welcome to Your Vote

Thursday 10 March is #WelcomeToYourVoteDay - and the Electoral Commission is encouraging everyone aged 16 or over, and resident in Scotland, to register to vote so that they can take part in the council elections in May. Recent changes in the law in Scotland mean that many new Scots will have their first opportunity to have their say on who they want to represent them on their local council - which makes decisions on a range of issues which affect everyday life, including education, social care, housing, rubbish and recycling collections.

1 March 2022

Council to host third Gaelic Gathering

  Argyll and Bute Council is encouraging people to book their places for the third Gaelic Gathering, which takes place virtually via Zoom on Saturday 12 March. The event is free and provides an opportunity for organisations, community groups and individuals to meet with national organisations and share ideas on how they can work in partnership to help grow the Gaelic language.

1 March 2022

Investing in what matters most

Roads, schools, bins, public toilets and the local economy – all benefit from investment in the budget set today by Argyll and Bute Council for 2022/23. Council Leader, Councillor Robin Currie said: “We listen to our communities. This budget invests in what people tell us matters most to them.

24 February 2022

Bird owners urged to take action to protect against Avian Influenza

Argyll and Bute Council is reminding people who keep poultry and other captive birds to take action to protect them against Avian Influenza (A1). This advice follows a recent outbreak of Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in Greenland Barnacle Geese in the Republic of Ireland.

23 February 2022

£2m funding boost for Argyll and Bute community projects

Regeneration projects across Argyll and Bute will benefit from nearly £2 million of funding, following approval at the Policy and Resources Committee.   Almost £2 million of Scottish Crown Estate funds, and the Scottish Government’s Islands Infrastructure Fund has been allocated to support a variety of community-based initiatives.    Scottish Crown Estate funding is designed to deliver benefits for coastal communities with a focus on four key priorities: the environment, community, climate change and economic development.  

21 February 2022

Harm against adults harder to see during the pandemic

Information from the National Adult Support and Protection Scotland Independent Convenors’ Group The pandemic has made vulnerable adults less visible. As part of National Adult Support and Protection Day 2022 (20 February), people are being asked to keep an eye out for things that don’t look right, and to report concerns as an adult protection referral.

21 February 2022

Council to set its budget next week

“We must plan for Argyll and Bute’s long as well as short term future when we set the council’s budget next week.” These were the words of Council Leader, Councillor Robin Currie, following discussion of the council’s budget at the Policy and Resources Committee. Estimates show budget gaps for Argyll and Bute’s council services of £2.2 million in 2022/23, and as much as another £30 million+ in the three years after that. Councillor Currie said:

18 February 2022

Rural growth deal progress on track

Argyll and Bute’s Rural Growth Deal continues to progress towards the green light for £70 million of economic-growth initiatives across the area. At its recent meeting, the council’s Policy and Resources Committee agreed to invest £150,000 in supporting the development of rural growth deal (RGD) projects and business cases to the detail required to reach the next key milestone in the RGD process – signing the Full Deal with the Scottish and UK Governments. Argyll and Bute’s RGD focuses on the eight key themes, based on driving inclusive economic growth:-  

18 February 2022

Bids progress for levelling up funding for Argyll and Bute

Argyll and Bute Council will submit bids to the UK Government Levelling Up Fund, to bring up to £70 million to Argyll and Bute for two major regeneration and transport projects. One bid will be for an area regeneration/heritage town centre project, maximum £20 million, and the other a transport bid, for up to £50 million The regeneration/heritage bid – titled Argyll and Bute Western Seaboard Marine Gateways - involves proposals for Rothesay and Dunoon.

17 February 2022

Council confirms funding support for strategic events and festivals

Funding to support events and festivals that will boost economic growth in Argyll and Bute has been approved by the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee. Eleven events across culture, sport and the arts will receive support totalling £95,300 from Round 4 of the Council’s Strategic Events and Festivals Fund (SEF). These are:

17 February 2022
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